SIGNUPS CLOSED [Rp-PvP Campaign] War on All Fronts: Howling Fjord - Jan 6 - Jan 13

The Sin Zaram/Blood Blades, Signing up.

Estimated people: Ehhh 3 for the moment.

This looks really fun and who do not love Northrend ey.

Aaah. This seem like great fun.
Alliance Guild
House Gael’thon will attend with 5-10 High Elves.
Restricted PvP, if you please.

I believe Alliance is currently locked out, due to numbers.

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Unfortunately all Alliance sign ups are closed mate. Only until Horde number increase.

What happens when people join the RP anyway (without signing up as individuals), for example people who don’t read the forums and stumble into it in Northrend?
Will they be asked to leave? What if they don’t want to leave?
Will they be ignored or treated as griefers and ganked because they are ‘illegal’ participants if they enable pvp?

I highly doubt anyone will ban you from RPing during the campaign. I imagine these sign-ups are only for the RP-PvP part of the campaign, so if you aren’t on the list and you do decide to hop into the fray, you may come across as rude and be asked to leave the battle.

No, I do not think so. We can’t just say “Yeah, sorry but you aren’t wanted on this war. Go home.” If they actually grief, then we put bounty on their heads, send out snipers and swat their home.

The Falconwings would like to represent Silvermoon City’s behalf in this battle!

Estimated 6 members

3-7 Battalion soldiers and a Pandaren poacher!!!

Hrm. Did I do something wrong when I signed up The Three Hammers? Because you appear to have skipped both us and sixth legion.

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There’s a queue for Alliance while the Horde catch up.

Come on Horde, more signups! There’s only one more day until signups close!

I realize it was most likely a mistake, but you added Hilted Rose before a number of groups that had queued earlier (Including TTH), but I now see you have added those to the list which is good (Excluding TTH). Considering that the sign-ups end tomorrow I hope to see us on that list then. Cheers.

I’d made an agreement with Hilted Blade regarding their attendance earlier and neglected to add them to the list, so I felt obliged to despite the numbers. Apologies if that caused confusion.

I would like to sign up as an individual. Looking forward to the fun!

Hey, just a heads up, we’ve been on the waiting list for a bit now.

Has the Covenant been left off that list? Sorry to bother you.

Considering we have put our appliance before Hilted Blade or 6th legion, i thought we’d get on the final list before them. Is there any other criteria or am i mistaken?

You signed up after 6th legion and as I said, there was an arrangement with the Hilted Blade but I forgot to add them sooner.
If the Horde catch up, the next on the Alliance queue will be two individuals and the Three Hammers.
If you can link me to a post you made before those I might have missed, then I’ll add you.

I think this oughta do it :stuck_out_tongue:

That one is after the sixth legion.

True enough, Wanted to help, saw there was 2 6th legion posts.
Do not mind me <3

If you don’t make the list this time around, don’t fear! This is my first big rppvp campaign and plenty can (and likely will) go wrong. If it goes well, then there’ll definitely be another to follow soon enough! And that one will be better because of the experience I get here.