Shazzrah has lost 15% of its alliance players in one week

Might be it will be needed if you want r14. If the bg queues are gonna be so bad and all the Alliance will go the way of Flamelash - so no world pvp - there’s no way you can get it.

personally im not ranking at all, i decayed this week because the ratio is so bad i dont want to make it worse

well that and i didnt plan to rank anyway, im not a fan of bgs; i just want some nice fair wpvp when bgs are released and its all calmed down, and that just wont happen here

Some would do it because they wanted a change during launch, Prehaps did not expect it would be such carnage.

Or did it because their friends rolled there.

Pro:Tip to pve lovers but hate bgs, Do not let you friend tell you too roll on a pvp server specialy as first timer - It most likely will make you unhappy, And i am sure your friends do not want you unhappy either.

It’s gonna get even worse when bgs are relased. Alliance will squat in the cities even more and get in instantly with premades, while the horde will be waiting in queues and ganking people who still level for honor. The only difference to current situation is that no Alliance lvl 60s will defend lowbies anymore, so…


yeah i know, this is the problem, its about to get worse and theres no escape or anything planned to help ratios whatsoever

im glad i havent been told to go back to retail and that i made this mess and i should sit in it yet though so thats nice

“they dont have much choice, either raidlog or farm honor in 40 man groups and still get zerged by the horde in 80 man groups”

That’s just not true,I’m usually in 5-10man group and we get plenty of honor and hold places like lhc/ubrs entrance for a while.Alliance just doesnt want to pvp since they think its all lost,from hearing theres little bit more horde on the server.

“they cant farm gold, cant go dungeon, take 20 deaths to get into raid on wednesdays”

You can farm gold,just avoid some zones at certain times.You can do dungeons no problem,few deaths might happen,also how on earth can you die more than 5 times going to MC,even if they are at the entrance of brm?

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Ultimately, no matter what anyone claims, it’s Blizzard’s fault. Making horde racials broken over the years, giving Alliance terrible stories full of memes and making us lose everything in Cata/MoP led to both hardcore and casual/story fans rerolling. And as far as retail goes, they finally killed Alliance in Legion when they changed Every Man For Himself and all the pvpers went horde too.

This mentality influnced classic too. Everyone wants to play muh horde, be it for the racials or because they were favored from their experience in retail and this is what it ended up as.


there is just over 5k average active horde players and just under 2k average active alliance players

little bit more horde


edit: i dont think its a case of alliance not being interested in pvp, its just only the actual pvpers have a chance to compete currently; whereas a casual horde player can tag a 5 man group in a 40 man raid and feel like a pvp god whenever he wants


If Alliance have low mentality (quit when they loose), Blizzard can’t do anything to fix it. I’ll not stop killing them, I don’t have pitty, it’s a PvP server, if you want to be in safe space when nobody can kill you, you know the point : PvE server is for you.

From what I see, there’s lot of PvP guild on Alliance side, so it’s only PvE player that left Shazzrah. Most of Alliance PvP player play in premade and use Portal or Dungeon to be in a safe-space when they loose, Horde don’t leave the place when they loose, that why they outnumber any Alliance group at some point. They don’t care of dying, most of them play solo, they don’t have healer with them, they just play the game and enjoy it,

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guarantee you horde would do the same when imbalanced

edit: i dont think its a case of alliance not being interested in pvp, its just only the actual pvpers have a chance to compete currently; whereas a casual horde player can tag a 5 man group in a 40 man raid and feel like a pvp god whenever he wants


If only you knew… So many alliance skeletons… Lothos would always be blocked by a bunch of tauren with insta hit bot to instantly target and hit you as soon as you rezzed before you are even able to teleport to molten core from your attunement.

That is but a fraction of what’s been going on against our side


probably true, i dont play retail so idk

this is why i like giving incentives to roll smaller faction, like instant bg queues with no crossrealm etc, but blizzard did none of this so here we are

which has never been reliable

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go on the website, check the activity and you will see me and an alliance player uploading daily for weeks

it IS reliable but only when people bother to use the addon and manually upload it, which we have been doing

admittedly on other servers its super wrong and unusable but in this case its pretty accurate

Considering the amount of people quitting due to the punitive emotions such as frustration from being ganked in wpvp “when they don’t even choose to participate” (which is a misunderstanding a lot of modern gamers have about classic’s design philosophy, that it’s meant to create a struggle and not be so extrinsic-centric in the reward loop like in modern games, including retail), this makes the post linked to above more likely.

We’re now finally seeing the true tourists leave. Once the frustration makes the losing faction leave their servers, the lack of wpvp will affect the other faction on the same servers.

What will remain will be the true classic players, and it’s meaningless to go too hard with trying to sort out the faction balance until then.

You can blame layering for making it too convenient for the tourists so they stuck around longer. Now the frustration is finally hitting them.

I still argue layering should’ve never been a thing in the first place and the population caps should’ve been true to the vanilla values, so the many consequences from this nonsense is what you’re dealing with now.
But wpvp would’ve happened regardless, even at times many players wouldn’t be “prepared” for it.

i definately agree, ive said before in another thread that i think they should offer free transfer to pve servers/open new pve server or something so they can leave, then faction change/server transfer/faction queue whatever idk to balance the remaining players, but i think most the playerbase would REE this into the ground if it was suggested

i read through that link and i 100% agree people are finally realising what PVP server on classic is like, but unfortunately it obviously hits the minority faction harder than the majority and we are seeing them quit alot faster on this server

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This suggestion is a censored idea in the first place, and should never be a thing, ever.

then 99:1 servers similar to retail are inevitable

paid server transfers will finish these ratios off if they dont limit them somehow, i dont see how they could though

It isn’t. You just don’t realise faction balance isn’t only decided by the amount of wpvp or the momentary faction dominance, but also has to do with IRL variables as well as consequences stemming from social networks.

You’re just using a hyperbole.

you think that shazzrah balance is going to recover? id love to hear how

im pretty sure its going to get much worse

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