SIGNUPS CLOSED [Rp-PvP Campaign] War on All Fronts: Howling Fjord - Jan 6 - Jan 13

I’m LGBT, so I don’t think you could levy any real accusations of homophobia / transphobia @ me. I call myself that sometimes, I’ve got the F word pass.

Good times in Tokyo.

Relating to the campaign Discord specifically there were comments from Lordain peeps like this stinking up the room (I wasn’t paying much attention, tbqh), which is quite typical to the stuff they usually like to post:


Part of the reason for horde pulling out was people being transphobic, but yet you’re not standing against a slur that affects other members of the LGBT community?

This thread is devolving into personal insults and cringeworthy edginess. Is this what a real faction awar looks like? :thinking:

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insert sonic the hedgehog quote here.

Don’t worry I’ll let you have post 1000 if you slide me a fifty.

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Pretty sure Ortellus’ screens showing Chook saying bad stuff are fake by the way.

Which is telling.

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But if you didn’t move because it was OOCly clarified High Command wasnt involved, yet the IC organization / news looked legitimate you would have been metagaming.

People went with assumptions because they can’t read into detail. I guess that’s no longer just a Demon Hunter thing but rather widespread.

I’m not sure that’s how it works.


sounds like a personal problem for not thinking about your actions, something you’re proving to be very competent at in this thread.

This second: Someone posted. Thanks blizzard for autorefresh.

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tbh this discord you’re all linking sounds awful


the african american people would have words with you.

The whole x said y on discord is a bit :question: as it’s just cheap snipes when using dark humour/politically incorrect language is a very common thing on gaming chat groups. It especially becomes strange when it’s targetting people who are part of the denomination they are ‘mocking’ (I didn’t want to assume/say this before Yue confirmed).

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What an idiot you are.

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hindsight is 20/20

So because you’re a transgender you can’t hate homosexual people? I’m pretty sure that’s not correct.


ad discord

someone get the audit logs

I am homosexual.


When will you accept fallout 4 is the best story driven fallout

The argument still works the other way round.

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easy to say when she just deleted them LOL


I’m LGBT in a country that has very direct very severe repercussions for being gay (re: death) and you accussing me of being transphobic because of a meme I posted about you getting creamed in unrestricted is p. distasteful considering

that’s also a pretty poor card to play because it isn’t rly an excuse, belonging to an oppressed community doesn’t give you the pass to bash another sect of it ?