SIGNUPS CLOSED [Rp-PvP Campaign] War on All Fronts: Howling Fjord - Jan 6 - Jan 13

Fresh campaign meme still subscribe today


Wonder what those homeboys of Tom are gonna spell out.

Is it “banter” to randomly start directing really hurtful insults @ me in a public discord, then, as as happened in the past?

simply epic + lol

You can’t get off the double tap train, shortshanks

Multiple people replying

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Yeah this is true. Since you mention it, it makes sense the way chook wanted it done as per the original post, and I would’ve understood if he had made it clear that the method of appointing a commander was directly related to an IC thing that would be clear later on. There was a consistent thing of being quite vague when it came to certain aspects of the campaign etc.

The way we did it was so that whoever got the commander role could run the prelude RP in a certain way, and chook had access to most of those conversations + generally stayed clear. I think he specifically said he would leave us to it.

Either way, I guess I’m the one to apologise for that in some way? I don’t think the Alliance reaction to this news would have been any different, though.


That be a healer I spot in thar picture of yours laddie?


To be fair, I have to give kudos to those Goblins because they didn’t run away all the time like a little bicth (Ironic).

nice guy of course

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Don’t ask me, I don’t do that!

Not having thread caps is gonna come back to haunt Argent Dawn, isnt it?

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You managed to trick us well on battlefield and escape the dwarven hammers.


I, for one, welcome our dwarven overlords.

I don’t think Chook could have risked dropping more hints than he did. There already were a fair couple clues that something was amiss, but any more than that and you open the metagaming floodgates.

Be, all you can be. Dwarven Arm- HEALERS



Well According to the Novel “War Crimes” The alliance believes one is responsible for the actions of all other associated, so sorry bud, but Tyrande says your guilty of not only that but also all ERP any other human player has done.


You know what’s truly wholesome and inspiring in this thread? Ashiraya upvoting posts made by Perroy. Sometimes we truly can all cooperate; there’s hope for us yet.


druid fashion. you should definitely try it some time.

yeah but troll like animal sexy séx rp, so ur guilty too troll, pwnd!

I’m sorry, War Rapists?