So i really did defended vile acts? prove it

Same tbh…

It still doesn’t discount the fact ‘Mate’ is often used in an informal setting, server location has nothing to do with it.

‘My mates at work were raving about this new thing that came out!’
That can describe literally ANYONE.

But I will concede to the request of not using it towards you at any rate.


You keep repeating this as if it isn’t what you are yourself (including liking your own posts on an alt LOL)

You’re a funny little creature please never stop concerntrolling.


Concerntrolling so deep that Pickpawkit would be the sort to harass Michael Jackson (were he still alive) to drop “heehee” to something more gender neutral.

No, not many are talking about Starfield.

Idk Bro, you both have Kit in your names, might as well be the same person.

They did it again :skull:

Plus random name calling

I already corrected Raynardo once. Now leave me alone I’m pooping out my Sunday lunch.

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Is this ‘stalker’ in the room with us right now?

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I have some bad news for you…

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Why are we being shown cold takes from GD posters and why are we expected to sift through all of that garbage to maybe see the point being made?

Link to an individual image, goshdarn

Are we meant to know who any of these people are? I assume they’re all, as Obahar says, GDers, but it’s kind of just random gibberish.

All I can see from the posts in here in recent is

“You misgendered me.”
“I’m sorry I did.”
“But you misgendered me.”

Time to drop that subject.

Also, people can be nasty as seen in the screenshots, yes. Block and don’t engage, Pick. GD people are… Something… Specially bad…

As for ADers? Well, you mucked up a lot, but you can always try to be better, right?

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I recognize Book At You but only because he made an absolute clown of himself here.

They threw the great Bukachu under the bus, best PvP’er that migrated to AD in SL :pensive: :fist: smh can’t believe this

(The relevancy to the ongoing topic, Keti and AD is still being waited for)

One of them is the classic alt you and others are claiming is me ‘liking my own posts’. Which I have no way to refute, because it’s a classic character. If you don’t want me to bring it all up that I irrefutably have stalkers that like to use classic alts to avoid it being connected to their retail characters, then don’t mention them.

They honestly never said sorry and then kept doing it, then decided my pronouns were ‘none’, so kind of hard to drop that subject. Half of those people play on AD on characters, hence when I post here those people show up.


Whats going on here?

There it is.

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If they keep complaining I’m going to set up a bunch of neopronouns on a spinning wheel and stick with that tbh