So i really did defended vile acts? prove it

Man, woman, person - just shut up. Stop trying to paint me as transphobic or uncaring towards the gender identities of other people just because I slipped up.

Sorry for misgendering you, but I’m not going to flog myself for your forgiveness.


You say this in a game where male orcs refer to their female partner as mate.

More importantly it overlooks the fact that I am English.
Mate is a common part of my dialect. I don’t refer to just men with it, and it’s much less weird to go

“Mate, sentencesentencesentence.”
“Woman, sentencsentencesentence.”

what a peculiar character

I don’t have to, what you are is the result of your words and actions.

Over and over again, and then try to double down when pointed out? Uh huh, sure. You remember everything else about me just fine, yet that? Never sticks? You can remember every bit of what Keti or others posted, but not that? Seems like you need better priorities.


He’s not just a clown but the entire circus.

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It’s she if you’re referring to pickpawkit, but if it’s me that you’re talking about then fair enough.

interesting argument but unfortunately

Trust me
Obahar is not who you think he is

Really is so far.


See did not even noticed, you have the good faith of assuming that it didn’t just purposefully use the wrong noun.

Apparently you don’t deserve such mercy Obahar tsk tsk~.

At this point I’m satisfied enough. I don’t need to convince Pickpawkit that I’m not transphobic, as long as I’ve convinced people who realise my actual intentions then it’s all gravy. They can go “EW OBAHAR /POL/ KIWIFARMERS DOXXMAN” until the cows come home if she wants to. As long as the regulars here recognise what’s happened then that’s good enough for me.

You’re disgusting. The “it” was not referring to you. The “it” was referring to the pronoun of “he”.

How dare you.

Now is not the moment to flex your TRP titles.

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Mate is a gender neutral term in England, Aus and NZ.
I believe it’s been mentioned before in this cycle of arguments in a previous thread.


Thank you. I feel my sanity returning.

I was referring to you calling me she, instead of they/them. But you did call me ‘it’ before instead of calling me they/them, that seems to be something stuck in your memory and you assumed again.


It was me that said it last time too.
They are on my ignore mind you.

hum study some language sweaty pickpawkit knows better :slight_smile: