So Ice Barbed Spear is Mission impossible for Alliance player?

I’ve played like 7 games so far this AV weekend lost 6 won 1 so it is possible! You know if you stand a chance at the start if someone is taking command then you have a chance if everyone is doing their own thing then it’s an insta loss.

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It looks kinda:

Alliance logic : “It is possible to win”
Horde logic : “It is possible to loose”

In which 1st Alliance one is indicating that you almost always lose and 2nd Horde one that you almost always win, which doesn’t sounds right.

Around 17% Alliance win rate, like in your case, would be ok in my eyes ,because of balance (insanely Horde queue time), but i could bet that Alliance win rate is much lower…

This is just a flat out lie. If Alliance go right at SH bunker they meet Horde a bit in front of Balinda’s bunker not in the middle. I don’t know what AVs you’re playing where people can ever meet in the middle of FoS at the start of the match but that’s 100% not how the map plays out unless your team is afk for like 20 seconds at the start of every match.

“When alliance tried” you say. You mean when Alliance are a premade right? Because that’s just about the only time I’ve ever seen Horde get pushed to their spawn. So yes Alliance only need vastly superior gear and coordination than the other side to win.

It’s been pointed out hundereds of times exactly how and why the map is Horde favoured yet we have all these AV heroes (who are almost all fairly mediocre players at least in PvE) trying to preech to us how the map is perfectly fine and 100% balanced without actually adressing any of the points raised and when they do address them it’s usually some made up BS like your claim that the teams can meet in the middle of FoS at the start of the match. I suppose it makes sense. Since talking about of the issues about the map inadvertently reveals how little you know about the topic you have to revert to petty insults and “hurr durr 30 Alliance afk every game”. It’s literally the exact same pattern with every single AV hero I’ve seen on here.


Alliance can win, but when 5-10 are afk at cave… you’re at 30-35 players.
Throw in low geared alts… do you really think we’re gonna win? XD.

Horde have a slight advantage in AV, but it isn’t going to make the win rate 99%.
That part is down to the actual players…

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@OP: yes it is.

if by “Slight” you mean “Significant” , i agree…

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Sure, if you think that lmao.

I just won 5 AV’s in row as alliance,take that horde you stink
and dont come here telling you win all the time cus that doesnt count,you have to lose 300 times in row to make it up.

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and you have the empyrical evidence to back that statement up. as in, you were in a fight where 30 allys ran into 30 horde(assuming both sides have 10afk or bots), and horde won because the conflict started 10m closer to the ally graveyard.

if it takes a premade to actually commit to how AV works, then I guess you’re sh!t out of luck unless the mentality changes.

here we go. it’s like a damn parrot cage here. chirp chirp, polly want balanced AV terrain. map is ASYMETRICAL. if you want perfect balance go to retail, there I said it. don’t come to the forums crying how you can’t defeat a horde raid head on and that it’s map design fault.
If you can’t win a 30v30 fight it’s on you. if you can’t get a 30v30 fight it’s on you. if you decide to avoid a 30v30 fight and horde cuts off your GY respawns, IT’S ON YOU.

Revushka im not sure where did u play or what u remember, but Av is only Bg where horde win/rate isnt negative and never was.
I remember short period(since 2005) when aliance started rush tactic and killed Drek in 7 minutes, with all towers up. Horde (thanx god) sorted it in few days with massive defense.

During TBC , Alliance heavily dominated over Horde in AV, at least in non premades and yes, Rush tactic was popular because it worked…Horde was more successful if playing defense, but in most cases they didn’t. I guess many people preferred fast BG’s from both sides , even at cost of losing.

Yes. Thats why i “loved” ppl shouting rush while alliance were already at fw and horde barely in the middle.

Yes I do. Horde can reach the middle of the map with a 60% faster than Alliance with a 100% mount. What evidence do you have of your bogus claims that people reach the middle of the map at the same time? You’re trying to argue that water isn’t wet.

I do like that you’ve basically 100% confirmed what I said. You’re not addressing any of the points raised and throwing around petty insults and BS claims. Like a little child.

Sorry fam. You won’t find many Alliance players that don’t think mentality/afkers are a factor but you’re reaching real hard to completely deny that there is a fundamental map design problem behind a 99% WR for one faction. I’ve mained Alliance for 15 years and there has been, since vanilla, a mentality problem, a lack of communication and propensity to give up easily. Last time I played on retail it was no different. However this is the first example I know of that it’s got anywhere near a 99% loss rate in a single BG. Imbalanced map design and poor mentality are not mutually exclusive so stop trying to claim that one doesn’t exist

Well that is generally how it is. Don’t get me wrong my statement wasn’t that there is no map imbalance because there clearly is only a blind man would say otherwise it was just that Alliance CAN win. The problem is Alliance winning is kind of out of your hands, you just got to get lucky and the stars have to align.

For Alliance to win they need a good leader and the majority of the team to listen, they need to overall out gear the opposing Horde team and on top of that they need a near perfect composition such as a whole bunch of healers and a ton of Hunter and Mages. Hunters and Mages are one of the most important factors in winning as traps and mages slows are needed to stop Horde going into full turtle mode at IBGY and at the ramp in their base/recall spot but lets just say more ranged DPS overall is more useful over melee DPS who will get melted when they try to push the back line. From experience it seems that Horde often have a lot more mages on average while Alliance tend to have a ton of Warriors in the majority of games I’ve played (I’ve got 3 characters to Exalted with Stormpike)
and usually more healers too.

It’s a lot less forgiving for Alliance because if they take IBGY and lose it and don’t have SHGY then it’s insanely hard to break the SHGY choke to reclaim SHGY plus the run from the cave means that Horde should always outnumber the Alliance push. On the other hand if Horde lose IBGY they can run 15 seconds from their starting cave and keep piling on IBGY until they get it back. This leads to a much easier tactic to follow for Horde which is to always focus on defending IBGY and taking SHGY once both have been achieved the game is pretty much won as they can ignore bunkers until they have SHGY and hold the choke. Horde also know that the longer they defend and turtle the more likely Alliance are to give up because the time for Alliance to be honor efficient and Horde to be honor efficient is different.

So there’s a lot of factors and map imbalance is one of them but it isn’t the only reason.

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I was Thunderhorn in Cyclone battlegroup doing BG alongside Stormscales finest…

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Wasn’t it established 17,000 years ago that a lot of things have to do with horde getting TWICE the respawn rates from their cave compared to the alliance GY?

What are we still talking about? If you can’t win, you can’t.

Except the reasoning behind that presumption is full of holes. For example, for one thing it means 11+ Horde died in a 30 sec window, which indicates Alliance is doing quite well in the PvP itself, because if 10 or less were the only ones ressed in the cave then the increased “respawn rate” didn’t even come into effect. Secondly, it also means that Horde shouldn’t be able to capture SP GY. Ever. Assault, yes. But capture? They should be facing the same difficulty the Alliance faces at IB GY. Since for one thing, the Horde would presumably respawn at SH GY then, and Alliance would have their 20 people ress every 30 seconds in their cave which is even closer to SP GY than the Horde cave is to IB GY, and provides that uphill advantage for ranged.

It’s like logic disappears in that claim. The problem instead lies in the motivation and ability. Because according to the premise of that social media disinformation campaign, it should be IMPOSSIBLE for Horde to capture SP GY, since it would be recapped every time due to the difference in ress distances and “respawn rates” going up to 20 people every 30 seconds.

You can’t claim it’s impossible for you, without it being impossible for the reversed situation. If your claim would be true, it’d be impossible for the Alliance to lose. Not talking about win chance, but you’d not be able to lose. Yet I’ve seen SP GY steamrolled too many times and captured with ease over and over again, without that “cave advantage” even being noticeable.

You know, the funny thing about the origins of that cave respawn rate being called an “advantage”, first started during the Alliance premades in AV. It wasn’t because it made IB GY harder to capture or anything like that. It was because Horde would just never ever stop annoying them by recalling with every single player that ressed in the cave, since the other graveyards were all controlled by Alliance.
So back then, it was called as an “advantage”, because that perserverence sometimes could even lead to a win, since so many would keep recalling and ending up with K/D ratios of like 0 kills and 40+ deaths. Because it would disrupt the Alliance so much that they wouldn’t be able to kill the boss sometimes, giving the few attacking enough time to get what they were going for. I’ve never seen Alliance play like that in reversed shoes. Ever.
Some would recall a couple of times, but not with as many and for as long as Horde would during the premade times.

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On a number of occassions I actually did acknowledge map design, but seeing as the map is asymetrical, map design is a moot point. Just as they complain about horde being close to balinda, horde can complain about aid station being virtually unreachable once alliance takes it.

You completely missed the point of that argument.

Nah, I’m addressing what’s relevant. You’re just playing dumb to all the responses.