So like... can I not unlock Earthen during EA? :/

ok that makes more sense thank you :dracthyr_yay_animated:

My guess is, they did intend you to first finish the campaign before that. Some of the world quests are even only explained in the campaign…they might’ve changed it because of EA.
But the fact is: you need to finish the campaign for the achievement unlocking the earthen allied race

Check this one:

You can get all of it finished already, except for the campaign. I did the rest already. :slight_smile:
it says “Wait for a message from Alleria Windrunner”. And before somebody asks…I don’t know who at Blizzard had the bright idea to translate Character names, It also doesn’t make sense to me.

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Calling others American teenagers for saying “so like” is, so like American teenager.

So like, care to explain how do you know so like sounds like superflous American teenagrs, unless so like, you know how they speak because you are, so like, a superflous American teenager yourself


Those with the biggest insecurities tend to yell the loudest. Wouldn’t worry about it.


Sometimes people wants to argue for the sake of it.

Don’t mind them and just pretend they don’t exist.

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1/10 - trying too hard

That is exactly what, so like, a superflous american teenager would say.

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You lost the 1 for that

Thank you, Clergy the so like superflous American teenager.
You know, I didn’t, so like, wanted it.

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Now minus 1

Can I have, so like, minus 2?

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Personally i wish i could play as earthen from the get go same as any allied race for that matter. To me its just idiotic i have to go through all the questing just to play something i want.

They could just prevent race change if that is the problem.

I believe that is intended. At least according to the wowhead guide.

We had to do a lot more for some of the allied races from what I do remember…I think it is reasonable. The only thing I wish is, that we could already unlock them during EA, so I can push up my earthen prot warri. But hey, it’s not that I have to wait long, so… :wink:

Oh and if you have a problem with questing…well…an mmoRPG might not be the right game for you?

I hope they never ever ever do this again.

I hope they never give away beta invites as a free pre-order bonus on EE or for money…some of them were more disruptive to the beta process than helpful…

Oh well, the beta barely even worked. It was laggy as anything and The Ringing Deeps last quest was broken so I couldn’t continue the campaign and playtest.

Don’t know what problems you had there. Ping of ~160 was surely not the best, but is hardly laggy. You had here and there some server lags, but I guess that was, same like in previous betas, caused by them seemingly trying to have the servers pretty full for also doing kind of a stress test at the same time.
Problems with the campaign I remember exactly 2…one in the beginning of the beta in Azj-Kahet and later in the beta one in the isle of dorn in the max level campaign.
But who knows, maybe some quest in the ringing deeps was bugged as well at some point. The whole point of a beta is to test everything and find such bugs.

But in general the beta was not as bad.

But like that’s how we millenials, like, speak.

I still catch myself doing it, I rage at the lower gen for their weird speech. It’s a natural process, old carrot.

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