I spend more than 13€ on coffee a month. Does it matter how well it compares to say gamepass when we’re talking cents per hour for quality entertainment on both fronts.
If a service no longer meets your needs for whatever reason (including cost) you stop paying for it, that’s it.
My look at money is this
If you can’t afford someting instead of creating weird comparinsons in your head why this is more valuable then this. Think about how to make more money.
If a subscribtion for wow is personally to you expensive stop paying and go working on yourself and your career.
I do not own TESLA car cause it’s expensive.
I’m also not sending messeges to TESLA company so they rethink how much tesla car cost because i can’t afford it…
I work and one day i will have the money till then i will drive the car i have now.
It is about choices. What makes you happy or not, those kind of choices. 13 euro can still be a significant amount of money. But when you get a lot out of it it is a fair choice.
But then it is also a fair complain when in the end it turns out a disapointment.
I have a good job and I make good money, and 13 bucks for a month of WoW is nothing for me.
But that’s every month.
And an expansion is roughly 2 years long.
So if I want to be along for the whole journey, then it’s not just 13 bucks.
It’s 312.
Plus the cost of the expansion itself, which is 50.
So 362 bucks to play a WoW expansion from beginning to end.
That’s a lot for a video game. And there are no microtransactions or account services included in that tally. It’s just the cost of being able to log in and play.
If we’re going to make the argument that 362 bucks to play the entirety of a WoW expansion isn’t expensive - full stop - then we have to make it from the perspective of a filthy rich individual. And most people are not that, and they never will be either, even if they go out and work some more.
WoW is an expensive video game to play. Relatively and categorically speaking.
Blizz shooting themselves in foot once again. Whoever allowed another no fly zone after Shadowlands/Maw/Korthia disaster needs to be fired. So much Dragonriding/Dynamic Flight to end up with this horrendous mini zone with nothing to do.
Stilldon’t think that’s the problem; the zone is extremely small, one doesn’t need flying… BUT there should be more fun options to overcome terrain obstacles to get to rares, like walls to climb or grapling hooks etc. I now there are’s soem stuff to get around, but while doing my dailies there I haven’t encountered them so they seem quite hidden.
Well, honestly I’m not affected by such a thing. I play what I like, which has been BM hunter for the last 20 years. At the start of TWW I got told ‘BM is horrible now’ and such things… I didn’t notice. How they played didn’t change; so I was fine. Of course there is a limit; if I’d die constantly on even the simplest pulls out in the world then I’d complain; but it’s never that extreme.
The only reason I would stop playing BM is if they would completely ruin the mechanics of the class for me and make something I no longer enjoy playing. And if they did that; I’d quit the game, right then and there.
As for alts: All my max level alts (which I hardly play anyway) are also BM hunters.
It’s my opinion that Blizzard doesn’t ‘punish’ players with balancing; it’s the players who punish themselves.
Sure, but S2 starts around february. Also the goblin “surfboard” mount looks cool LUL.
I’m not gonna defend it tho, it’s indeed repetetive but it’s still better than the big a$$ isle we had in DF where we had to fly from one corner to another and gearing took way longer.
The ring being still bad after the buffs is nothing suprising, exactly the same scenario played out in DF, you’d think they learned by now.