So, about Blizzard eSport Prize Pool and some Blizzcon stuffs

no no, thats what you interpret into it in your own mind. he never called anyone out on it as children. he was only refering to the adult group in his sentence. the rest is on you :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t insult disagreement.
But I do call stupid for stupid. I don’t see why I shouldn’t.

If someone gets something wrong, fair enough.
If they stick to being wrong despite being corrected multiple times, then that’s just a case of stupidity.


That was not an insult, most can read it and understand it. I’m sure one of the other posters is correct and it is just people being caught up with what some streamer says rather than just reading the statement in plain English that states factually that they will be taking donations for the prize fund from players via the sales of a toy. 25% go to the fund and if that fund fall short it will be at least a minimum guaranteed amount of 500k.

I didn’t call anyone a child although I would have more time for a child not understanding an explanation. This game is aimed at 12+. I wouldn’t expect a 12 year old to understand all the wording of things in WoW or a the conditions of a competition.

If you really thing me talking about adults is the same as someone calling me names then that reflects on you.

I expect adults to be able to understand this but I will give children (those under age, in my country below the age of 18) a pass.


I’m not white knighting anyone.

I just can’t stand misrepresentation and witch hunts.

Dislike what Blizzard did that is fine, but don’t make out they said something they didn’t. That is what I take issue with.


Are you saying that Punyelf is a bigger white knight than me?!

I shall endeavor to double my white knighting efforts!

….What one has to do to get a little respect around here. :unamused:


Move over big boi


Just today, nobody can top you in the long term and that is why we love you. Imagine how boring the forums would be without the heat that you bring.

I semll a ban coming my way after this threat… RIP.

Just wait until tomorrow. I’ll cover this entire place like a well-oiled propaganda machine that would make even the biggest advertisement companies crap their pants in awe.



At the very least the post was vague bordering on deliberately misleading. The fact that they’re walking away from this without spending the 500k and then making a further 1.5+ million dollars is pretty disgusting considering it was a community effort to support eSports.

And no, they’re in no way saying that if the community contribution is more than the guarantee that they will contribute nothing but they also aren’t liable for people thinking that they will just because it’s the standard practice in their industry.

That also doesn’t change the fact that it is standard practice in the industry and people can be forgiven for assuming (yes, I know…assuming) that they would follow suit.

Personally I think it’s pretty pathetic and they were probably looking to make money even at their lowest sales estimate which is why the percent is so low. 25% is hardly indicative of them being in anyway invested in the success of eSports especially considering that there’s 0 cost beyond development.

Hmm, I wonder if I can get a refund on my contribution :confused:


Glad I never said anything about it being the same though. You should really read more carefully Puny. Wouldn’t want to misinterpret someone like that, apparently that makes someone instantly an idiot. :grin:

now now!! dont get all worked up now. be nice, doubt blizzard gives MVPs to naughty posters :cowboy_hat_face::cowboy_hat_face:

Two things:

  1. Leave Jito alone :sob:

  2. Make some space in your M+ community

That is all.

At some point crowdfunding was not standard practice. What is or is not standard practice is totally irrelevant but does go to show that people didn’t read and presumed to know better.

It may even become an industry standard that all funds are provided by their playerbase in future. That is also irrelevant.

They said what they were going to do and stuck to it.

Nothing misleading about that.

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But they are spending the money.

I mean, everyone gave Blizzard their money for a toy.
Blizzard seemingly earned $2,640,000 USD from that.
Of those money, they committed to spend 25% on the Blizzcon prize pool, which is $660,000 USD. And so they have done, seemingly.

That’s inevitably more than if they had just spent $500,000 USD themselves and then sold the toys on the Online Store like any other microtransactions and pocketed 100% of the money for themselves.

And it’s even more than if they hadn’t done anything at all and just spent $280,000 USD on the Blizzcon prize pool – the amount they spent for last year’s Blizzcon.


it gets fully daily! you gotta ask in a thread whenever you need a spot :smiley:

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No dear. I spent that money. Players spent that money with the express intention of it going to support eSports, not buffer Blizzards bottom line.

You imagine that if they had said “if the 25% crowdfunded contribution exceeds the guaranteed minimum of 500 000 Blizzard will not contribute to the prize” that it would have done nearly as well as it did? I don’t.

Anyway, I’m not going to argue with you guys. I imagine you’ve had quite enough of that by now. My opinion: It’s sleazy and they’ve lost a great big portion of what little good will they had left. Quite a rough quarter for them I imagine. Good thing about that $2 million buffer I guess :slight_smile:


But it effectively did say that. It said they would raise funds via the toy, that there was a minimum prize fund and if that was not met Blizz would make up the difference.

That is EXACTLY what it did say.


No, it isn’t. We both know that. You can argue that technically they’ve done nothing wrong, and I will agree with you, but do not try to tell me that they wrote what they wrote with the intention of people understanding that this is what they meant.

Edit: Oops, I went and argued when I said I didn’t want to. Shared my opinion and I’m done now. Sweet dreams :blush:


Yeah, I’ve pretty much got the invite code memorized at this point :joy: