Shazzrah has lost 15% of its alliance players in one week

Imagine having your identity so strongly tied to a virtual in-game faction. Holy damn, one’s life must be miserable.

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You fail to see the point. 75-25 Horde alliance ratio, for alliance to move in world, it means getting killed every 5 mins. For horde to move in the world means free honor. Not hard to realize why so many posts are negative against wpvp. Most of us alliance wanted pvp, rolled on pvp servers, but what you got today is just boring, we all want to transfer away from these horde servers as there is no point in trying. 9 out of 10 times we try to resist and fight back, it takes about 10 mins to get overrun by even more hordes. If you yourself would be in this situation, you would sound exactly the same in your posts as the ones you are answering to.


Yeh. The ratio was good before phase 2, which was why i rolled up there, but i didn’t get to lvl 60 before phase 2 released, and now i am lvl 48, constantly camped by fully geared groups/raids charging after me the second they see me on their epic mounts. I cannot lvl at all. So i am rolling new char, while waiting for bgs, in hope of bgs going to fix most of it. I love wpvp, but this is not pvp. This is just farming 10v1.

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it’s a symptom of faction imbalance and people not willing to cope with it, minority numbers will always bleed dry and realms will turn into quasi-PvE mono factions.

it’s a roll of the dice, some realms turned into Alliance majority and Horde players suffer, vice versa for Horde majority realms, Blizzard provided no incentive or support for the less populated sides so it only makes sense that the majority just grew that much more oppressive and made the game unbearable for the few that did keep playing on the other side, it is ultimately player behavior that Blizzard should’ve tried to contain so that vast amounts of people wouldn’t get ostracized away from the game.

So hostile not enough to use even 1 brain cell these forums are like "drama game " such fun watching it, are you afraid to post from your classic char?

Or even BFA char so far you SCREAM a lot for lowbie level 10.

Try harder low orc.

Have you heard this before ?


wasnt it what majority of you cheered and wanted ?

what changes am i asking for? i’m just pointing out why things happened the way that they did.

What was thought behind this ?

After HOW MUCH Inicietives alliance gets in BFA 50% honor gain from random bgs/ normal /before heroic quaility item weekly for killing horde 25% resource gain is still nothing to make them go PVP,

That is some F alliance mentality horde burn them tree and they nothing just …

People in alliance are like … Princesses in castles and horde are like amazon warriors just …

As someone who plays both i simply do not understand this SO HUGE DIFFERENCE.

Horde fights for Faction pride just sake of it with 0 other reason.

Alliance does not even when they are attacekd/getting xyz bonuses for it just …So i foresaw this befor realese this is just some “sickness” in Alliance faction.

exactly as it says? Blizzard let the factions run the course of player behavior.

if you’ll look at the forums you’ll see Horde players making the same complains Alliance players are making if they’re in the same scenario, having to deal with faction imbalance isn’t an Alliance specific issue.

When i see 90 out of 100 and 10 is from some horde weaklings easy to miss.

And blizzard doing any action are changes in first place.

so Blizzard should’ve used the 7500 capacity servers they used in Vanilla? and only have a handful of them like they did back in the day? how mad were you that they opened up a slew of realms when they realized the 4 they gave us wasn’t enough? haha no changes right?

Yes no changes it is 2019 games are big as more in more stay in.
Perhaps you would be happier if your realm had half of population before?
And even less few months later on each classic realm?

Literally complaing about PLAYERS SO MANY ON MY REALM REEEEE!
What a complaint to have.

so the million players trying to get into Classic should’ve done so on 7500 cap servers for the sake of authenticity and they shouldn’t be able to complain because it’s what they signed up for?

Blizzard should also add artificial latency to help mimic the awful internet from 2004 to really nail that authentic Classic experience, and also optimize it REALLY poorly so it wouldn’t be playable on most computers. #nochanges

Tell your friends weeks later sorry we can not play together since “QUEUS” always up max players meanwhile you lvl up etc.

Sure great instead of playing with them.

They did

and secondly that made it so to be bein able to run on pcs from that age.

by the way i was completely serious about having a 2 month queue for Classic by the way, i wasn’t being sarcastic. #nochanges

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