So i really did defended vile acts? prove it

No, the problem is you continually mocked pronouns and my pronouns and my references to gender neutral in general.

You posted something true for once.


Uh-huh. Sure.

Your attempts at forcing in a Mandela effect upon anyone other than yourself are sad to witness when everyone can clearly scroll back up.

Besides Obahar has earned the benefit of the doubt even when slipping up here, which he then promptly apologized for without compromising in his distaste of your character.

You’d be a nobody were you not associated with Keti and an obvious concern troll trying to stick mud on someone who’s dodging it every single throw after wiping himself of the first one.

Take the L, begone from this place and let the memory of your existence fade if you ever want a path available.


They did not, they just doubled down on mocking for quite some time and then continued to do so. If they had just corrected themselves and hadn’t continually mocked pronouns, mine included going forward it would’ve been no problem.

Nah, still more notable than you apparently.

Why don’t you, you’re the one that continually did the same thing intentionally misgendering after being corrected

They do continue to prove my point.


Gaslight, Gatekit, Gender-neutral-terminologyboss.


Forums on a Sunday evening is a lawless place.
I expect this thread to be Thanos’ed by Monday morning.

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The levels of delusions are… Astounding for anyone outside the AD sphere but we went through several wringers of this, Pickpaw here just doesn’t realize this pattern has been witnessed, effectively countered and dismantled by bigger brains than ours.


How in the world does this prove your point lmao

It would’ve proven your point if I actually committed to saying girlboss or changed it to guyboss. In what way does it prove any point?

If anything it proves mine that you are willing to gaslight, gatekit and gender-neutral-terminologyboss.

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It’s you continuing to mock pronouns and gender neutral stuff in general.


You are truly the greatest mockery of it yourself with this concerntrolling lol

They don’t even realize they’re the very stereotype the “dirty 4channers” have willed into existence.

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Okay? So what would a gender-neutral girlboss/guyboss be that starts with the letter G? How would you complete the joke?

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Would you consider posting about Keti in an unrelated thread to be concerntrolling and then spawning this thread as a result? Or is it only that when it’s someone you don’t like.

I wouldn’t mock pronouns, that’s what I’d do. I would refrain from intentionally hostile insults in the form of pronouns or immutable characteristics.


Ah, I see - you wouldn’t have a sense of humour in this situation.

Yeah that scans.

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That reminds me about Dave Chapelle and other comedians that try to use that excuse, quite poorly. Pick something else when it was clear there was issues with you misgendering people instead of doubling down and saying “it’s just a joke lol”


T’was quite literally a joke my dear. A goof, if you will. A gag. A bit, a skit, at the expense of the kit. Indeed, I joked up, so please, don’t get choked up, for again, t’was only a joke.


A wise man once told me (paraphrased for context) that the main reason you come across so many dog-water takes and IQ-liberated beliefs is not people inherently trolling, but rather the internet validates and lets people with mongo views congregate and normalize it.

I don’t think pickpawkit is a troll, or inherently evil.
They’re just really, really dumb


I love how this went from the usual clown show with Keti to concerntrolling and GDers, of which some/most of them have alts on AD and I can name a guild I know they’re associated with :slight_smile:

But also damn you Obahar you brought GD’ers in here as well >:(


I play worgen. I know that sometimes the only way to end a war is by summoning wolf men to devour friend and foe alike.

…Okay admittedly that didn’t work out too well for Arugal but it does result in a lot of chaos at least.

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