Shazzrah has lost 15% of its alliance players in one week

With time.

Given enough time, lots of things can happen. People can pick up a new char there one day, since the influx of new players never reaches 0, and it just so happens to be a “slow” time on the server with not many people logging in anymore due to many different reasons, one popular reason being to have burned themselves out or just simply “raid logging” as it’s called.

You’re oblivious to true sociological patterns.

ive played on unbalanced private servers, people dont keep trickling in, the server just dies lol

most people are smart enough to glance at forums and see people complaining about shazzrah and roll somewhere else

how come the heavily imbalanced retail servers never recover then?

edit: this also doesnt address the fact that there is a much larger pool of horde players on pvp servers than alliance


The reoccurring theme is that you outnumber them but keep telling yourself that you’re much more skilled even though you rolled horde to give yourself the advantage in PvP.



Alliance has been dominating Stonespine for almost 3 weeks now… You know same server that some retards on these forums claimed to be 90%-%10 Horde…


you going to get banned for using that language here btw

also horde cry on shazzrah about being dominated and alliance being too many when they have 10 people in one place and horde have 50 in every other spot on the map, people are dumb and bad at the game that doesnt mean the imbalance isnt real


Grass grows, wind blows, sun sets and PvP servers will shift to one faction dominance, this is news to no-one

please dont spam your pve garbage spam posts on my threads, you can spam them everywhere else on forums like you do but its not relevant here, we are talking about pvp not pve goodbye

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Oh look, the fallacy of thinking private server patterns holds true for the official product…

What you again fail to realise, is that people aren’t committed to a private server any more than the emotional investment they’ve placed in the character(s) themselves. There’s no “glue” like it being a paid service that motivates trying just a “little bit more” to get past a frustration.
So they just quit when they don’t like the smallest little thing anymore. It’s a highly volatile situation, since they can just quit due to the first impulse they get.

Private servers also doesn’t provide options for easy access, so rerolling on other servers and others rerolling to that server doesn’t become as common as it is in the official client since that’s just a button press away. Which means a private realm just “dies” when the reputation goes poof but on retail there’s still that influx and rearrangement of players nonstop.
It just takes time.

Most people don’t check out the forum, considering the millions (presuming the huge influx of players returning for classic numbered at least a million then you can safely assume the player count is back to 3m+ in total worldwide when including retail), and yet you don’t even see thousands of posters, nor thousands of likes if it’s not an extremely hot topic that people were spreading in their social networks.

Forum-goers are but a tiny, tiny part of the player base as a whole.

Retail servers aren’t servers anymore, they’re CRZ shards with shared chat channels.

This is not true, it’s very relevant, in fact, it the link posts explains exactly how and why this happens -

LIterally don’t care, you all had an opportunity to transfer

I think I am done with classic because of Shazzrah, tried to reroll on another pvp server but it’s not the same to play alone without my friends and cba level up another char just to find out if it’s a good server or not

I’ll break it down for you using only quotes from my own post

“For as long as I can remember PvP players have been telling me two things. To get the most out of the game you need to play with on a PvP server”

“The nature of player vs player, when compared to player vs environment, is substantially more competitive as there is a “winner” and a “loser” as opposed to a puzzle to be overcome. All players want to be on the winning side, when this doesn’t happen there is a request for balance. What this ultimately is asking for a request “to change the game so I can win more often”.”

" Over time the desire to win has lead to three outcomes; class homogenization and faction imbalance, as player seek to point out any advantage one class over another and eventually re-locate where the imbalance favours themselves or stop playing altogether with the same outcome."

"I’m looking forward to Classic. However, I’m expecting the forums to light up with “buff”,“nurf” and “how to fix” posts as players express their discontent that for a situation they both asked for and initiated. While the initial experience of wPvP in WoW classic may be great each server will eventually be single faction favouring by the actions of the players on said server, as players adpot the “win at all costs mentality " that is ubiquitous in PvP. Leading a lack of opposition and PvP dieing on the server.”


what? on private servers you cant transfer to another server to avoid it you keep playing or quit, on classic you can transfer when things dont go your way and further damage the ratio, both end up with dead servers so this “glue” doesnt do anything, i agree your point makes sense if theres no transfers available though

yeah its true most people dont check forums but i still dont see how this means there will be any more alliance joining late than horde joining late, in theory it will be pretty much the same if they are oblivious to the server ratios no?

alright so this one i didnt know, i last played retail in legion and i had a choice of 90:10 ratio servers in either horde or alliance majority and not much else from what i could see

They weren’t servers in Legion either. Seems like you just weren’t aware of it.

yeah im not saying this is wrong, its pretty much spot on; my point is that you can have a really good experience on a PVP server if the right precautions are taken to ensure a RELATIVELY fair fight; people will always whine and quit but if incentives are made to ensure balance over time its the best way to experience the game (in my opinion) theres no need to say the PVP ruleset is broken lets all just go PVE when ive experienced a decent balanced PVP classic server and know its the way i like to play the game, simple as that

Again there is no way to fix this.

This i’ve already gone over …

Here’s another link in more detail

Warn players that a server is heavily unbalanced. - Players avoid creating characters on the server, minority faction players deleted toons, server imbalance is exacerbated.

Block creations of mew new characters of a faction. 9 out of 10 players who get this message post on forums. I want to play x faction with my friends/partner and they are on this server, there are no servers for me to choose etc etc

Faction specific quses, many servers no longer have queues, in the most extreme examples there would be no functional benefits and what this is doing is movibg from “other players are preventing me from playing the game as intended” to “Blizzard are intentionally and deliberately preventing players from logging in be design”

Change the racials/game ; #nochanges crew go mad

There’s just no way to stop this. If you play on a PvP server it’s just something you have to live with, talking about it will change it no more than talking about why the sun sets will prevent it.

No, it means it’s unpredictable. It doesn’t mean it’ll end up “50/50”.

i dont know then, i distinctly remember a while ago, not sure how long, i was trying to choose a server for retail and checking server balance online i found that nearly all of them were extremely high majority one faction, at least the high population ones were…wish i could remember more i apologise i know its not much to go on lol

Seems like you’re misinterpreting this part. It’s not literal per se, it’s more that faction balance doesn’t affect gameplay anymore. All of the servers are interconnected for almost everything now, so the choice of servers and faction becomes kinda meaningless. It was like that in Legion too, so you spent time researching something useless pretty much.

yeah that might explain it lol, guess i didnt understand the system

@Jajwynfas, as i cant reply anymore lol

regarding queues and/or blocking creation of characters, i dont care at this point, let people cry, for me faction queues for example would mean im stuck in a 2h queue every day or longer, i would have to reroll; AT LEAST i can then choose a server that will have a more reliable ratio which is controlled by queues, if i spent another month levelling on a server that had a slight imbalance and then blizzard opened transfers again and the entire faction left overnight like what happened with flamelash i would be stuck again, this is whats preventing me from doing anything as of now as im scared where ever i go could be ruined at any time