Siren Isle is garbage

And its a good thing. Not interested in another mmochampion where feels like people actually compete in toxicity championships there. At least the sub-gate keeps away some of the haters. Wont even dare to imagine if Blizz would open all the floodgates for them.


I’m for one glad that I’m not the only individual very disappointed with this patch overall.

But yes, I do comprehend it’s more of a filler than anything, but again, I wish they would work on useful stuff like working on the warband older reputations than wasting so much manpower to recycle something so poorly and to fill a little time.
They could’ve done literally anything else.
Because this is a big reminder of things people tend to dislike just at face value… A Ring that works like Heart of Azeroth, on a Expedition Island from BFA pretending to be War Within and on top of this, feels like the Maw because you can’t even fly.

It’s just… Everything that I despise on a patch.
But on the other side, if this means they’ll just put that kind of bad and weak content on filler patches, maybe the big ones will be good and without any of this nonsense.

Overall, the worst about the patch I think is that it feels like a double-down on things we expected Blizzard to have moved on from and had learned the community just generally don’t like how it feels. And this kinda feels like they didn’t read the room when everyone complained this kind of content is unwanted.

When people said DF and TWW were “steps in the right direction” this was the direction, not doing content just like what the Siren Isle is. It’s concerning.


I’ve pretty much cleared the quest side of things in a single evening.
Now it’s just waiting on the weekly rotation for me to get the remaining quest chains unlocked.

Same for the rare’s, already killed half of the list for the achievement.
Seems the rest is locked behind weekly rotation as well now as it depends who’s “assaulting” the island.

As for the mount, I’ve collected all runestones already, except the one where you ned the 7 random drops from mobs.
The drop rate on those is just abysmally low.
Typical Blizzard timegating with insane 0.1% drop rates for something that doesn’t even hold relevance ingame.
Another lousy approach to keeping content “relevant”

Outside it’s nothing more than a time-sink.
Spend maybe one hour a day to farm enough currency to buy a cosmetic, and that’s it.


If 13 euro is a lot of money

You’re looking at it through the lens of whether someone is poor/rich, which is silly, because that’s judging the person and not the subscription for the game. For that it’s more reasonable to look at cheap/expensive within the field of context.

For example, if I can buy a decent chocolate cake for $5 then that’s pretty cheap relative to the average price of a decent chocolate cake, which is perhaps $10.
I can also buy a decent chocolate cake at some fancy bakery downtown, who charges $20 for it. That’s an expensive chocolate cake, because it’s twice the average cost for the same product.

Makes sense? We can always view something as being cheap or expensive relative to the normal average price point, and that’s true for gas and eggs and cake, as it’s true for games.

WoW has a subscription of 13 bucks per month. Whether that’s cheap or expensive is a question of how it compares to similar subscriptions in the game industry. Are you getting a higher quality product or are you paying a lower price?

So the WoW subscription isn’t cheap because everyone can easily afford the cost of 13 bucks per months.
It’s actually rather expensive because for the same money you can buy an Xbox Game Pass subscription or Playstation Plus subscription and get a lot more game content for your money - high quality content even.
So you’re not getting a whole lot when you pay Blizzard 13 bucks for a subscription to a single game, not when the gaming industry can offer you so much more for those same 13 bucks.

That makes the WoW subscription expensive.

It has nothing to do with whether random Joe is poor or rich. It has everything to do with the value for money that Blizzard provides, relative to what you can get elsewhere in the gaming industry for the same money.


If that were true, nobody would buy an ‘overly expensive’ 60-70€ stand alone game.

Why not?
Expensive games get advertised as being premium and triple A or quadruple A, as a way to convey that you’re getting a higher tier product, a higher quality, a luxury product even - and that’s what you’re paying the higher price for.


I have a lot of 60-70€ games that are far less value for money than WoW.
In fact, all of them.
I mean eg Baldur’s Gate and Hogwarts are very fine top games. But the play time span is not comparable to WoW.

I don’t think that’s the overruling metric everyone applies when choosing which videogames to buy.

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You do.
The fact that you didn’t like the last .1 and .2 is a different issue.

Well, 10.2 was the first time I quit the game since I started in '17. That’s just my opinion, true, but I don’t remember many people singing the praises of DF open-world content between 10.0 and Plunderstorm.

13€ a month for how many countless hours of content? I can’t imagine how utterly garbage WoW would become if it went free-to-play.

If money is always such a big argument whenever a new patch is released, just stop subbing. Or do something else in the game because you don’t pay specifically for that new patch.

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The quests don’t even work for me. I’m supposed to help in an effort to progress one of the things but all 3 are at 100% at all times so I’m stuck.

The concept here seems okay I guess, but it’s not particularly great and the execution isn’t that great either. :-1:

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I was in vanilla. People were whining then.

It’s a major feature in every review:
‘Time to beat the game’
For Hogwarts: 30-35 hours.

I think that’s more a standard form of information for people looking to buy the game: How long does it take to play through?
I don’t think it’s a major feature in gaming reviews. There are lots of games with relatively short playthroughs that receive great reviews.

I mean, it also says on the back of a Blu-ray how long a movie takes. But you don’t look at that and associate it with the quality of the movie.
“Whoa, 3½ hours! That’s twice as long as this other movie, so it must be twice as good!”

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I dont know. If people bring the money argument i always compare it to other things.
When i go to the cinema, i have maybe ~3 hours of fun for 13 bucks.
Buying one month of gametime in WoW, i have like 90+ hours of fun for the same price. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

When is the last time you went to a cinema :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

That’s a false comparison though, because your trip to the cinema doesn’t replace your interest in gaming, does it?

I mean, the last time I went to the cinema it was very enjoyable. But I still played WoW later in the evening.

And it’s not like anyone is pondering the dilemma of whether they should play WoW everyday or whether they should go to the cinema once in a while. Those are two different interests, and you don’t actually pit them against each other.

What you do pit up against each other is which video game (subscription) to buy, and which movie in the cinema you want to watch.
Those are the direct comparisons, because that’s where you’re choosing between the contenders in the market.
Do I want an ESO subscription or a WoW subscription?
Do I want to watch a Marvel movie or a DC movie?
Those are the choices you’re making with your money.

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That’s moving the goalposts. We were not specifically talking about open-world content, but .1 and .2 patches as a whole.

And I’ll admit, I wasn’t a fan of Zaralek at all. And here we are in an expansion with 2 Zaraleks (and I’m fearing a 3rd one to be added next patch - sure, with a different aesthetic, but essentially just another Zaralek - claustrophobic and gloomy).

I didn’t quit throughout DF. That doesn’t mean it wasn’t without its faults - I made plenty of comments here on the forum about stuff I didn’t like.

Anyway… For all its faults, at least this patch does something that I appreciate: It puts the decision in the hands of the player about how much you want to play. If you want to grind like a mad man, you can. So I now feel I can play more than 1 or 2 days per week and still have stuff to do, if I want - quality not withstanding. I at least like that.