Night elves can have eversong. Forsaken take dustwallow and rebuild Theramore.
But that just denies the lore of what happened between the Night Elves and the Blood Elf ancestors.
Plus, if this idea came to pass - why should the Blood Elves build a new city? Why can’t they just move to Feralas and take Eldre’Thalas? Also - shouldn’t the Sunwell Plateau be teleported to their new home?
And why would the Night Elves want to move to Eversong? The zone, as beautiful as it is, is still against nature because of the Highborne spellwork which has kept the zone locked in an eternal spring.
EDIT: I didn’t support this idea when Kalibas was saying it. What makes you think I’m going to support it because your saying something similar to it?
It is literally the easiest way to solve all territory disputes. When both factions are divided only be the grand ocean then nobody gets leftout. It is genious I say.
So Lordaeron and Quel’Thalas are lost to the Alliance?
Only for Humans (typical) and Night Elves to take those areas and the Horde races have to be built up?
What next - because the Broken Isles are former Night Elf lands, then Highmountain and Shal’dorei also have to move out to Kalimdor?
I take it Blood Elves and Nightborne will also have to wait for their developments until the forsaken and highmountain have received something first?
Undead and night elves got shafted the most in Bfa. So it is only fair if their issues get solved first.
By removing both from Lordaeron and North West Kalimdor?
What does Theramore do for the Forsaken fanbase?
What does Quel’Thalas do for the Night Elf fanbase?
What does Ashenvale do for me, a Blood Elf fan?
What about the Broken Isles? They are closer to the Eastern Kingdoms…what does that mean for the Shal’dorei and Highmountain?
Interestingly enough, that’s exactly what they are remembering for WoW Classic:
Each time we consider a change to the Wrath of the Lich King experience, we will keep these pillars in mind: Nurture and Protect Social Experiences, Approachable and Familiar , and The World is the Main Character .
We’ll see if parts of that philosophy are gonna carry over to retail, since it does read like they are accepting that they went in a different, possibly wrong, direction on that one.
An actually fortified city as main base instead of a literal ruin which was easily taken by the alliance in the Bfa intro scenario.
Another enchanted forest which is full of fae creatures they can bond in nature with.
Having the place back which Malfurion kicked you out of? That sounds like a full score to me.
They stay the same way they are right now. I am not talking allied races.
But that’s what Theramore is and need I remind you, the intro to MoP was a very easy infiltration of Horde agents, gaining access to the island.
What’s the difference between living in Lordaeron, which they built back up to their standard before WoW Classic, to then lose it all and start from scratch but with a small island nation? Even though I don’t care about the Forsaken, they shouldn’t be shafted back to Kalimdor. Lordaeron is their home. It was in life and it is, in undeath.
“Enchanted” through means they hate, hence why they exiled the Blood Elven ancestors in the first place.
Blood Elves are not the original Highborne exiles.
They never lived through Azshara’s reign and Malfurion’s exile.
Ashenvale does nothing for them.
It’s like trying to put them in Zin-Azshari. The place does nothing for them because they never lived during that time. The Theron, Brightwing,-Rommath-, -Liadrin- bloodlines do come from Zin-Azshari, but none of the current ones ever lived there.
EDIT: The only known Sunstrider who lived on Kalimdor was Dath’Remar.
It feels like the need to add something completely “new” every time, even though the old zones have so much potencial. Silvermoon and Eversong forest in HD could be amazing. A hovering Exodar or even a Draenei city on Azuremyst Isle.
Ashenvale revamped to make it a bit more like Ardenweald (I love the flair of mystery in that zone, felt very “nightelvish” to me).
You know for someone who claims he hates the alliance his honor level is sus even i have higher honor then that and i barely pvp
I only PvP when it’s the Arathi Basin Comp Stomp where we do battle against the AI.
Free PvP tokens for transmogs.
I’d wish to see this coward in the open world for once just to immediately put him on KOS and gank the sh*t out of him…
Funny that you call me a coward. I am not afraid of any alliance player. If I were to face you in warmode I would stomp you into the ground.
Ok. I’m in Zereth Mortis almost every evening and questing. Come and we’ll see about that. But just a little warning in advance: Once I’ve seen you once I save you on my KOS list on spy and you won’t ever escape in the future.
Well, they do, but let us not forget that the last addon on Azeroth did give us 4 updated old zones (though 2 were arguably a bit lackluster remakes). And with the nelveln seed-thing, the Forsaken back in Lordaeron, and Gilneas all but promised now, I’d be very suirprised if that wasn’t continue in Dragonflight’s patch cycle.
And I don’t think a new zones with the expansion, but old zone updates in patches, would be a bad model.
How to fit that in with leveling is a harder question, though, that one didn’t work out so well with the more recent redesigns…
I would argue that actually this is the alliances main problem
for the longest time every alliance race just felt like humans but … (with hooves / purple / with long ears / short / shorter)
Even high elves feel more like elf eared humans rather then a blood elf alternative
It’s improved somewhat for night elves with BFA but that’s just night elves.
Meanwhile Horde races were (up until the soulless council) very much a lose alliance of different races just trying to survive with each culture shining in its own way
Horde was just infinitely more interesting for the longest time
To be honest I’d rather go back to alliance vs horde because they’ve already gone beyond the cosmos with Shadowlands, that’s not cosmic, that’s straight up another plane of existance / the afterlife itself and the cosmos was barely touched before they already went that far
and now the afterlife is a holiday location for Khadgar.
I want to go back to horde vs alliance vs some whacky cultists vs some corrupted dragons vs salty elementals vs etc etc.
throwing the alliance vs horde conflict makes 0 sense, we are currently in an armistice, that’s very different from peace.
Obviously it won’t work if it’s the theme for every expac so we shouldn’t make it a theme for every expac but to outright say ‘faction conflict is not needed anymore’ is just silly
You would also heavily damage conflict RP with it and all that would remain is second life tier bartender RP which sure if it works for you go have a blast but thats no reason to toss everyone else overboard.
Calia must die. Her giving Gilneas back to Greymane is a clear betrayal of the Horde.
Because Gilneas belongs to the gilneer people.
Calia is doing the right choice.
But as i know you will completely ignore all logic arguments and push with some bs.
I mean, hey the forsaken are now busy with rebuilding tirisfall and cant afgird wasteing manpower to occupie territorys that the camd hold with the bloody partisan/guerilla warfare…
Given Gilneas back would keep the worgen busy for a while.
Giving Gilneas away gains the alliance yet another staging ground for a possible future invasion of Lordaeron right next to Stromgarde. It should be in the best interest of the Forsaken to keep the alliance position in the north weak and ready to be disabled if another war occurs. That is the only acceptable outcome. Calia must be stopped. Perhaps with a dagger in her back.