SIGNUPS CLOSED [Rp-PvP Campaign] War on All Fronts: Howling Fjord - Jan 6 - Jan 13

I mean its entirely within their right to ignore it, after all I keep hearing the repeated line “as long as you have a sub and interested people, all rp is okay.”

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No offense intended but I’m gonna have to request you to repeat that in calmly written, understandable english because I have no idea what you are saying.

Sounds like a terrible plan, do… they not think a brigade going to war would not be noticed?

The ships sailing them to Northrend?

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Because it makes no sense. From a story perspective, it’s a bizarre thing to hold as an eventuality. It then brings into question why the Alliance over the course of a week did not somehow hear from Westguard that a skirmish was taking place. If they didn’t hear about it at all, why did nobody at Westguard question it? What proof or seal or letter or approval would’ve proven the sudden arrival of Alliance forces was reasonable?

It’s a dumb decision designed out of faction bias, which is something I previously only grew to expect from Blizzard writers, but apparently roleplayers aren’t exempt from this kind of behaviour.
I am glad that the campaign for the most part, was interesting and pleasant. What irks me however is the pervasive sense of favouritism that has been ongoing by the organisers.


destroys the sword easily

Charity battle of the century.

I think that is certainly an interesting plot twist. I might have delivered it differently myself but it certainly is interesting.

My big ‘fear’ about that kind of twist would be that someone might have stopped to say “Hey, where are all those Alliance/Horde orders sailing off too?” But I suppose to a certain extent most of the guilds there are separate from the actual military of the game.

I think most folks, myself included, misread the final post as it seems to imply that only the Alliance were tricked, specifically by the Horde, into coming out here to attack. With the full context this now makes more sense.

What might be interesting now is for the Alliance and Horde commanders to try to chase the source of these lies. Who sent them? Who stood to gain from the conflict? Is Kotobuki actually allowed to fly that loud flying machine so close to the ground?

I hope we’ll see stories and events about this, I hope that the twist will be used to create even more role play. Heck, it might even sew discord between those who took part “That Ortellus fellow seemed to be in command, it must have been his fault! But then that Perroy fellow knew a lot of what was going on too…”

All in all an excellent campaign despite the arguments. The twist could have been a bit clearer but it is certainly interesting!

I look forward to what happens next.


Forcing consequences is not cool. OOC communication is key and was the one thing lacking in this campaign’s ending.


An ideal world, we would. But in a world where players think it’s OK to leak nudes, go on personal and political rants toward other players (when it has no relevance to the RP or the game) and generally act under the notion that there’s no consequences for acting this way, we’ve got a while to go yet.


That is not very nice of you friend

yeah this is like opening your mars bar and finding a snickers inside it


I will add that my core criticism of Blizzard is that a shell game isn’t the same as retelling the Oddessey. Leaving people in the dark isn’t the same as leaving people in suspense. I won’t change that criticism just because I think this event was handled as well as it was. There’s always something to improve.

I think that it’s fair if people on the Alliance side are frustrated about the intended trajectory by the organizer. But mere frustrations can be mended and I think that it’s important that we all remember that. So let’s learn from this mistake and the reasons why this mistake was made.

As Chook noted, she felt that High Command shouldn’t be actually involved. There are myriad reasons why she might think this is true, but let’s say that that is the consideration. There could have been different solutions to that problem. For example, she could have had a story of intrigue with a general pretending to speak for High Command be found out. Or she could have discussed alternatives with the Alliance leadership.

Regardless of what Chook could have done, also think about how we could have contributed to her being able to employ those alternatives. Could the Alliance leaders have volunteered alternatives in some way? Did they give enough room for her to offer alternatives? Could the Horde have been involved in concocting an alternative? Like, for example, the Horde forging the letter sent by the Alliance as a means to draw the Alliance to the Howling Fjord in lieu of a different battleground?

I wasn’t here. I can’t say what the solutions would have been or should have been or that there were even solutions possible. But I would appreciate a frank discussion on what could have been done so I can take it into consideration myself if I wanted to do something similar one day.


One must question why that amazing buttocks is even on the internet to begin with.

So instead of a tasty snack you get a slightly different albeit still very tasty snack? I see no huge issue.

Imagine going “By the way, Alliance commanders and co, you’re all doing this without approval from High Command. You know, that thing you probably would know about.”

The required lack of brain cells to say “It’s just a plot twist hurrdurr” is staggering.


If it is any consolation it hurt, I was soaked and I nearly caught a cold!

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An ideal world indeed, alas when we have players resorting to doxxing and harassment as well this isn’t likely going to happen. It would probably work out better if we divide ourselves with a digital barrier.

If you can’t compromise with someone - why bother dealing with them?

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You realize this twist applies to both factions, right? Read the Discord chat again, analyze if either Horde or Alliance are mentioned (hint: Its both) and then complain about favouritism.

Hell, why do I have the feeling that if the Horde pulverized the Alliance then it’d be the attendants going “cool whats going to happen next” instead of this mudflinging circus show you neanderthals are conducting


Should’ve put on a coat, silly Orc.

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I would like to place down my own two pence into how the campaign was conducted and formatted.

Firstly, I would like to the organiser for setting up the campaign. For in such I met a vast many of great people on either side of the battlefield who allowed for a great chance to establish new contacts, as well as new foes to face within the field.

Just to name a few I would like to thank the Kestrels Company, Three Hammers, Of Hammers and Hallows, Sons of Silver and a great many many more. As well as the Horde members who I had hard clashes within the field and also grown a small rivalry with a few. You know who you are Barlows and Wormjaw!

I would like to move onto a more critical comment upon this campaign. Now then, to establish at first the High Command had sent forth the Call to Arms is direct and correct. I do not believe ANY Alliance player within their right minds would go to a battlefield and commit an act of aggression which would lead them to be then lead to a Court marshal upon their return to Stormwind.

So for the Organiser to suddenly go “Ooooh, it wasn’t the High Command it was a mysterious being of unknown origins!” That to me is underhanded and a sheer display of salt. Which I would rather not have spoil my wonderful time RPing. Granted the signs of Horde Bias was evident since day one, especially when battles was ongoing and pressing into Alliance favour when the numbers on both sides was playing by the rules.

Granted. People did ruin certain elements of the Campaign. Be it from miscommunication OOC, or that from someone not abiding by the rules. It’s rather poor to see that the Organising side of this campaign is what let it down drastically.

In other news. The Discord for the RPPVP should of been kept to just the Guild leaders and One Officer. Not to have a cluster of every person going “TOP KEK!” or “MEME!”. I understand a few people wish to enjoy the community, however it is evident that some people just simply wish to spoil what was at the start a good enviroment.

Yet seeing now as the Organiser is pulling out plot holes like it’s a Steven King film. I’m sorry, but no. If you wish to tell a story, then tell it. Don’t change it around upon a whim thinking “I don’t like the Alliance! HORDE FOREVER!” That is just petty and rather childish.

To put it bluntly;
3/10 for organisational skill
6/10 for RP PVP
10/10 for RP
1/10 for waste of supplies… You know who you are!