So, about Blizzard eSport Prize Pool and some Blizzcon stuffs

this thread is entertaining :smiley:

Thats like your opinion. In my opinion, they did mislead.

I have no idea what you mean with next level.

This is a simple case of a minimum prize fund level was set. It was guaranteed by Blizzard that no matter how much or how little the sales of the toys made, they would ensure the prize fund hit the guaranteed level of 500k.

The sales met their target so there is no next level. The minimum was met and went beyond in fact and the prize fund is larger than the minimum 500k.

Most understood the plain English statement. Just a few hell bent on hating Blizzard are on a crusade.


No it’s factual what words they used and how there was nothing misleading about them. They were facts.

The prize was funded by players, a minimum prize fund was guaranteed by Blizzard irrespective of whether or not the goal would be met by the players. So if there weren’t enough sales they would have made up the difference.

That is all FACT.

You can be pissed at Blizzard but not for factually and plainly sticking to what they said they would do.


Interesting statement. Do you have any proof of that?
And please don’t answer with asking me to prove the opposite. You just make the claim.

I have concluded that people can’t admit they were wrong. That somehow it’s a personal insult to have misunderstood something.


Yes, look at this thread.

Most adults read it correctly and understood what they said.

Those that made presumptions to the contrary can see the clear plain text shown in this thread and accept it.

Three or so people are hell bent on hating Blizzard so bad that they can’t admit they got it wrong.


It’s also factual that their method goes against everything that is common practice in the industry for crowd funding e-sports. They made a bet on people not reading the fine print and they won some cash. Good for them, but its cheap cast, people won’t make that error twice, and Activision’s greed will eventually work against them, with people tightening their purse strings more and more when it comes to their products. To me, this behavior is very much like cheating.

They made a dishonest and slimy move, that’s up to them.

But again, I don’t understand what do you want from me that you keep replying with the same thing over and over. Are you trying to convince me you are right? Let me spell it out for you: you can not convince me of that. Quit trying, it’s pointless. Frankly, I don’t even want to have this discussion, I said my piece and I’m content with that.

fineprint? pretty normal written, they didnt even try to hide it XD

You may not agree with their method and that is fine. I don’t have an issue with people disliking them funding their prize fund via sales of toys.

They made a completely honest upfront explained set out clearly in English move that some dislike… You can dislike it but you don’t get to blatently lie about it.

It is there in plain English.

Players can contribute,25% of sales going to the fund, if fund not met, Blizz guarantee to make up difference.

That is all FACT.

Nothing about that can be disputed.

So hate the means all you like, hate that they are getting others to fund the prize money. But don’t lie about it.


Yeah I don’t understand it.

I mean, if I felt like the Blizzcon prize pool ought to be bigger, I’d probably just criticize Blizzard for only using 25% of the toy sales and not a higher amount.

That’s legitimate, fair, and straight-forward criticism.

But instead the angle is that the text that Blizzard have written can be wrongly interpreted in such a way that it makes Blizzard look dishonest.

That’s such a stupid angle to criticize Blizzard from.

I mean, choose your battles. And if you’re going to criticize Blizzard, at least pick a complaint that isn’t built on a false premise. I mean, that’s just dumb. :expressionless:


Indeed it was all there from the start. But oh no lets have mock outrage at Blizzard.

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Ah I see.

So given that the us forum about this subject has almost 600 upvotes and noone there claiming otherwise has even close to that. I can also claim that most people did in fact understand it wrong.

Really wish you and Jito wouldn’t resort to insulting those who disagree though.

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Irony that they are doing the very thing they accuse Blizzard of doing!


No, it’s not just that, it’s the fact I think they are cheating and lying. I don’t care what you have an issue with Puny, I really don’t. This is, for the umpteenth time, my view on the issue and the argument you have so far doesn’t change it. And I don’t understand, once again, what exactly you expect to gain from me with this conversation.

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Yeah I don’t get it.

And also because the concept of providing a guarantee is such a universal concept. I mean, any adult should be familiar with it. It has nothing to do with Blizzard or eSport. It’s just a term to describe financial responsibility.

I mean, what, do people also misinterpret simple Wikipedia sites like:

I mean, for crying out loud, if you don’t know what providing a guarantee constitutes, then hopefully you’re still a kid and don’t have to know. And if you’re an adult…I don’t even. :no_mouth:


I have not insulted anyone. Do you really want me to show you all the lame insults thrown at me for pointing out facts?

I could go on but I don’t see the point


They are not cheating or lying. That is a fact.

Personal feelings have nothing to do with this.


You just literally called anyone that didn’t understand it the same way as you as children. That is a fact.

I’m sorry about the way Resist talked to you but that doesn’t really excuse. I really feel like you are letting yourself get way too worked over this.

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Don’t apologize for me. I’m not sorry, Punyelf is a intelligent person, but today he is acting as commander of the Blizzard’s white knights.
As for Jito, it’s just Jito, act as he doesn’t exist, thank me later.