SIGNUPS CLOSED [Rp-PvP Campaign] War on All Fronts: Howling Fjord - Jan 6 - Jan 13

tbh teyha, i don’t usually disagree with you on such matters but if you’re going to brazenly lie I can’t defend you

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Trying to keep up with this thread in real time is a challenge.

At least there’s no need to constantly refresh.


bounty lol

Objectively the worst thing anyone has ever admitted on these forums. COCONUT AND CHOCOLATE ARE A BAD MIX.

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''The Horde had picked it clean of any and all items of value before moving East to fortify at Vengeance Landing and prepare to sail home.
Without any competition, the mainland of the Howling Fjord could be claimed in the name of Alliance operations.
Though they would return home with this victory on their backs, their actions would, surprisingly, come into question by High Command. The order to march on the Fjord had never came from them, and they question the assault of a land they have no current plans with.

To the North, the Horde already had operations underway at Conquest Hold. They would rebuild the Howling Fjord in time on the back of the industry to the North.

Had someone played them for fools? It seems possible. But it was all too likely that the culprit would not be caught.’’

I read nothing about the Horde being mislead or unofficially sent to Northrend? It looks to me this was purely aimed at the Alliance since it was not stated otherwise.

One day, perhaps!

no but the 10th brigade mustering /wargames etc. were, chook knew about them and didnt get involved at all, and especially didnt get involved when I said “High Command appoint [my character] to the role of commander”.

Unpopular opinion: the new forums are based and cool.

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I’m going to be doing a followup event for the Horde where it’s covered.


understandable I’m sorry that I have hurt you so, it was not at all my intention, I hope I can ever gain your forgiveness and maybe beat up some dwarves with you, little one.


Popular opinion: Wrong thread

Is this the discord you booted me out of over some MS paint table?


this happened inside your own head/ur own discord

no, actually, it was in your campaign discord in the channel that you made for us so that we could organise this stuff

it went on for several days and not once did you stop me OOC, so…


((begins lying rly quickly)))

Having participated in the campaign, I’d like to thank Cheaoka for organizing the whole affair. It was entertaining and well-managed. The majority of nights went without any extreme lag due to how the different battlefields were spread out. There was plenty of opportunity for the majority of players to engage in roleplay with both factions, during prime time and during the less active hours. In terms of the roleplay, it was a pleasant experience.

There were a few issues, sure. The faction imbalance started off as troubling and towards the end, bordered on obscene - and this was even before the Horde suffered internal conflict and started fracturing.
Some elements of the Alliance’s leadership could have been understanding of this and could have worked on balancing things out. From what I observed, this didn’t happen. Instead, I witnessed what I believe was a lot of crying over points and a desire to win even harder than they were already winning.
Almost every single Horde victory (and there were far fewer Horde victories than Alliance victories) seemed to be hotly disputed by certain Alliance players who appeared to feel like it was stolen from them. Considering that the Alliance was destined to win due to its sheer numerical advantage, I find this sort of unnecessarily competitive behavior to be absurd.

But I won’t let that detract from that fact that the vast majority of Alliance players and guilds were absolutely brilliant.

Fantastic Alliance guilds that conducted themselves excellently and were a pleasure to fight against include:
Of Hammers and Hollows,
The Three Hammers,
Spellweavers Symposium,
Kestrel Company,
The Naz’kahet,
And many, many more.

So this independent nobody would like to thank almost everyone involved, for providing us with a week of brilliant fun.


lets get someone to scry chook’s brain because guess what it happened lol

Maybe you should stop talking about things you had nothing to do with, Hanazu.

Also forgot to say, thanks to those who joined Raes and I on our early morning adventure to salvage in Wintergarde for parts.

You guys were champs.



i wish the lordains could live in my brain but there are no longer enough of them to go around everybody

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