So, about Blizzard eSport Prize Pool and some Blizzcon stuffs

That’s in the eyes of the beholder.

As is always the case on the forums, then the rabid angry mob are quick to come out with their pitchforks and torches. If there’s even the slightest way something can be spun to make Blizzard look bad, they’ll spin it that way.

And then there’s the other group, the fanbois if you will, who view the statement on the basis it was written and don’t seek to make a villain of Blizzard, even if they could.

That’s how this always goes. People stick to their convictions, but it’s weird that “a minimum guarantee” is a factual term, yet if you explain it to these angry people, then they won’t accept the explanation, simply because they want to hold onto their anger at Blizzard. The Blizzard anger aside, it’s a bit silly that you cannot even explain what a minimum guarantee means to some people.
It’s not moral outrage. It’s just outrage. :roll_eyes:


I was shadow baned for 10 days and banned for a while.

I really have to disagree with that. The text given by Blizzard can absolutely be interpreted in either of the two ways presented here. My proof for that is the amount of people that did interpret it the way. Which not only includes people here on the forum and twitter, but also the orgs that are playing at the tournament.

Honestly I almost wish Blizzard would give up trying to do Esports out of their games. They are pretty bad at it.


But it’s fact.

They stated they were funding the prize via sales, they stated they would guarantee the fund.

I think people don’t know what guarantee means. It means no matter how many or how few items sold, they would guarantee the fund would be at least 500k.

There is nothing that can be misinterpreted.

I can understand if English is not your first language that someone might not have understood but not all these people with their outrage for something that isn’t there.


This whole issue should be centred on the prize money GETTING paid, not where the funding was sourced… until players get their noses out of popular streamers’ rear ends, there will be no end to these type of news stories.

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There is a kind of irony there if streamers complain about funding from players

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Or they interpreted it the right way, saw an opportunity to interpret it differently so they could be angry at Blizzard, and chose that instead as their point of view.

Or they didn’t interpret or read anything at all. They simply jumped onto the band-wagon of QQ that the OP presented, to take some jabs at Blizzard.

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Why? Because people love their games, well their good games, which current Blizzard are holding them hostage and are raining terror on anyone trying to recreate them.
BTW, there is not a single original Blizzard developer left in that compnay, at least not from the main ones.
The only reason Blizzard are called that is by assosiation. They are not the game company that created unforgetable franchises as Diablo, Starcraft and Warcraft and they haven’t been since 2009!

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Yo, haterz… fun fact:

Streamers are businesses, too… they do what they do for - wait for it - MONEY…!


Allen Adham, Samwise Didier, Bob Fitch, Geoff Fraizer, Joeyray Hall, Glenn Stafford, Tracy W. Bush, Derek Duke, Jason Hayes, Shane Dabiri, Jeff Chamberlain, Alan Dabiri, Chris Sigaty, Mike Heiberg, John LaGrave, Robert Bridenbecker…

Do you want more? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Yes, please.

It’s also a fact that it can be misinterpreted. Everything can be misinterpreted, that is also a fact :sweat_smile:.

Once again there are better ways to convey how the funding was going to happen, Blizzard choose to not use them.
Method and C9 advertised the toys under the belief that it would be added onto the 500k pool, Blizzard didn’t correct them.
Esport sites wrote articles in which were stated that it would be added, Blizzard did nothing once again.

Blizzard had every opportunity to set things straight. A blue post clarifying the confusion would have been enough to avoid this. They did nothing, they just sat back and let the money flow in.


James McCoy, Seth Thompson, Scott Mercer, Michael Chu, Dave Berggren, Monte Krol, Geoff Goodman…

My memory comes to a halt here, but there’s more. Lots more.

I dont think Im allowed to comment about this subject or they’ll knock down my door and permaban me :))

give it a rest jito, you wont be getting your MVP status back no matter how hard you defending blizzard :joy:

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No that is a lie.

It is one that some can’t help but stick to.

They stated they would let fans fund via the sales of a toy. They stated 25% would go to the fund of the toy sales. They stated that they would guarantee that the fund would be at least 500k.

They did all of that.

People just can’t say, sorry I got it wrong. For some reason they just can’t see that it does not say what they wrongly presumed.


Yeah I can see not a single one!


You’re still on about that?

The depth of your pathetic behavior knows no bounds.

I am always remarked by how you can appear out of no-where just to tell me something about me being an MVP 8 years ago.

I have no interest in you. I go out of my way to avoid your crap posts, yet you seem to have a weird obsession with me and my posts.

Try to tone your stalker behavior down please. I don’t like you, you don’t like me. At least I will show you a flicker of respect by staying away from you, I’d appreciate it if you’d extend the same courtesy toward me.

Jito quit MVP - what makes you even think they want it back?

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MvPs aren’t required to champion Blizzard either.

I am free to express my views for and against stuff. Obviously I enjoy playing WoW or what would be the point of me being an MvP at all :rofl:


I like the game way more than I do a majority of the people that play it - I just wish more of the disheartened/disillusioned would practice what they preach - or regurgitate that their shepherd… I mean, streamer of choice feeds them.

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