Siren Isle is garbage

Its possible they may patch things sometimes it takes legitimate feedback to improve the gane :slight_smile:

You just enable more by calling them a crybaby dont drop to there levels rise above it :slight_smile:

Heres the thing with NEW content its patchable and fixable ok, the fact is the games really old had several amzing expansions and several bad ones too (looks at dranor & Shadowlands whilst squinting)

But there are only so many ideas that can be used in one go, and yes blizz do recume them somtimes most usually time gating stuff, but you see its an mmo if you got everything in one go youd unsub and they’d lose money so thats why they do it, to keep you grinding like a pro.

Add to the fact that no matter what they do someones gnna dislike it and thats where we’re at.

Theyre not relased every year lol every few yrs sure, but if you dont like the content you’ve had then stop taking the chance on new xpacs abd spend the money on a AAA title instead ?

Theres no ground to stand on when you buy the game then complain about its cost.

There are other mmos out ther give one of those a try instead ?

Im not complaining about the cost in the slightest. The cost is worth it for the kind of game i was advertised. But its nothing resembling “cheap”

I just expect the promised quality. Because again, money is time of life.


That’s why I don’t believe this is a real catch-up mechanic. If the game designers are so smart, let them try to join +4 keys with those catch-up items they give out. I can’t imagine a development team being so out of touch with their game.


I suppose the problem Blizzard has is that the gear progression is both too short and too long at the same time.

The initial progression, going from Champion to Veteran to Hero, is pretty short. Blizzard can’t really hand out quality items here, because then there’s barely any gear progression for players to enjoy afterward.

And the tail end of the progression, which relies on crests, is incredibly time-consuming, and by the nature of the design, impossible for Blizzard to provide much in the way of catch-up on. Even though this is perhaps where alts need it the most.

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I have 7 characters, 1 main 635 and 7 alt, all geared at 626+ ilvl. It took me a lot of time to get them there, but it seems unnecessary. Why do we have to wait so long to accumulate gilded crests? I want to play my characters, but to get my alt’s myth items to 639 ilvl, I need to run at least 40-50 mythic dungeons. How long am I supposed to do this? If I’ve already done it on my main, why can’t the cost be significantly reduced for my alts so I can reroll whenever I want?

I don’t need the most powerful items, but giving me 587 ilvl items isn’t really catching up. Nobody is going to invite a fully geared 587 ilvl character to a mythic+ group. So where am I supposed to farm crests to get better gear?

While I’m someone who firmly believes that alts shouldn’t be on the same power level as a main - unless you put in considerable time and effort - I agree with you that the ‘catch up gear’ that is rewarded on the island is horribly low.

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Between content patches in the past, I’ve gone back to old expacks I didn’t play and farmed mobs, weeklies and dailies for mounts etc. This is that, but current instead of legacy, so I’m perfectly happy in principle.

What I’m not happy about is the impact the mini-patches have on major patches. 10.2 was the lightest major patch since I started playing 7 years ago, and 10.1 was pretty weak too. If it’s a choice between mindless mini patches every 8 weeks and major, worthwhile patches every 6 months I choose the latter.

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But, you get both. So I don’t see that particular issue.

I just want them to focus on relevant stuff instead of all this ‘side fluff’, in minor patches too.

I agree that alts shouldn’t be as powerful as mains, but consider this: Blizzard nerfs your main character that you’ve spent three months gearing up, then suddenly buffs your 6th alt. How much effort does it take to catch that alt up to the content you’ve already completed? Why should players be punished because of poor game balance?

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daily yes …monthly no
I know people that buy alcohol and stupid stuff like cigarette daily my brother is one of them.
We were in germany for like 3 months …
everyday he bought a pack of cigarettes for 10 euro.

13 euro per month is nothing
And if it is as he said you should be worried about MAKING MONEY instead of playing a PC game when you can’t afford it

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It is for everyone to decide 13 euro is a lot of money.
For sure there are people paying daily that amount on addictions, but you forget not everyone is your bother.

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The point is that you don’t get both. DF had poor .1 and .2 patches, which I put down in part to the fact they were spending time developing the mini events.

It’s particularly annoying for specs like Ret, where the BiS is the craft weapon, so even if you get 4000 rating and cutting edge, and are fully decked out in mythic gear, the weapon will be 636

the ring is useless AF, they couldn’t even release the patch with a “working as intended” ring :smiley:


No, it doesn´t.

This is complete hogwash,

With all due respect, where are you people even getting ideas like ths from? Do the PTR and WoWhead not exist in your world?

Flying is a passive buff from the final quest, both on PTR and in current datamining. You will have all citrines long before then, unless you wait and just do the whole thing in one swoop in 6 weeks.

Honestly I might do this, the rest of the island isn’t really offering much to me as I’ve in large completed my goals for S1, thank you for confirming that the ring doesn’t waste a gem slot on flying though.

After the mount the whole zone is dead except for a few tmogs which you get fast…