Siren Isle is garbage

If it is meaningless to you, dont spend money on it? Im getting my moneys worth and then some, even compared to most other games, if you wanna talk price value.

First of all expansions are 50€, not 60, secondly its not every year, its every 2nd year, wich ammounds to roughly 2€ per month, plus the 13€ sub, totalling 15€ per month. Tell me, where else do you get hundreds if not thousands of hours of entertainment at that price?

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Expacs are different in every country it seems. I payed around 60.

Also keep in mind, i’m a new player. So i will scrutinize everything to see if i am getting my money’s worth. You are all veterans with hundreds of thousands of hours. So you are numb to it and may ignore certain things over the sunk cost falacy.

I dont have that issue. I am indeed having fun, but i am seeing some alarm signs in the forums for the future of the game that i am not liking in the slightest.

Money is equal to time of your life. Time you spent working instead of living your life. Even a single cent has worth.

As for where i get that entertainment value for that price, i am STILL playing Baldur’s gate 3. And with mods and updates i will still be playing it next year. And i only had to pay once.

And i can also talk about skyrim with thousands of hours thanks to modding, or the souls series.

lets not act like blizzard is the best thing since toasted bread. WoW is a good game, yes, but its hardly the best.


It takes less than a hour of work to earn 13€ wich in turn gives you a month of arround the clock access, id say thats a pretty good deal.


Cool. So you are happy with this arrangement. Awesome. One less customer complaining.

but blizzard isnt just working for you. Its working for the several million that are playing.


And for every one person who comes inhere to complain, there are hundreds who never even visit the forum because they are too busy enjoying the game. Theres a reason you see the same faces over and over inhere, the WoW forums are a social club of people who love to argue, it is not a accurate representation of the actual playerbase.

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I dont really have a lot to complain. I’m just a social guy so im here to socialize :slight_smile: . I wish druids were different, but im very happy with my main (SV hunter. Even though people want it to be ranged or a tank -.-)

But i do have certain expectations from a subscription based game. Plus, players opinions do influence Blizzard on in game decisions (correct me if im wrong)

So the opinions of the majority of players will directly impact my own experience in game. This is why i am so vocal about keeping SV hunter as it is and not allowing cross faction stuff or remove war mode.

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I’d say the gaming industry as a whole has a lot better deals to offer for those 13 bucks than Blizzard’s WoW subscription.

Which is likely why the people who play Retail WoW are overwhelmingly veteran players, because coughing up 50 bucks plus 13 recurring every month is not very competitive in today’s gaming environment.

Most people will take those 13 bucks and grab a PlayStation Plus or Game Pass subscription instead, or grab some discounted games off of Steam. And they’ll take their 50 bucks and buy a premium game with high critical reception.

If it was otherwise, then there would be more people playing Retail WoW. But there isn’t.
Ergo, Retail WoW sucks because of its price or its quality - or both.


Nothing wrong with that, especially as a new player, but after a certain ammount of years, people should know what to expect from this game, yet to some, it comes as a complete surprise to them every time Blizzard release anything. That is why im here, i find it entertaining to ruffle the feathers of those hypocritical haters who seem to loathe this game and the company behind it, but just can’t seem to let it go and move on with their lives.

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Yet, here you are, playing their game and paying monthly for it.


Yes, but I am also slowly laying the groundwork to rid myself from this game.


Its really easy, ill help you, Next to the big blue play button in the launcher there is a cogwheel, if you click it, you will see a uninstall option.
Dont forget to cancel your sub, under account settings at

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But it’s actually not.

If you’ve grown attached to something over a long time, then detaching yourself from it will also take a long time.

And I don’t want to quit WoW in anger or out of boredom, so the process of quitting is a bit more delicate than it may initially appear.

But like I said, I am laying the groundwork for it, but it’ll happen on my own terms, which for me is the conclusion to the story. It’s a bit like with Game of Thrones. You can see it’s starting to become pretty bad, but you’re committed to seeing it to the end. It’s the same here. I’ve played for so many years that I want the ending, so I’ll stick around until this saga concludes. But in the meantime I am definitely going to reduce my ongoing subscription to be far more infrequent.


Fair enough, you do you. I just think life is too short to spend on things you dont enjoy, each to their own.

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But I wholeheartedly agree!
And I used to enjoy WoW a lot. Having played it for more than 20 years I would say most of those years have been very enjoyable.
So the self-realization that it is becoming less enjoyable to the point of not being enjoyable does trigger the process of quitting the game.
But because there is a history of so many years with so much enjoyment and so strong attachment to the game, the simple act of quitting is all but simple. You are inevitably saying goodbye to something that means a lot to you, so it has to be done on the right terms, so you don’t end up souring your own memories.

So spare me that snarky “Just quit!” retort. Blizzard damn well knows most players are deeply attached to the game and the Warcraft universe, and that they can squeeze them for more money because of that, and skimp on the content quality without drastic consequences. But they should be careful over there in California that they don’t bite the hand that feeds them, because player goodwill is not some unlimited currency they can fall back on again and again and again.


Apparently it is, you said it yourself, people are too attached to quit. But its easier to come up with excuses and expect others to do what you wont do yourself, right? If you really wanted to quit the game, and i mean REALLY wanted to, it would be pretty damn easy.

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ofc its not catchup , how do you catch up on gearing on 587 ilvl when the average ilvl is between 626 and 636? in past expansions that gap was like major patch gap from normal to mythic ( as in patch 1 vs patch 2 kind of gap ) . This is locksbol

No, they’re too attached to quit immediately.

It’s like a scale right? On the one side you have attachment and on the other side you have detachment.

Blizzard can tip the scale in the favor of attachment by adding enjoyable content to the game. Players will become more attached to the game when they get that.

On the other hand, if Blizzard doesn’t add enjoyable content to the game, then the scale begins to tip toward detachment. If the scale tips too much for too long, then players start to lose interest in the game and play it less and eventually quit it entirely.

And right now, 4 months into The War Within, the scale is starting to tip toward detachment.

Let us hope for Blizzard that they know how to tip the scale in favor of attachment again.

just play something else till wow becomes exciting for you again.
I enjoy poe2 at the moment and will come back to wow if i get bored of poe or i dont come back, who cares really.
if you dont like the content, unsub like me and play something else for a while. after a while you find wow fun again (maybe)

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Just like it does 4 months into every patch ever. When 11.1 arrives, the scale will even out again, as it always does. This is how it has always been, and how it will always be. The real problem is not the quality or quantity of content, its the expectation that this game, or any game for that matter, can entertain someone full time, all year arround, every year. No game can do that. Variety is the spice of life, try other games and do other things, and just maybe you might enjoy WoW more aswell. Or maybe not, wich is fine too, just means its time to move on to other things.

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I don’t think the isle is boring.
I was taking a trip around, when suddenly