Silvermoon should stay Horde

And yet they did the same with the NE

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I never been there mate. Lorewise we are already gone and I stick to the real canon unlike the angry nelf and helf fans.

Blood elves are a virus and we are the cure.


Where were the blood elves at this battle when everyone fought and die for his side?

Tbh they didn’t release much info on Midnight and all we know is Northrend and Quel’thalas are getting revamped. Silvermoon could be wiped off the face of the planet for all we know at this point, so there is little point kicking and screaming until TWW is over.

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Not because you cared, but because you feared they would do it to Silvermoon.

But don’t you see, they id it to Darnassus and to Silvermoon (alliance), and to Dalaran and Shattrath - we’re over it, our races have shi*y places, the original homes of the void elves and night elves from the lore are now in the hands of the horde and after ripping them away, you don’t think it’s fair that they get a slice of it.

You clearly weren’t playing Warcraft round those times. Saying the blood elves would join the horde was what was considered crazy…but look what happened aye.

I know you do, and while you are entitled to your opinion, and can make demands, just know the irony and hypocrisy of it. be honest, don’t say they should, and make demands, instead say I want and make requests.

This shows you the type of person you are. That there are many who can feel this way about it doesn’t make it any less abhorrent, this is not the same situation as seeing a beloved city invaded by human enslaving aliens or baby sacrificing monsters, and you’d rather burn your city than let it fall into their hands, this is saying that about a group of people that called it home and were robbed of it, people who took principled and good decisions that resulted in the loss of their cities to them, and while they have survived outside, you would rather destroy their city (also your city) than have them return.

Now that is abhorrent.

You are admitting at least that Sivermoon as an alliance city was destroyed, so it’s okay for alliance cities and races to keep having their cities destroyed constantly and shared, but you demand that once aligned to the horde, they should be utterly spared that treatment and never return to the alliance or at least be shared… right.

This is not a good, noble or healthy way of thinking, and I hope blizzard just does it so people like you stop harbouring these poisonous sentiments by removing the cause for them. Once shared maybe you will get on better with your fellow players, who are in fact real people, unlike the race you enjoy.

Sylvanas was the only elf depicted so we can ask the same about you there :joy:

The gnomes and Goblins weren’t there either. Blood elves are expensive to make. Bu Lor’themar was there if you ever played the Horde side of the scenario.

Cowards people and murderer.

Remember Theramore

Where were the gnomes!!!

Various races were missed out.

Not the blood elves fault. Garrosh was punished mind you.

50cm we can see them because camera was to high

Not the blood elves fault. Garrosh was punished mind you.

Sunreavers participated

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I love that excuse LMAO!!!

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No they didn’t. Aethas cleared his name and we exposed the lies of Jaina.

You smoked too much fel’, demon.

Aethas knew what ll happen

The kind of alliance supremacy going on here is exactly where Blizzard went wrong for the story. They pandered to you and now you feel entitled to own the last nice thing the Horde ever claimed(Silvermoon).

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Idk man, Suramar looks a lot better.

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it is stuck in being hostile with enemy mobs while only Nightborne players can visit the Hold. Silvermoon is open to all Horde races.

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Silvermoon will not stay Horde because the game now is about peace and love between alliance and horde . Unfortunatley this is the trend now.

It happened once and everyone hated it so I rather not see Blizzard repeat this mistake.

Does anyone actually not factor in with the expanded Suramar and Trolgrus, that perhaps neither Alliance or Horde are getting Silvermoon? Maybe, Alliance should be looking forward to Telogrus Rift and maybe that being the Alliance’s place of rest byte whereas the Horde and the Sin’dorei specifically, move to Suramar - hence why that’s being opened up for Horde only?

Maybe none of you will be getting Silvermoon…and the Horde will still have it’s big magical Elf city and be the ones to claim said city, but it will be Suramar. (Which I’m down with to be honest. Alliance can have Telogrus, Horde has Suramar.)