SIGNUPS CLOSED [Rp-PvP Campaign] War on All Fronts: Howling Fjord - Jan 6 - Jan 13

I’d like to come!

Boen Fairbanks, one man army


okay, smokes, W.E.I.R.D. Company shall join the fray!

Guild Name: W.E.I.R.D. Company
Estimated numbers: 4
Guild Reps: Framarr, Melawen

Reason: The Kaldorei are hungry to stop the Forsaken and their plans!

Edited to add a reason.

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This campaign has a pretty cool layout!

Count on me that I’ll be there!(If allowed)

Alyndaria O’Brien

All alone

EDIT: Corrected grammar mistakes

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Always happy to come for more friction :smiley:

Alas’trias Silverwing

Alone (Sin’dorei Loyalist - Not representing the Argent Crusade)

Reason: To ensure Silvermoon’s safety and dismantle any future Alliance incursion on his homeland.


This does look very well thought out!

I’d love to come by on Cinidri and fight for the Alliance, most likely as an individual.

Looks like a good chance to fight Alas’trias and Squire again too… :dagger:


I can’t believe the Alliance will die by my hand real soon. :dagger:


Something need doing?

Foreman Zog tell Domp and Womp and Gonk and Thurd and other peons dat they going to cold snow place for new holiday and more work-work! Dis like Winter Veil, Domp wonder if Great-father gonna be dere? Maybe dere even be sweaters and hot chocolate!

Domp so excited he can no wait to meet new friends and dig hole and make spikes and clean outhouse in new place!

(The Peon Union will be coming along. Expect 2-5 simple-minded workers to be helping the Horde war effort - of course, they’re peons so they probably won’t be fighting.)


En-Liu Ashfur signing up.

Those Alliance are looking very lively. Let’s remedy that.

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This should be interesting

Call of the Silver Hand
Members: 5-6
Restricted RP-PvP

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The Blazing Gryphons will attend!

The Blazing Gryphons
Members: 6-12
Restricted Rp-PvP

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As the numbers are now maximum over 120 for the Alliance, any further Alliance signups will be restricted until the Horde falls within 10 of the current Alliance count (112 minimum).

Thank you for your understanding.


Would love to attend looks like fun!

Guild Name: Nightwing Sentinels
Estimated Numbers: about 5 people
Contact: Nytasae

If the Horde numbers increase, you will be added to the list!


Grimace here. I hope there’s room for another individual!

With a bit of luck, I’ll be tagging alongside one of the present guilds!


These campaigns, I like them. ANOTHER!

Guild: Sons of Silver
Number estimate: 6 - 8
Restricted RP-PVP
Contact: Dervial


If there is still spots the Kestrel’s will gladly come!

Guild: Kestrel Company
Number Estimate: 8-10
Contacts: Tedde, Acthorne, Blackweald


Hi, we would love to join the fun! :revolving_hearts:

Guild Name: The Sunreavers
Estimated Numbers: 10
Contact: Iona, Tahadras, Delabellora.


Why be excited about Christmas, when you can instead be excited for Chook’s campaign on January 6th? Fellow Horde players I urge you to join up! The more the merrier.

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If there are spots for a guild I’d like to register the Rose:

4-5 people, me for contact or Koiffen.

if no guild spots then as an individual.

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Looks like quality, so after polling the guildies, we would like in please!

Guild Name: Spire Division Zero
Faction: Horde
Estimated Numbers: 10+ at peak.
Reason: Spire’s orders.

Thank you very much!