Shazzrah has lost 15% of its alliance players in one week

another toxic solo ally player :smiley:

Then what the Fā€¦ are you doing in the Classic forums, and in this thread in particular, telling people how to play ?

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because retail is dead and forums are empty too :smiley: they coming here to talk about game they dont know anything about :smiley:

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Pvp is fun, getting gangrapd all the time may be fun for masochistsā€¦

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Go make yourself a lvl 1 Allytwink on Flamelash to see the future of Shazzrah latest when paid transfers are offered.

For me it is just hilarious, canā€™t stop laughing about this whole story with only losers on all sides. Just a little bit sad for the few Allies now stuck on Flamelash as the remaining Horde can at least enjoy a PvE realm now (but outcry will come when BG queues come and AQ opening - I am looking forward to this amusement).


I visited IF too, and it was terrible.
Stubborn hordies relentlessly attacking an empty city with a handfull allies defending a corridor.
And some tourists like me watching this pityfull spectacle.

I m horde in the heart but i canā€™t help complaining these ā€œLeftoversā€ and these stupid hordies from this dead server.

Blizzard failed, when pservers i used to play on, succeeded.

I never saw this during vanilla too


Too much raid loggers on alliance shazzrah the realm is far from dead

And once bgs release they will just sit in the city and queue

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Imagine playing horde on a 75-25 server and giving advices. Like a turing test of stupidity.


what are you some kind a forum troll ? I made my char at server launch day and shazzrah balance was fine till phase 2 it was close to balance like 55-45 horde ally ratio but when pvp started many ally players stop playing so tell me, how is this horde fault at this situtation and how can we know allys dont like pvp at pvp server ?

get off my post you garbage retail troll

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It was never 45-55 started as 60-40 at best. I leveled up with a friend and we were constantly outnumbered. And its not horde players fault, its just that your advice is laughable because you have no idea what you are talking about and think getting killed once a while is same as trying to ghostwalk into brd for 1.5 hours 7/24.


so the addon requires you to press manualwho button every 5 second about 300 times, but there is a way to configure it to scan every time you click the mouse while playing, takes about an hour to scan but it works fine when setup right, it just cant auto scan since it was nerfed thats all, and you need to manually upload the data to the website

Stop lying. Shazzrah was never 55-45, never, not even once. It was 60-40 at best during phase 1 and as one of the most populated servers 20% number advantage translates to HUNDREDS of more level 60s.

Shazzrah is now 80-20 and I guarantee you that it will become 99-1 just like Flamelash did, but it will simply take longer.


well maybe I didnt give any attention to ally numbers at first cuz of layers but when layer is gone it was fine until first week as I say also I dont defend mindless horde 40 man raid grps roaming maps, they are mostly retail playersā€¦ 5-10 man grps best for wpvp if you ask me but allys prefer to do wpvp solo when phase 2 launch thats the resultsā€¦ they stop playing when getting killed too much instead of grp up with other players. This is not about numbers believe many ally guild doing fine at pvp with less numbers. I dont care about shazzrah anymore too, just raid logging and playing with my new dwarf warr at shazzrah.

Dear Rushest,

Itā€™s not wpvp when 10 horde camp FP an kills everything, even the grey low levels trying to level up and then camp them till they have enough and log off.

Itā€™s not about getting other players to help etc. The sad part is, Shazz have locked ally transfer, otherwise - most of the alliance would have already migrated away from this server.

You can say all you want that Alliance is this, and that. But you keep forgetting one thing. Behind those alliance players are real people that just have enough of getting camped like that all the time and they will stop playing. As many of them already stopped. Shazz will very soon be the next Flamelash but without ally migrating, but leaving the game instead.


Already doing soā€¦

well I think horde guilds waiting for BGs que times for transfer, if xrealm bgs work fine, they will not migrate but if we get long que, they will think again about transfer this timeā€¦ Many players dont transfer because of their guildsā€¦ almost all guilds at shazz use council loot system and they spend long time for that. We will see whats gonna happen 2 days later

All the good guilds are on gehennas

One mistake is considering 55-45 as balanced in the first place because thatā€™s not balanced, that already means that there is 20% more Horde than Alliance. More important than that ist that most Alliance players arenā€™t that much into min maxing and PvP because otherwise they would play Horde. Horde racials are far superior in PvP and therefore nobody should be surprised that dedicated PvPers roll Horde.

I donā€™t think that PvP servers can be saved (maybe some of them will be fine but a lot others will die just like flamelash) without doing changes to the game. The system is too flawed, it rewards grief play too much and racial imbalance is a thing. You probably donā€™t even need 50-50 servers, some dedicated PvP guilds changing to Alliance would probably enough to ā€œcarryā€ one side. Personally Iā€™d buff Alliance racials, give the underpopulated faction a dynamic stat buff (on Alliance populated servers it would be Horde with that buff tho) and allow people to faction change. Server transfers will just harm the faction balance per server even more, they donā€™t fix the issue that there are more Horde players out there.

This reminds me of a discussion with a friend months ago in which I claimed that PvP servers in Classic are doomed with the current system. Balancing world PvP with 2 factions is actually pretty difficult without having the effect of one side snowballing the other. A three faction system so that two sides can team up against the dominant faction or an everyone vs everyone/guild vs guild system would be far easier to implement.