Apart from m+ needing some huge changes TWW has been a lot better for me then Cata/WOD/SL by a country mile. Sure the player base is low but as long as there is people to play with and lots of things to do then it is ok.
Maybe it is time for some of you to take a long break instead of forcing negativity into your life’s by paying for a game you clearly hate and dislike.
Because we have enough paying trolls arround inhere, dont need all the freeloading trolls outthere aswell. These are WoW forums, not reddit, they are reserved for people who play the game, or at least care enough about the game to pay 13€ every month for access to the forums.
Certainly, i just cant help myself from poking at broken records, Like i said, none of this is new, its been happening for 15 years, yet somehow people are always surprised.
It’s a bit nonsensical though, because none of Blizzard’s other game forums have any requirements for posting.
But that’s a side track.
I don’t agree that the development and content experience of WoW today is akin to what it was 15 years ago. That’s a false comparison as far as I’m concerned.
I also don’t see how it’s broken records. I’ve been posting on these forums for as long as I’ve played the game, and it hasn’t been the same people posting all the time. That is to say that the people who complain and complain, they eventually stop complaining – because they quit. They do actually leave.
It may be the same forum topics and the same opinions and thoughts being shared again and again, year after year, but it isn’t by the same people.
Isn’t that in itself a testiment to the fact that it wasn’t the game that changed, but the players? I mean, if the topics and oppinions are the same, just from different players, the “issues” people have with the game have always been there.
That’s a bit flimsy. We’re not teenagers anymore, and The War Within isn’t from 2004 either, so I’m not sure if you can make that kind of conclusion based on people always complaining on the forums before quitting the game.
Hey, im just going by your own words. Ofcourse the game has changed, and the playerbase has too. But we have both played this game for a long time, so we both know that a certain portion of the playerbase has never been happy with the game, at least not for very long at a time. Whenever in the games lifetime that is and whoever the players are, the issues are always the same, no content, bad content, bad class balancing, lore ruined, ect ect. At a certain point you gotta ask yourself, if these things keep happening, aren’t they just part of the game? Everything comes with some strings attached, maybe these are the ones that come with WoW. Some can accept that and some cant, and either is fine, but expecting it to change, after being that way for so long? I’d say thats wishful thinking.
Every time a good change is coming to the game, its all “WoW saved” and every time something bad comes, its “WoW dead” but really, WoW just exists somewhere between, and always has.
it is not a accurate representation of the actual playerbase
That’s what game designers want you to think so that they can ignore your opinion. Keep on white knighting and you’ll get the minimum effort from the designers and developers.
You talk way too much ignoring and derailing the topic. Just be clear, do you really think Siren Isle is a fun zone and it’s success? One word yes or no.
I don’t agree.
The Siren Isle would be more impressive if it was released in 2018 than now when it’s released in 2024. The game is inevitably a product of its time, and Blizzard aren’t putting out a level of quality befitting of a premium game in 2024.
There is often a temptation to look to the past and draw comparisons and conclude it’s all the same, but it’s not the same. If the old stuff made in the old days is just as good as the new stuff made today, then Blizzard are creatively bankrupt. Hence the sausage factory. And that’s not somewhere in-between, that’s decline – in popularity and in creativity.
Even in 2018 when they released similar no-fly zone (IIRC) Mechagon they also had another zone called Nazjatar. So even for standarts of BfA which is considered a bad expansion , Siren Isle falls low.
Thats really two different questions, hard to answer with one word. But since you ask, i made my oppinion clear in my first reply. Sorry if you think i talk too much, but people kept replying to me, and i thought it rude to not reply to them.
I have been told by a gnome i talk too much, so guess we’ll end it here. Funny how he only told me to stop talking, seeing how you and i talked about the samme ammount. Huh, guess its only ok to talk when he agrees with what you are saying.
Why is this dude trying to convince us that its okay to have this terrible quality ingame and be delivered disturbingly bad content?
No man its not ok. This is subpar content in one of the most underwhelming expansions to date. Plus it doesnt even work , 11.0.5 was the single most buggiest release i have ever witnessed. I havent seen anything like that in wow
Do not release content update with just one ring as reward that is not even a good ring, having it start off as 639 while it has awful options and stats is just an insult honestly.
They should upgrade crafted items to 639 while at it, at least stand a chance at upgrading gear that way, no need to be annoying about just another +3 item levels