So like... can I not unlock Earthen during EA? :/

Meet the Earthen, A New Playable Allied Race (

it tells you exactly what is needed in that link but you do you, they always said they would be playable shortly after launch but if you want to argue you are trying it with wrong person.

Youre giving an answer to a question im not asking.
Im not asking about when theyve said unlock requirements.
Im talking about unlock timings. Which you have not provided any information on.

Its the same thing, they said “shortly after launch” deal with it or dont but its not my problem :slight_smile:

Thats not on your link though.
You say its not your problem but you still came at me talking about stuff that was never being questioned.

Even customer support says theyre not sure on the official time we will be able to meet the requirements.

But yeah, lets not argue because its pointless anyways. Blizzard will do whatever it is theyre going to do regardless of what we know or think we know.

They said it way back in blizzcon and a couple times after.

Do you want to be spoon fed all info or can you look up google and read about 2023 blizzcon yourself?

They always said “shortly after launch” it was never sold as an EA bonus.

Yeah i guess i do.
Spoonfeed me.
Show me exactly where it was said.

Plenty of places like wowhead that have all 2023 info there go do it yourself or you know maybe play the game instead of acting petulent on the forums as you do not like answers given :slight_smile: gn

Yeah i didnt think you could find the answer you claimed to have.

But as i said, lets not argue :slight_smile:

I am not doing your work for you :slight_smile:

then why keep on whining and replying ? or do you feel the need to be the big guy and have the last word?

Your claim, your work.

Yeah kinda. More so i dont point out just how ridiculous your attitude and behaviour is.

I dont think you have anything of value to say, or a personality worth enduring.
So im just going to block you.

Alright whatever you say , you can just admit you do not have the knowledge to do it yourself its easy to do :slight_smile:


The campaign comes after. You unlock world quests before you can even begin it.

It’s max level content.

i dont know man, this says otherwise?

https:// imgur. com/ a/WacKN8J

This is the campaign

Yes, blizzard clearly stated that u cannot complete the campaign in EA, so yes u cannot unlock the earthen dwarfs yet.

i’m gonna try and see whats going on, we cant both be right or wrong xD

heres another, i dont know if its different but is says the same as the previous pic

for the last time, that is not it mate. I have played through it.

fair enough i dont have WW even xD but its very much confusing that its says allied race quest available xD

you can begin some of them, but you can’t complete it because the endgame campaign is not unlocked yet.

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