Simple QOL AV Improvements

I expected idiotic replies from some Alliance apologists, but not that idiotic. Christ.

You are always free to roll on a PvE server, by the way.

you are in wrong forums, go back to retail ones

I don’t play retail anymore.

Faction imbalance isn’t an argument against allowing premades in a battleground that doesn’t allow them, either.

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Horde is free to roll as Alliance.

:rofl: :joy: :joy: :sweat_smile: :rofl:

This is like the 10th time i read you type this, you are by far one the most salty and toxic persons i’ve ever read on these forums, i just wish i could ignore you.

Blizzard have said that they don’t allow several people to join as a group. We don’t join as a group. We join solo but end up as a group.

That must be the 10th time some retarded horde player crying about queues or premades. Also you are the one who is crying, so that salt is coming from you.

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I seriously hope you get banned forever.


Horde remains having a queue.

If you want to live in a bubble where noone calls you for your retarded ideas get out of internet.

Such a hypocrite right there. :slight_smile:

Ending up as a group by exploiting the queue system. Queuing as a group isn’t allowed for a reason. You can try to twist your words to suit your narrative all you want, but you’re still exploiting the system to bypass restrictions.

Exactly this. I am an Orc, but I hardly get feared at all. And the few times I get, I use the PvP trinket. Its not just that Horde has better PvP racial, its just that alliance does not seem to be very focused or doing their best effort in AV (no surprise really “OMG loose fast!!”)

You are a meme

Changes are made already since day of release

Still #Nochanges.


#MemeReview #NoChanges #PewdiePie

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