SIGNUPS CLOSED [Rp-PvP Campaign] War on All Fronts: Howling Fjord - Jan 6 - Jan 13

Bless you!

I agree. It’s what I do these days. At this point, I have no interest in investing my time into playing with people who can’t act with any basic empathy or decency toward each other :man_shrugging:


Yes, she does. No, she won’t acknowledge it. These blueposters are in a frenzy and are denying reality to protect their ego.


I guess that happens when you go to war over a letter with an unknown origin sending you to a strategically unimportant territory when you are already stretched thin, and you don’t suspect anything?

I don’t think Chook could have hinted at it any more without making it obvious enough to cause metagaming.


:frowning_face: in ten characters

But that would mean I have to hide away this magnificent, green-skinned, tattooed body. It would be a disappointment to too many if I had.

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Same, if an individual or a group of individuals can’t extent common respect and courtesy towards someone for having a dissenting opinion, they can retreat to their hugbox all they like and perform conciliatory “gottems” to one another until the dawn rises.

No I received a sealed letter from a Battlemaster in High Command.

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evidently u did not

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t Chyouk ask the Alliance to gather up and elect their own leader IC, outside of High Command’s influence (aka, what the Horde did) - only for a weird quasi-campaign discord to be made privately to decide the leader on an OOC basis so they can say HC sent them? I don’t think the latter was the organizer’s intention, honestly.


Expect snickers taste like absolute dogsh*t.

You are objectively wrong.

source: me

evidently i did because it was the premise of my events


Heres your source grabs crotch

[he remembers drums of war and the darnassus leadership discussions taking literally hours with no result or decision. he weeps softly]


“wtf i wrote my own headcanon around someone else’s events and it didn’t line up perfectly”

at war with reality.


this was not ur event

You’re the type of cretin who enjoys Bounty.

i am in ten characters

I’ve really enjoyed this event, tbh. Don’t know why you’re all so upset.