Should sylvanas become a high elf again?

well, if she comes back, id rather have her leading the alliance. tired of stormwind leadership, bunch of wusses who like to die or become corrupt.

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no gen.2 high elf during warcraft 3 after the fall of quel thals?

i understand that concern well, but bfa backfired and faction war make no sense an most palyer want close that chapter for all.
The possibility is there that Turalyon goes wild but would piss of then the alliance and we became an SoO only in blue, which nobody want (ok- with execption of erevien)

you can gladly have the corpes of the angry blood elf lunatic, everyone on the sever would thank you.

how about abou a (Communist) uprising? waves a red flag :cn:

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It was never really elaborated upon how Arthas&co decided who is gonna end up as what. The Rangers usually ended up turned into Dark Rangers, the ones deemed as impressive warriors became DKs and the others sucha s mages could have become San’layn, who would make others into San’layn based on their fancy. That’s about the best speculation i can come up with.

I suspect she will have little desire to do big leadership, when she does return, unless the situation somehow comes to demand her stepping up. You know that kind of Ronin/OP Wanderer/Rambo 3 trope.

Well Dar’khan didn’t have the means to make Death Knights and those who did had other concerns. We know of a few joining the cult of the damned, in Scholomance, but at that point you could have someone get kidnapped from Quel’lithen lodge…


In the DK Intro Quest it is said for Kaldorei too, that your character born and grew up on Teldrassil despite the tree only standing for at best 6 years so I would not give so much on it for the whole race. Additionally many undead high elves that died during Arthas slaughtering of Silvermoon seem to go to the horde.

Actually it whas once though I do not find the source of it anymore. It whas elaborated on how Ner’zhul and Arthas decide who they gonna make for death knight and while gnomes and goblins where more of a maccaber joke, Blood Elf death knights where drafted on how much they annoyed Arthas aka on how much they resisted, and Draenei where mostly turned into death knights the more light believing they where because Arthas wanted to corrupt them while Ner’zhul did not care for those blue goats. Tauren and Orcs are mostly choosen by Ner’zhul because of their sturdy body.

I will make the blood elves great again. Once Bob is dead and Kael takes reign again then the world will be at our mercy. The alliance will be defeated and with their downfall marks in a new age of prosperity for the rest of Azeroth.

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Sounds like the Arthas novel, from Christie Golden. There isn’t much dialogue between Ner’zhul and Arthas depicted outside that book.

let’s be real here the alliance will NEVER attack first it’s always the horde that starts it and that’s not going to change because of some wishful thinking from our side the horde will always be the aggressor so if something happens with Gilneas it will be because some dummy in the horde started crap the fact is that steve and his team aren’t remotely talented enough to write any faction conflict that comes out satisfactory for etc side

let’s not forget the AMAZING outcome of who burned the Tree we totally didn’t see that coming oh wait we did it was not even a plot twist because it was the dumbest option possible the horde comes across as having learned nothing from garrosh and once again supporting another war crazed warchief despite rebelling against the last guy who was just as bad people say the alliance is dumbed down but we come across as clinically brain dead in compare

the devs had said ever since metzen’s time that they don’t like writing for the alliance and thus they will never start or do anything they will always put minimum effort into the alliance side anyone who put in the last nearly 20 years in the game will know that the alliance has gotten crapped on ever since cata

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Sylvanas was always a high elf, an undead one, but still a high elf.

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And she is still loyal to the Horde. She will return and aid us in killing the council. The Horde will be freed from the reign of tyranny imposed by the peace mongers like Baine and Thrall.

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ah yes “loyal” i guess in the demented mind of erevien loyal means selling the lives of every living being on azeroth to the jailer for her own selfish goals and motivations you might want to look up the definition of treason you will see the Banshee hoe is the the poster girl for it face it she got away lightly she should be suffering in chorgast for all eternity rather then just doing maw dailies

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Not just azeroth, literally the whole cosmos/reality would have been resetted. Also… Was Sylvanas a dumbass? How could she have overlooked the jailor’s intention to just see her as a tool for fulfilling his plan? Hopefully we get some quiet and peace from her for the next two expansions at least…


She partially accomplished her objective at the end of Shadowlands, anyway…now the new Arbiter will take family bonds and love relationships into consideration before sending souls to their “correct” afterlives which is what she wanted originally and the reason she thought “the world is a prison” because with the previous Arbiter and system people who loved each others were not going to see each others anymore ever in the Shadowlands anyway

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Sylvanas is the rightful Ranger General. And Kael’thas is the rightful heir to the throne of Silvermoon. That is not up for debate.

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At this point it’s kind of splitting hairs. The only living Blood elf, who would have a heriditary claim on the position of Ranger General is their cousin Lady Liadrin, who hasn’t done a day of rangering, in her life.

Vereesa technically could claim it, if she decided to reincorporate the Silver Covenant into Quel’thalas, but that’s a very fat juicy IF.

Do you have a source for that?

Why? Sylvanas is not dead. She is still there. She can return from the Maw at any given moment. Same for Gallywix and Magatha. There are many criminally underrated characters the Horde can draw their future from.

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The Sylvanas novel.

She is doing essentially what she has set out to do, when she learned about the Maw. We’re not going to see her until that’s finished or there is some sort of severe issue, which would require her to give someone a hypersonic vibe check.

The goblin PC is technically supposed to be the Bilgewater cartel Trade Prince anyway. Gallywix sticking around was just a bit of a “dude what?”, from Cata era Blizz.

Is generally brought up because she isn’t Baine. That is an extraordinarily low bar to clear.

Yes. Blizzard regularly does many Horde characters dirty, especially if they rest outside the “noble savage” contradiction, which only ever works until put under scrutiny.

That bar was created by Blizzard back in MoP. Mister Baine “my people are a legitemate target to be killed by alliance forces” Bloodhoof. Magatha is popular among the community because she is not a passive stick who’s literally only gimmick is to be a close friend of the leading alliance characters aka Anduin and Jaina. That is literally the only purpose of Baine. Making sure the Horde has a friendly connection to the alliance. Outside of that he does not exist as a character.

Well that would be stupid. You can’t make a player the leader of a race. Gallywix got the job because he has the most money and connections to get the best technology. Even rivaling Gelbin in his Mech suit. I rather have that fat stereotype leading me instead of another Baine esque character(Gazlowe) who is checks no marks on how a typical Goblin character should behave.

She is benched because Blizzard can’t figure out to bring her back into the story without having her getting killed by Tyrande. She is still a fan favorite but Blizzard has written her into a corner where its too hard to justify her getting any presence with the Horde again. If the fandom was allowed to vote on the matter I am sure she would be welcomed back with open arms.

I have the english version. Which page need I look on for that?

It was set in Cataclysm, but yes he has the unfortunate distinction of helping the Aliance basically every time he appears. Which just doesn’t gel, with the vibe of Garrosh and Sylvanas being “”“ruthless paranoid tyrants”“”, as we see other characters done in, for much lesser offenses. Maghata herself is better by the virtue of not being Baine, but honestly not having a leader at all or having an all new character would be better than Baine.

That was the Goblin starting zone story including that Gallywix tried to enslave the remainder of the Bilgewater Cartel only really changing his tune,w hen he got vibe checked by the PC and Thrall. He is rich, because he is at the head of the cartel not the other way around.

Basically yes, but that’s because Blizzard set out to tell a story, but then didn’t so they kind of fudged it last minute. Leaving her on the back burner, for the time being is the right thing to do.

I have the Audiobook so can’t give you a page, but i recall it being mentioned at one of the parties, when describing the attendants.

The Tauren suffer from something many Horde races have gone through. Having your racial leader killed off or villain batted or both after getting bad writing. Trolls lost Vol’jin, Undead lost Sylvanas, Tauren lost Cairne, and the blood elves lost Kael’thas. Their replacements are poorly handled and to be honest if you compare them to their alliance counterparts it shows quite clear how they stand no chance in a direct confrontation. Shadowlands had offered us the perfect solution to that problem. If the afterlife gets destroyed all those souls would have returned to the world of the living. But Blizzard didn’t have the guts to do it so the Horde races are still left with a trash story that ends up nowhere.

And guess what who’s responsable for his death??? DRRRRUUUUUM ROOOOOOLLLLLL DADAAAAA: It’s Magatha who convinced Garrosh to cheat in the mak’gora against Cairne and poisoning his axe so Cairne would be easy prey for Garrosh. Kind of anticlimatic to have a leader who basically killed one of your most honored tauren heroes in warcraft history, eh? But you will just cope that away, as usual. :slight_smile:

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