SIGNUPS CLOSED [Rp-PvP Campaign] War on All Fronts: Howling Fjord - Jan 6 - Jan 13

You did that ooc


I had a lot of fun with this campaign, a lot of the drama seems to have stemmed from the discord channels, where I wasn’t present so I guess the lesson to be learnt here, don’t organize via discord where Blizzard can’t use punitive measures against this behavior or perhaps permanently disinvite the troublemakers from future events.

Kinda like a blacklist.

Regardless, thank you so much for a few nights of pretty awesome RP.


Yeah, so why didn’t you intervene?


Well evidently they can’t be forced to remove people from their guilds, but the fact remains that people are under no obligation to continue cooperating/RPing with them if they shelter that kind of behaviour. If Blizzard were to punish them for that (as you’ve strangely made the focus of your posts), then that would be an indictment on their policies and enforcement, not the guilds who want to distance themselves from disgusting actions.

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But the Horde announcement has no mention of any orders from ‘High Command’ either? They’re both written in their own stylings that implies such. How is it meant to be hinted at that Alliance was being duped, but the Horde haven’t been?


Dude, he didn’t make this up. This outcome was literally decided before the campaign was even announced. Deal with it.


Deal with using OOC to push IC consequences? Nice.

And yet when I have suggested this in the past I’ve been railed against for even alluding to this being optimal allowing maximum emphasis to be on the roleplay instead on the need to “win.”

Funny how times change :man_shrugging:

Simmer down folks!

By attacking the arguer you only show that you cannot attack the argument. I understand people are hurt but do try to voice your concerns and arguments with a degree of good will and focus your attention on the argument itself not the individual who makes it.

We are all reasonable people that just enjoy role play at the end of the day. If some unfortunate things have happened, we should simply put them behind us and move on.


Can you not read with that helmet on?

I didn’t take part in the PvP stuff (didn’t sign up) aside from one time where a PvE thing with some ambushing Vykrul turned into a bit of very tame RP-PvP. Generally speaking, as with most campaigns, the camp roleplay was pretty sublime.

It was nice to get out of Stormwind and roleplay with the more guilded faces of Alliance roleplay; which I don’t always have the opportunity to do.



Dude, he didn’t make this up. This outcome was literally decided before the campaign was even announced. Deal with it.

Then he failed to mention it in the organisation of this event, and was being intentionally misleading on an OOC level to try and rig an outcome due to bias.

Pretty obvious.


To clarify, the victor was not predetermined. What was predetermined was that the orders weren’t actually coming from the victor’s high command.

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Where in the OP does it say that the campaign was decided beforehand? Why bother implementing points? This seems very misleading to me.

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No, he was trying to prevent metagaming. And from the looks of it it was very justified.


The campaign wasn’t decided beforehand, the deception was. The position of ‘winner’ was still up for grabs regardless.

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No, he was trying to prevent metagaming. And from the looks of it it was very justified.

How would the information that this was not a decision permitted by the Alliance be in any way secret, or inaccessible to everyone present at the time?

The answer is that it wouldn’t be. Your excuse is ridiculous.

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It was really fun, I thoroughly enjoyed. The bad stuff is, well… whatever.

Still, it was fun and the overall interactions I’ve had were amazing.



wouldn’t be great deception then wouldn’t it?

Based Three Hammers standing up for quality Alliance RP