SIGNUPS CLOSED [Rp-PvP Campaign] War on All Fronts: Howling Fjord - Jan 6 - Jan 13

Alliance can’t understand plot twists lol.


Letting everyone in on the secret of the campaign seems pretty counterintuitive to it being a, you know, secret. Spelling it out for everyone prior to the campaign would probably ruin the impact of it entirely. :man_shrugging:

It seems like a poor stick to attempt to whack Cheaoka with anyway.


Not sure it’s a plot twist if it was done in smoke filled backroom.


Heh heh, alliance sure got fooled! I bet it was those Void Lords their faction serves.


Did you get mad when Thanos succeeded in wiping out half the universe as well


Despite what happened in the end, reading the announcement of this event was why I broke down and subscribed again to take part from the sidelines. I don’t regret that in the slightest. If nothing else, I have seen the fruits of the storytelling already and I was there for only one day to see that all happen.

The Horde has had some storylines established from the chain of command. At least, as far as I can see. I think that there’s room for RP in addressing the politics that will flow out of the decisions made in this campaign and I look forward to seeing or hearing about that. I’m all about military politics, especially medieval fantasy ones where the conduct is not as robust as it would become in, say, Victorian England’s navy, but rather a mix of bragging rights and might makes right and inter-faction diplomacy.

I regret not having been in time to sign up for this event and I look forward to the next one.


I don’t care for comic book nonsense.

Man, you must hate Game of Thrones.


Well… to me it’s not metagaming at all.
My guild presence in a campaign can easily fall into how we IC get the orders.
So sorry but no thx. Be clear the next time - but to me large scale campaigns, unless otherwise clearly specified, are not coming by random citizens or whoever plastering posters or so on the ‘call to arms’ ‘warfront’ kind of stuff.

Long in short, stuff it with the High Command as you desire.
Won’t playing along in that very specific department.

Want to organize things - make things clear.
Since our whole RP to be there was started about the High Command ordering us there, I am not going to change any of that.

And I’d not be surprised if I am not the only guild leader who had this very reason to be in this (or other) campaigns.

I said what I required to say.

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I’m fairly sure plot twists are meant to be at least built up to, not just suddenly thrown out of the blue. Makes for a bit of a bad story. Like the grand old “They were dead the whole time!” or “It was all a dream!”


Actually the High Command sending us here is intellectual property of the 10th Brigade and our unrelated event prior to the campaign.


Calling it a “Plot twist” is not only disingenuous, it’s a lie.

This is not something that would’ve been hidden, or unknown. And failing to establish it as part of the narrative is either down to a mistake on your part, or an intentional misleading on your part because of the bias you seem to have.


be alliance

farmers are being conscripted

get orders to march out en-masse to an otherwise ‘dead’ zone

Yeah that’s not strange or suspicious at all, right? Just because you didn’t rub two braincells together didn’t mean there were 0 indications.

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Did you establish this with the rest of the organisers on the Alliance side?


Thanks for the enjoyable campaign, Cheaoka! And also all participating players, of course. A shame that it apparently exploded into back and forth mud-flinging, though I think that like with all things, there’s probably gonna be bad apples at both sides.

Regardless, the Lightsworn had a great time, RP-PvP opponents always played fair with us and I hope the many people we fought throughout the week remember us in the same way!

Standout MVP for me was the new Elixir of Tongues, the back-and-forth during the battles was great! Also Alliance-wise, the smooth cooperation and especially lack of infighting was a breath of fresh air.

All in all I’d say it was a very enjoyable RP campaign, and I’ll remember the RP fondly. Much love, and see you on the battlefield in the future!


I did offer to help out on Alliance side, you know.


Would be nice if we were at least told this OOCly. Imagine crippling someone else’s character as a twist without telling them OOCly first. RP requires consent OOCly, no matter how much you twist it.


no no, first you say ‘oh darn sorry for accusing you of being biased and meta-gaming’, THEN you go on to another accusation.

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The accusation hasn’t changed. I have no idea who Ashiraya is, but they are not >the Alliance organisers<.