SIGNUPS CLOSED [Rp-PvP Campaign] War on All Fronts: Howling Fjord - Jan 6 - Jan 13

never ever.

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People are flagging this, but it paints a significant picture of some people’s attitudes in this game. This behaviour isn’t acceptable - these people should’ve been kicked from the campaign.

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Fallout76 is better


Come join us on fallout 76

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Well, nice to see the usual suspects Drama’ing it up and giving AD it’s ‘stellar’ reputation all over again.

Have fun with the rapid-fire ranting and finger pointing until Monday, I guess?


That does NOT give you the F word pass, just because you’re alright with it doesn’t mean everyone else, also homosexual and honestly offended that you think it DOES give you the pass on that.


Unironically Fallout 76 is better than the bandwagon likes to meme…

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I don’t buy that for a second.

Careful, lest you find yourself on the wrong end of Marty Robbins’ Big Iron.

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There are no good Fallout games.


Not even New Vegas?


i dont work quick like that, ask gobbert ofr that bro (( i only have ms paint))

How dare you

Not even New Vegas.

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doesn’t mean it didn’t happen lol

Finally, someone who gets it

Also based. It is the only Fallout where you join the Enclave and get to run around in a really sleek Enclave uniform wasting people

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A letter forwarded to the officials in Stormwind Keep, although a ‘leaked’ copy intercepted by a maverick reporter finds itself plastered upon a noticeboard in the city.

It is in these trying times of strife and of victory that we must learn and reform our strategy with each new battle. The signatories strongly condemn the conduct of one LUTHER DENHOLME, whom over recent wars has continued to serve as a wrench in the warmachine, leading to the otherwise preventable deaths of many stalwart soldiers as a result of his incompetence in the role of a leader.

The man in question has performed a number of stunts which are garishly unbecoming of a soldier, let alone an admiral:

Luther Denholme proved an issue in the Silverpine assault, wherein the man went against and undermined the orders of Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Mortlocke, his selfish and power-hungry intentions evident in his approach towards the chain of command in place at the time. When his plot came to fruition, a considerable amount of ground was lost through numerous military failures, losing the lives of brave men in the process.

Luther Denholme showed an uncontrollable violence towards Seneschal Sallien Harrow, going as far -- in his unjustified fury -- to strike out and disable her, despite the fact that she was at the time a part of the circle of officers organising the vital defense of elven lands. It is a sickening fact that avoidable issues such as this struck deep the moral of our troops and wasted precious time, all of which certainly allowing the situation to devolve into what we all know it as today; a tragedy rivalled by few.

Furthermore, eyewitnesses report Luther Denholme and his band speaking with the Horde during the small hours in Tirisfal, the lilt between skirmishes. The content of these discussions could be a harrowing discovery, and coupled with Denholme’s past relationship with prisoners -- stemming back to battles in the Borean Tundra -- it leads one to suspect a treasonous subplot which must be investigated.

Therefore, we request that Luther Denholme’s command beyond his own forces be terminated until he hardens his resolve and fights with a renewed conscience, so that future wars are not hindered by the weakness of mind which has plagued them for too long.

Discussed and supported by:

Justicar P. Flamecog
Sergeant Trevor Dunn
Knight-Lieutenant Alerick Averdale
Archmage Aureol Squall
Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Mortlocke
Master Sergeant Vajs Nightgazer
Major John Byrke

On an unrelated note i’m glad to see you finally got the tabard.

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looks at camera

that word means nothing in gaming chatrooms, especially when used in any context other than specifically attacking gay people.

Hi everyone following this topic like a lifefeed~ Hope you’re all having a great evening.