So i really did defended vile acts? prove it

tbh I’ll take Obahar’s and Dave Chappelle’s standup routine any time of the day over Hushpup’s meltdown about pronouns and concernposting for Keti of all people


I’ve expressed my fondness for your work several times in this thread alone, I’m sad to see you think I dislike you. Are you okay?

Yes. If that happened without cause, I’d probably find it weird. Though concerntrolling doesn’t quite fit the definition.

That hasn’t happened however so I don’t really know how this relates to anything :slight_smile:

Unfortunately I try to see the best in people and in this case ‘the best’ is me generously assuming pick isn’t that dumb.

Wait, Pickpawkit and Hushpup are the same?


Don’t mention the yanks name or they will appear once more as prophecized

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Please, that’s a generous term for such a commedian.

I’ve been firmly sat down this whole time.

(See the joke is the subversion of expectations because you’d think i was talking about Dave Chappelle but actually I was talking about myself. Explaining the joke does make it less funny, however given Hushkit/Pickpup’s inability to pick up on human humour I believed such a disclaimer was a necessity)

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At this point I no longer care to find out. Throw both out.

It’s also noticeable in the pattern here of Keti makes bold claims of falsehoods (doesn’t matter what kind), posts for a few demanding respect and kindness that she doesn’t deserve, some concerntroll shows up, takes control of the thread fighting in Keti’s name but turns out to be the worst advocate possible.

It’s like watching an AI scripted conversation but even AI has better recollection and understanding of past conversations.

Of course it is.

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“Where is Sofie? Is she safe? Is she alright?”

Nah, and the only people that make that accusation are the ones I would be wary of because they’re all in that same GD Discord. They seem to associate quite fondly with the Abomination/Scarlet Scourge and making alts (Though they’ve learned to do it with Classic characters because you can disprove it with retail via armory pets - I will be happy for the day the forums finally switch to battletag or some other thing so all the Classic alts get outed)

Like this one, the use of ‘it’ to refer to me should tell you plenty.


Return of the King! Keti Whitefur, mother of two! She is here! <3

Gonna be real, I’ve seen AI script better conversations than here.
Maybe we should just feed the AI with Keti threads and ruin it forever more

That would ensure AI to never rise up against their human masters.

I am not a she. just saying,

Sadly it is what everyone does believe by chance that i am a girl. which makes me laugh :slight_smile:

jfc I Can’t imagine Obahar being actually transphobic.


It’s because of your character
Don’t flatter yourself

By default most people refer to players with their characters pronouns. Hence why I also referred to you as ‘she’, in the same way that people would probably refer to me by ‘he’ because it’s Obahe not Obaher-


Bad joke aside, that is the reason why. And now people know!


I don’t care, I’m only using she or he upon seeing a the character profile pic. You think I wanna remember any personal detail of yours?

You’re a har, har har!


I am not flattering my self. I am just correcting it