You have more faith in Blizzard than I currently have. But then again, that’s maybe why I intend to skip 11.1.
Also not so sure about “always”. I mean, Retail WoW continues expansion after expansion to get less popular. We are fewer players than ever before. And I don’t see Blizzard doing much to turn that trend around.
So “always”? Maybe, but it’s not a good “always”. The ship is taking in water.
Its got nothing to do with faith, its about pattern recognition, this has been going on for at least 15 years, and the result has always been the same.
I’m comparing it to the similar patch in Dragonflight, 10.0.7.
That one had a huge island with the puzzle-delve place you had to go in which seemed kinda fun to me.
Compared to that, TWW’s version is just a steaming pile of mud you can walk through in 15 seconds and gives a ring that is currently not even worth using.
It is very disappointing, even for a filler-patch.
this content is so garbanzo , that even the new mount has a visual bug in it. if you get it it has a freakin square in the middle of it…my god buggy mess timegated mess, garbanzo content
The pattern I see is consistently less content over time, and consistently less quality and innovation of that content.
I mean, Christ in Heaven, the expansion only has 4 zones! The Siren Isle is something they dug out of the trash can and scratched the Battle for Azeroth label off on.
Pattern? Yeah, cutting costs and cutting corners. I see that pattern.
Blizzard has learned from the streaming community, and more recently, the lack of interest in guild bank issue, that the store mounts are all that’s necessary to carry the product, so the new work flow is, people are upset, Blizzard profits from a new store mount.
Nowhere does making unique content fit into this workflow, sadly.
it means the war that happens within you when they keep delivering garbage content. they test your patience with each buggy mess of disaster patches and the war within you rages on till you had enough.
Because all the other .7 patches were so innovative and high quality right? Oh wait, up untill DF we didn’t even have .7 patches, and y’all cried for more content, well now you got it, and it still ain’t good enough.
I said this earlier in the thread (or another thread?) that the .7 patches are Blizzard’s own invention. All they’ve done is to split up the old .5 patch into two, so they can release content at a faster cadence. And I didn’t ask for that. I’ve asked for more content and better content, not smart business moves to turn the same content into twice the patches.
But nevertheless, if the consequence of this faster patch cadence is that they release underwhelming content that lacks polish and proper Q&A and has less depth than a puddle on the sidewalk, then the criticism seems just.
I mean, at this point their only motivation seems to be to get content out the door to keep players subscribed, and to hell with whether the content is any good (a refurbished BfA Island Expedition? C’mon…), it just needs to get released!
So it’s a sausage factory. There is not an iota of creative thinking going on inside that HQ in California, judging by the product they’re putting out. It’s all sausages.
Some people like sausages. If you dont, feel free to eat anything else, theres plenty to choose from. But right, you are emotionally attached to said sausage factory right? I feel like we are starting to go in circles here.
Do they though? Whatever would give you the impression that this patch – or the last one for that matter – has been generally well-received by even as many as “some people”?
What forums are you reading that I am not?
You know, its a pretty normal phenomenon, to only raise your voice when you are unhappy about something. Satisfied players dont flock to the forums to complain. As i mentioned earlier in this thread, the forums are not a accurate representation of the actual playerbase.
Thing is you can see bits and pieces of the actual player base here. Not everyone will come and whine but most share the same feeling, thats why this season is deader than dead. Few voice what many think.
You’re bringing out the supposed silent majority? Really?
If there was some large hidden swath of players in the game who were happily running around, dancing and singing songs together as they enjoyed the game, then why on earth is the game at an all-time low population?
It can’t just be the small vocal minority of people complaining that have quit, because they are a small minority, right?
So why aren’t we more if all these silent players are happily enjoying the game as always?
No more so than you are bringing out the vocal majority. Truth is neither of us know how others feel about this patch, except a small handful of players who went on the forums. How about we stick to what we do know? Im happy with the game, you are unhappy with the game, that much is clear right? The whole thing that sparked this back and forth is wether wow is worth its pricetag, and i assume we both can agree that the value of something comes from the enjoyment it gives? Is it then that far fetched for me to suggest that paying for something you dont enjoy is silly and you should stop paying for it, and move on?
I agree, ive never been so shocked by how bad it is. A very ugly copy pasted island you have to loadscreen to because it’s a discarded island from BFA. A carbon copy of the last island and ring from dragonflight but around 10 times worse with 0 effort put in.
The island we had was designed for dragonflying and had a whole mechanic in regards to aquiring keys and opening doors for gems
And speaking for myself, I am unsubscribing until the end of the expansion. Then I can come back and blast through the story in short order with little in the way of time-gating – hopefully.
But until my subscription runs out, I’ll get my €13 worth of entertainment one way or the other. And if I can’t have it in game, then I’ll get it on the forums (that strangely also require a subscription, lord knows why).
But would you then also agree with me, that if you have paid for the expansion and the subscription, and the content you are presented turns out to be dissatisfying, that it is reasonable to voice your feedback and criticism about it?