Siren Isle is garbage

I won’t deny this but with how the seasonal game have become is impossible to adapt or become acceptable in raid~m+at this point

The wall that someone that start now to overcome to do perhaps hc raid or m+ like 8+ is way harder that by itself create a negative experience for the players .

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I don’t do dungeons or raids (anymore), so I’m fine. :slightly_smiling_face:

fair enough:)

The ring has been bis since all gems were available. It was only weak during week 1 start because we could only get 3 gems and it was stated that this was/is the reason why the ring was trash during that time. After the hotix around 6 days ago it became bis because of the rest of the gems.

Siren isle and ring are ok in my book and that is enough for me and my money, I enjoy it when i go there.

I dont think Siren Isle is particularly great content, but its enough to fill the gap until the next patch and thats what matters to me.

I like that it’s small and compact, but yeah, I don’t understand the durotar / badlands Classic WoW plain orange texture design. Remixed tracks from BfA bring back good memories tho.

It’s possibly the ugliest zone in the game. Even Maw looked nicer than this.
Even the textures in some places look super bad.
I am always excited about new zones and content, but this island is the worst ever.

Wish it was at least like one of the Island Expedition islands, but this place neither has the looks nor the fun factor.

Remember Timeless Island? Mechagon? Even Forbidden Reach had more charm to it than this place.

It definitely looks like VERY rushed content just to keep us busy until next patch – but it’s not really keeping us busy, given how small and uninspired it is.

Anyhow, here’s to hoping next patch zone will be grand (I liked what I’ve seen so far!)


I havent even set foot in it yet!

TBH though I knew fromt he very first reveal that I wasnt going to be a huge fan of this expansion…the themes and environments just didnt appeal to me at all.
Im basically just treading water this expansion until the next one!

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I know the feeling
Underground places are not my cup of tea

Meh, Maw is more ugly and dark. No feel about WoW thing. Also more annyoing than now isle

Siren Isle better nice than Maw

I’m grateful that the island is small and doesn’t take long to do the weekly tasks, because I don’t really want to be there. It’s content I don’t care about, paired with annoying bugs, taking time I’d rather use for something else.

I think I’ll just ignore it for a month then run catch up loops when it’s fixed.

Well at least it is small
But still have the Island expedition horrible AI
A damn huge lobster chased me all over the island refusing to lose agro, and aroudn the third lap managed to end up i na rare so a group killed it


Lobster never forgets, never forgives.



True. But we soon get flying after we maxed upgrade ring and unlock it.

Maw is still no allow flying. It’s awful.

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Impressive kiting skills though!


I like the gameplay of the isle, it is just such a grind. Only a handful of weekly quests, one run on the first character earns around 2k iron, on the second character around 1200 iron. If I wanted to buy all transmogs from the vendors, I would have to gather 81,350 iron in total. 11.1 will most likely hit in February, that is roughly 6 weeks away. That means to buy everything from the vendors, I would have to earn 13 558 iron per week. This means farming the content repeatedly on different characters until I get bored to tears, if I wanted to finish this content in time. (I’m not sure if we can earn iron with 11.1 Undermine content, the same way 11.0.7 does not offer resonance crystals and kej.)

And, I have not even been able to buy everything from the vendors for resonance crystals and kej, so I need to farm that too.

I just unlocked the mount…the birb.
This has to be one of the most unholy grounds ever…
Even doing Winterspring in Vanilla was more pleasant than this.

Was able to kill Bloodbrine today. Camped him for over 3 hours and when he finally spawned I didn’t pay attention. Luckily he respawned a few minutes later.

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You can kill it quite easily with the bombs. But it hits hard. :face_with_head_bandage:

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