SIGNUPS CLOSED [Rp-PvP Campaign] War on All Fronts: Howling Fjord - Jan 6 - Jan 13

This game is so much fun.

when you said you didn’t need to name them I assumed you meant Perroy & co, now that I hear it’s alliance I need to know more.


Anyone else who can’t log onto Discord?

Sadly courtesy works two ways and if you want to target out individuals (esp. those kindly organising extra events for more than half of the campaign’s attendants) /go as low as calling them pedos for no apparent reason, then you shouldn’t be surprised when people stand up for their friends.


Right back at you brother.

Thank you for the fun campaign, Chook! I wasn’t able to attend all of it, but the part I’ve been here for was incredibly fun. It’s a shame that the Alliance curbed it with their childish behavior.


Wait what?


It was a good campaign Chook, looking forward to more Horde-only ones.


If you ever see someone from ‘Perroy and co’ doing anything like the honestly pretty morally bankrupt things the people in question were doing, let me know so I can immediately remove them from the guild. : )


Many Horde guilds decided to back out because of the behaviour of several Alliance players in the discord last night (and throughout the week though less extreme)


Looking forward to seeing Stormbinder being brought to justice, real shame.


Events last night have put me off RP-PVP forever.

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I gathered as much but I’m kinda gobsmacked at what was suggested that happened.

looks at u posting sadly with a blank guild tabard on


Sad to hear of people behaving so badly, in a campaign Chook put so much effort into no less.


Well, I posted on the wrong account, but yeah. It was terrible what happened.

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you mean like spamming @s in discord and screaming OMEGALUL!!! for two weeks straight, gotcha


It was a very cool campaign, would definitely sign up to another one hosted by AD’s own Chook!


So… Despite the post at the beginning suggesting it was an order from High Command, including a Call to Arms… this has now been changed to there having not been one? Seems a little bit of a poor show that.

Whilst some of the behaviour of some Alliance members is pretty poor, it’s not fair to suggest the Horde have not been well behaved either. There have been some real stunts pulled, on both sides. To allow the OOC actions of a few to sway the IC Alliance victory to be “questionable”, puts a huge dampener for both sides I think.

That being said, I have thoroughly enjoyed RPing with those I have; both Horde and Alliance. Too bad OOC seems to have got blurred to the outcome of the IC objectives.


its unlikely that i will ever be brought to justice, unfortunately for you im dodging the bus ur trying to throw me under rlly easily, im not ur dad and didnt force u to post any questionable images, grima wormtongue