So, about Blizzard eSport Prize Pool and some Blizzcon stuffs

lol funny how people can not read it (even natives it seems - on the U.S. forum the debate too).

they clearly said they guarantee the 500k limit (if those 25% from toys would be less, they would pay from their money then up to 500k minimum). now that it was more all of the 25% of the toys went into it and surpassed 500k (i have nowhere seen the official total sale number of toys they had; maybe someone can provide that, but i doubt it) it seems, so they had to pay nothing.

blizzard gambled a bit but lets be real, chances were slim they would have to pay anything XD

if you think you are right, press charges against them and sue lol

You say that but you’re sat there playing their game. Do you play with your garbage as well?

Just saying. People are so quick to get on their high horses


A billion dollar company so greedy that even 500k dollar for tournaments of their own game once a year is too much to ask for.

It’s unreal what this company has become. I love WoW but at this point I’d gladly watch Blizzard die completely.

You’re fine but most of the MVPs I’ve seen on the forums are pathetic l0000sers who refuse to say anything negative about daddy Blizzard.

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they owe you nothing be glad they give 500k XD

They don’t. The entire thing is crowd funded by people who bought the toy. And it’s only 25% of the profit so the entire thing was just to make even more money.

It’s funny that you talk about how people can’t read when you’re clearly illiterate yourself. Get a life.

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Maybe they don’t aspire to have a post history equivalent to yours? :thinking:


How does a post history like yours help when you’re still hated by 99% of the active forum posters?

It doesn’t. Hence I’m no MVP. Welcome to the club.


Yeah, and that “next level” thing was just there to prettify of course.

It means raising the prize pool higher than ever before. The term is commonly used in any advertisement, c’mon.

Get the Flex Strap Ultra Pro Max Force Elastic Band and take your training to the next level! Order yours today for only $999,99 and we’ll throw in the Double Extreme Strength Rubber Ball as well – for free!!

Like that.

For reference, the prize pool for WoW at Blizzcon 2018 was $280,000 USD. This year it’ll be $660,000 USD. That’s :zap::fire:THE NEXT LEVEL!!:zap::fire:


So nobody has ever understood that statement to mean something else? Nobody at all? Because all I said was that it can be misinterpreted.

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It is 100% written like that because they wanted us to misinterpret the entire thing only to say "well, we did exactly what we said :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile: "

It’s just a greedy, scammy tactic.


not really you just wished it would be like that XD

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Suckers have.

Probably same people who respond to emails about a rich foreign prince who wants to give them a lot of money if they just send their credit card info first.



Glad that you are agree that Blizzard are scammers then.

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you read what you like it to be, right? XD

My point was that people are idiots.

Blizzard writes a factually correct piece of text.

Some people fail to understand what is written.
Some people also proceed to misinterpret what is written.

That simply tells me that some people are idiots and still have things to learn in school.


as a blogger like asmongold i would just pick this topic up anyway and talk about it. viewers will like it regardless XD

Suckers is used to refer to people that have been scammed. That was the connection.

Ah yes. I too make judgements on peoples inteligence on how well they can read one certain phrase. I very smarty.

What other conclusion should I reach?

I (and others) have explained multiple times in this thread what providing a minimum guarantee means.

Some people then object to that – which is idiotic, because it’s a factual term.
And some people proceed to interpret the term their own way – which is even more idiotic, because you cannot just invent your own interpretation of a factual term with a defined meaning.

So what am I supposed to conclude besides the obvious, that people are idiots?