So i really did defended vile acts? prove it

I didn’t think to check the dates admittedly, but fully agreed. If the people in there since have gone “oh heck, my bad” then fair play to em!

They’ve literally written garbage about me. They claimed I was a legit anti-vaxxer over a joke. I’m not defending them, I’m just baffled as to what your take is.

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I am aware, and I witnessed them misgender Kretías several times a while back.

Unfortuantely it’s very legit, those people have a track record of it.


Only in response to Oba and Co’s mask slipping, it’s just a joke lol but hey, yet another intentional misgender.

Kretias is the one that denies usage of my pronouns constantly, btw. You would imagine that those that are trans wouldn’t do that, but as I’ve learned sometimes those that are Trans are the ones that know it hurts the most so they do so.

None of them did.

Then can you please, in the future at least stop acting like I’m some supporter of Keti because I said misgendering them or others isn’t cool? That’d be great. Sorry for my joke, but I felt it was earned.

You did not actually, you were the one that thought they went by different pronouns when the ones I was using were correct. So YOU were misgendering them.


Nope. I use it (the pronouns. Before you throw another fit of yours because hurdur) on the forums. On private messages I call you whatever I want. If I speak with you I sticked with your pronouns after you told them to me.

You calling anyone transphobic holds no merrit whatsoever.

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Your mask is slipping, monarch



It would be a crown, what sort of monarch wears a mask?

You do not, the imgur shows your messages on the forums conveniently denying pronouns constantly.

Second misgender, intentionally from the start huh?


And I admitted to being corrected, so what is your point exactly?

One that could only afford half a crown and had to improvise

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I say this with the deepest of sincerity and respect, but I have no idea what Keti’s gender is. I’ve reffered to them as she because of the avatar, but over the entire saga there’s been so many back and forths on what pronouns are right or not. At one point they claimed they were a parent & mother, only for later to say that they were a dad, and then that it was just their rp character they meant, and then later that it wasn’t again.

It could be severe language barriers, but it has been very confusing.

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Discord counts as private. You stalking the discord til you got discovered and insta banned is irrelevant.

Blessed, Holy. Mother of two. :pray:

But no it does seem to be he/him OOC.

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Supposedly Keti is a guy and unfortunately a dad IRL my condolences to those children :pray:


Then don’t say that I misgendered them when I didn’t?

ON THE FORUMS. You do it in BOTH places.


You did previously, just because I cannot post elsewhere doesn’t mean I cannot read other forums and threads.

But here on AD yes I got corrected from past knowledge of Kretías pronouns.

Gamergate and its consequences have been a disaster for online spaces

My gender is male IRL. if that is what you want to know.
Everyone does taken the wrong to say that i am a woman because of my character avatar.

That does clear it up, thank you.

Most people call you a woman she/her pronouns due to your avatar, unless told otherwise or filtered through whatever language barriers and nonsense it’s easy to miss the how’s and why’s.