So i really did defended vile acts? prove it

Vax literally has called people out for transphobia in the past what are you on about.

Also Obahar isn’t being a transphobe you daft poster, it’s so obvious he’s messing about that even I, sperg extraordinaire, can tell he’s messing.
If anything you’re doing a disservice to us transfolk by being so “concerned” and calling out willy nilly.

Christ on a cracker if you think someones being a 'phobe you block 'em.


I don’t think their history of posting on the consequencesofargentdawn tumblr which very much dislikes anyone trans, and being supportive of them and then defending people mocking pronouns here makes them supportive of trans issues, no. To make another point, the person in that imgur consistently referring to me as ‘it’, and many other derogatories is trans themselves.

Only for people they like, that’s usually how it goes - just like with Oba and others.

They are, it’s a statement of fact.

and there’s you being ableist. Huh.

Exclusionary, too. Imagine that.


I see! That explains it.

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I’ve made around three comments on their posts, so what? Sometimes things call out to me and I comment like, hey, yea, agreed. Mainly when someone’s been utter crap to me and I say yes, that’s true.

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Hang on a minute I only just spotted this but

what? There’s plenty to dislike about COAD but this is the first I’m hearing of it being transphobic.

And yea, that.

Put the little turd burglar on ignore.
They’re worse than Keti, which is magic!
Twisting everything into a slight, a true attention tick.

I’ve made it no secret that I have an immense dislike for that site due to personal reasons but Vaxir has made no hostile comments towards Trans people. You can’t blame them for whatever that site does.

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Vax has called people who hate their guts sooo no not just people they like.

He’s not.

I can call myself a sperg, I’ve got asperger’s you blummin’ nitwit.

It’s almost like… I am trans myself. Must’ve blown your little mind with that.

COAD plays both sides, but I wouldn’t call them supportive of transpeople either.


I can just imagine pick putting together a new imgur album right now

It has a habit of being generally lgbt friendly exactly until someone lgbt disagrees with it, then they’re fake and ‘token’.

At least, that’s how it was the last time I checked 500 years ago, and I have little cause to assume any improvement.

It’s very much a “everyone I don’t personally like is litterally worse than satan” followed by a trillion different stories about why.


Dang I can’t imagine you’d be a COAD supporter!?11one I can’t believe you would be such a defender of them.

To AD, mentioning support (Or even denying a method of attack) of their posts is enough for that, no? Or do you change your standards on a whim? Huh, quite interesting isn’t it? You swap back and forth as it suits you.


Your mask is slipping king

This was the other thing I wanted to mention but never had a chance to, but how sad do you have to be to compile an imgur album with that many screenshots? I’ve made it a habit to put things up to Gyazo and yeah I’ll sometimes pull them out, and yeah it’s kind of a saddo thing to do and I’ll admit that, but it’s one thing to have a service which just puts screencaps online, it’s a whole different kettle of fish to go

“I’m gonna make an album about everyone who said mean things about me >:(”

That being said, the homophobia on display from some of the people in there is disgusting and does deserve to be called out. Being gay doesn’t mean you can say the f-slur without consequence, what isn’t harmful to one gay person very much is harmful to others and that’s a lesson I’ve personally had to learn.

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I know im not the most popular poster in AD forums, but here is Pick saying that Kretias(who is indeed trans) is not trans.

How so? What have I exactly swapped back and forth on? I think I’ve been pretty consistent with my opinions.

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Oh my god I loved the whole token gay thing they said. Hilarity.

Some of those are years old and people can grow over time, some of them might.
Clutching onto old hates like some weird gremlin is unhealthy.

Not as sad as the people in some of those screenshots considering the dung they spew

Assuming the screens are legit which, considering it’s a GD discord, I am fully willing to believe