SIGNUPS CLOSED [Rp-PvP Campaign] War on All Fronts: Howling Fjord - Jan 6 - Jan 13

Sadly I wasn’t part of any nude slingering, but alright. I only pointed out the fact that the original leakers were part of the same guilds circle that are trying to gain the high ground right now.

Cheating that the Horde did was also ignored, so that’s pretty even.


RP and game mechanics don’t mix well.

Proof right here.


never said it did, i condemned the transphobic ‘rant’ (which was rly just a snipe between two guys that didnt like each other) and we didn’t cheat, so try again

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hmm one says cheating happened on both sides and one denies it completely.

c’mon gang get the stories straight.


I’m sorry we’re not a PCU hivemind.


I get it, webs of lies can be hard to maintain.

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Guess you’d know!


Wah, wah, baby Horde want milk! Someone fetch us a nipple!

Wah, wah, Alliance posted a gigantic buttocks in gif form!

Wah, wah!

I’d also like to mention that even small mistakes like using a stun once in restricted pvp is counted as cheating, which is something that happened on both sides. But being honest isn’t appreciated, it seems.

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no but koiffen, you see, ortellus the wise told us there was no cheating whatsoever. No one cheated, do you not understand? Would you dare doubt his wisdom?

Anyway, this event was fun at first, let’s not further spoil it’s legacy by defacing this thread, make a new one or something for the drama about it.


Its legacy is salt on both sides. There is no good ending here and it bugs me that OOC drama was allowed to influence IC at all.


That happens every campaign. I don’t think anyone really cares if anyone accidentally stormbolted someone else next to the utterly vile behaviour Chook described.


Punish the individual then, not the group they latch onto. Blaming all Alliance players does no-one good and reflects badly on the Horde too.

Somehow I’m completely unsurprised that the person in this screenshot is involved. He has a pretty substantial track record for being utterly revolting at every opportunity.


the killing begins

Why is stunning someone being compared to leaking nudes?

I think it is clear which is more harming.


I didn’t attend this campaign simply due to my own guild not being a high enough level to enjoy the Pvp aspects but it is heartbreaking to see Argent Dawn splinter and divide as it has done so. I have no idea what happened but perhaps we should all just cool off rather than be at each others throats? It never results in anything good.


Though they would return home with this victory on their backs, their actions would, surprisingly, come into question by High Command. The order to march on the Fjord had never came from them, and they question the assault of a land they have no current plans with.

Imagine allowing bias to influence you so much that you create a false narrative, invite people to it, then try to “Gotcha” them at the end.

Good event thanks to the people who didn’t consistently treat it as a game of “I MUST WIN OR I AM NOT COOL”. Shame to hear about the OOC ongoings that were below the belt and unfortunate, but still pleasant to see how well it was handled in the last moment.

Big props to Grim Gest, Frozen Paw and Sun Hawks.

Hope for something similar in future.


Thank you for the campaign Chyou. I had a real blast RPing with so many different people and I hope to do so again. It is a shame the campaign ended like this but for what it’s worth, I enjoyed it.

Stay cool. o/

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