Shazzrah has lost 15% of its alliance players in one week

60:40 to 75:25 in a week, using census addon, can see data at wowclassicpop, check activity if you dont believe the data to be real, both factions upload daily

any chance of an intervention? :\


If we take into consideration how Blizzard treated the entirety of phase 2, I have very bad news for you, bud.

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very true :stuck_out_tongue:

Its a recurring theme, alliance get their asses handed to them, Alliance run. Nothing new. Would be embarrassed to be in that faction.


Would be embarrassed to be in that faction.

pretty much yeah

edit: i read this wrong; ganking alliance 10 to 1 until they leave server is not winning lol, you must be terrible at the game if you think that

what i actually meant is its embarrassing to play horde because of zerging horde morons claiming they are good at the game


And yet, I still see more Alliance groups PvP’ing than Horde. So it must just be the people who never wanted to PvP leaving, which means the world PvP enthusiasts haven’t really lost anything.

From what I see most of the Horde seem to stay in Ogrimmar, Kargath or BRM.


I’m one of those Shazzrah alliance survivors, please let the boats be free in menethil, and quit random raids of rogues inside of ironforge picking off people who are unfortunately tagged for PvP.

I’m a changed man, tired of getting ganked over and over by random horde parties camping our corpses dry, and keep on going even if they barely receive any honor in the end.
Makes me feel bitter


so alliance lost all their pve players

so as gradually more people quit over time theres noone to replace them, raid guilds collapse and everyone leaves server

at least open transfers so i can leave


Where’s the fabled classic community? Why aren’t horde players deleting their orcs en masse and rerolling to the other faction so the population is fixed?


Yeah no wonder no one wants to play them in pvp servers.

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there is currently 8 rogues in ironforge and 3 mages suicide farming

if its any consolation i dont pvp anymore because the server is so bad lol


Probably for the same reason the Alliance players on ZT aren’t deleting their gnomes and dwarves en-masse and rerolling to the Horde to fix the population.
Because they don’t want to play as the opposite faction.

im horde and i would swap alliance right now if i could

dont really want to reroll 30 days played though, didnt expect things to be this bad idk

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Every poll showed you that almost all servers will be horde majority.
Every guide tells people to go horde if they want to min/max.
Horde was always the biggest faction on all the private servers, even though many of them utilized faction queues.

I called this months before classic release and was proven right.


I could also swap Alliance if I wanted.
But I also don’t want to throw away several months worth of progress, my guild which I have had immense amounts of fun with and play a race that doesn’t appeal to me in a faction that has a long-standing history of being reluctant to participate in PvP.

yeah i played private servers too, i expected similar balance as old vanilla servers; horde majority but nothing like this

announcing cross realm BGs before launch was a mistake, on p server the pvpers went alliance for quick queues but announcing this made everyone roll horde for the racials and “quick queues”, well here we are facing long queues because literally everyone went horde lol

my point is youre right but i didnt expect it to be THIS bad

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Yeah. Well, we will see how bad the bg queues will be, if they really are going to be 1 hour + might be people wil reroll then.

And considering Blizzard’s response to everything is silence these days, I wouldn’t expect them doing anything.

yeah like people are going to reroll 4 months in with bwl coming lmao

honor and bgs should be in DAY ONE, no cross realm, encourages balance when one side has queues

4 months later? no

i have 30 days played

Alliance is not that into pvp,which i dont really understand why would u roll on a pvp server.Its mostly same groups of alliance players going around and killing horde.There is a lot of alliance on this server but 90% are just raid logging.


they dont have much choice, either raidlog or farm honor in 40 man groups and still get zerged by the horde in 80 man groups

they cant farm gold, cant go dungeon, take 20 deaths to get into raid on wednesdays

no wonder they quit lmao