How many mental gymnastics of you can these forum take… ffs!
Nice try,all my characters are named after lore, I never made any of those threads. I also find it funny that you assumed that I meant that I could write better,I was stating my opinion. I guess projection and silly insults are your defense mechanism, hopefully you’ll grow up one day and understand that people have different views on similar topics and we must coexist.
She knows nothing of the Kaldorei,all the previous books centered around the Night Elves were written by Richard A. Knaak,plus she writes what Blizzard tells her to write. I’ll admit I was impressed with the first part of Warcrimes and the way she handled it, however the ending was atrocious, and she conveniently made characters disappear from the final battle lol.
Oh my God how many tears are you gonna shed over our tears on the forums? LOL
The question I’ve been asking myself: How could this story still be saved? How can the night elves get their revenge?
Unfortunately, the answer is not easy to accept even for me, because the answer is now: Not in this Addon anymore. .
But the price Blizz will pay for it is also very simple: My enthusiasm for this franchise is gone. My interest in the Lore is gone. For me, Warcraft is just one of many games until the day when there will be real revenge for the night elves, a real revenge.
They will never get their revenge, it’s something to accept. I’d still love to see some ingame things like a new city, nelf children etc. to see that the race is not completely annihilated…
I’m not sure it is ‘stooping so low’ when the writers themselves have stated that they favour certain characters, who then go on to get maximum screen time. Jaina, Anduin, Baine for Golden, Nathanos for Danuser.
Yes, it is a bizarre take on things, I would have expected it to be the other way around, but apparently they ‘don’t like being constrained’ by such things as continuity and story.
To be honest, they have got a point. We’ll leave aside the massive overuse of the phrase ‘mental gymnastics’ which was amusing the first time it started to crop up on the Internet, but not so amusing after saturation point, but we have reached a point now where it is hard to find a serious post from a Kaldorei avatar that is not simply a whinge and a conviction that Blizzard hates them personally and kicked their dog.
We had a period of time when there were three or four such topics started -per week-, then things settled down and they shifted targets, instead starting topics about how the Horde is Evil, and we should all feel bad for playing Horde, and now we have gone full circle, and are back at “Blizzard hate Night Elves Woe is us!” If there are gymnastics involved here, it is people doing a backflip in terms of their arguments, and repeating old threads because nobody quite got the message the first fifty times that some people had a sad that their favourite pixels got a smack.
Technically against the Terms of Service, but I’m not petty enough to care.
Dear Gods! That’s not a defence! Knaak is an atrocious, appalling example of an author! An utter hack without any originality to him. “Hmm, It seems they have thrown in a cool human male character, with a hot Elven Wife, that sounds like Aragorn and Arwen from Lord of the Rings, Lord of the RIngs is widely regarded as a fantasy epic, people like Turalyon and Alleria, hmm, I wonder if anyone will notice if I write this character, who in an interesting twist, is a human male, but here’s the interesting thing, he has a hot elven wife! I know right? Groundbreaking!”
The guy is just awful, if that is the type of writing you want for Kaldorei, you’re welcome to it!
I will agree though, that after a well thought out start and middle, the ending of War Crimes was absolute dog toffee. Its as if Golden was writing to a deadline, yet still found enough time to self insert two of her own played characters into the proceedings…
Listen to yourself. Just listen to yourself. The assumptions made are staggering. Who is to say that this is not the Night Elves story? A once mighty Empire, filled with hubris, who eventually fell victim to that ‘we know best’ mentality, and were brought low by younger races. It is not exactly a new motif, Elves are -always- depicted in fantasy as a powerful species whose glories are behind them, and now are in decline, what makes the Kaldorei different, apart from how many people whinge on forums about it?
Who says they willget revenge? Who says that is their story? who says they have to have their revenge in as short a timespan as would make a goldfish go “Oh, that was quick”.
I sometimes wonder if some of the people posting on Nigh Elves here actually think about their characters. Night Elves -were- Immortal, they still have life spans of several thousand years, do you think such creatures would regard vengeance as a thing that needs to happen next Tuesday, or would they be satisfied with next year, or next decade? or a century hence?
Welcome to the club, plenty of Horde races and other Alliance races have had a smack from the plot hammer, Y’all ain’t so special.
They are freakin’ Pixels! Pixels! Warcraft-is- just a game, it always was. If the fact that your favourite set of Pixels got a smack that other pixels did, but you don’t like it because it is fine for other people’s favourite pixels to get a smack but not your favourite set of pixels, and this is a deal breaker for you, then good grief, never touch a computer game again. Sometimes things go against your character, and I am not sure how you would cope with that.
Except we know that. I mean we know they are not completely annihilated. Even the people claiming they were in this very thread had to backtrack and admit that in fact, it said no such thing in Elegy, and that they were making it up. The Kaldorei have not been completely annihilated. Do you know how I can state this with absolute certainty?
Complete: Total or Utterly.
Annihilation: Absolute eradication with no trace.
So they have been totally eradicated with no trace, have they?
I think not.
…or you just read the weird arguments of Aatsui? I mean did you even read what he wrote, that’s hilarious! And how do you know that always the same people repeat it if there always new chars which write?
Not exactly the same name so technically not against the terms of Service.
Never stated that he was a great writer, regardless of the way he handled characters he did a good job with epic fantasy battles,existential crisis, and even managed to handle powerful lore characters in his books like Rohnin,Malfurion, and Tyrande instead of making the silly ‘‘plot drama’’ of axe to the back, shotgun to the back to characters that can rip armies apart.
Again, revenge for Silverwind refuge will happen this Friday? Or next? And before telling me again that it was a military outpost, look again on the map SilverwinD refuge not SilverwinG Outpost. I know you don’t care about night elves, but you used to take pride in your attention for details.
Yes, now Night elves are not immortal any more, and I suppose they have lives as long as the other elves. And usually revenge means to get it from the people who did you wrong, not their siblings.
I suppose you want to read psychological drama from a Warcraft book.
coughs Think you’ll find it already happened. The Alliance have retaken it in lore, killing the defenders. Don’t believe me? Look up ‘Silverwind Refuge’ on Wowpedia for the details and the lore sources.
It was as much a military outpost as Camp Taurajo, and for the same reasons, if we can accept one as a legitimate military target , why can we not accept the other?
Pfft, tell that to Vereesa and the Silver Cov…
Not especially, they do give some interesting insights into what characters are thinking and feeling, as opposed to the more ridiculous fantasy novels I used to read when I was 12 or so, however as -I- have grown up, so has the genre. Someone needs to take away Knaak’s copy of Lord of the Rings, and tell him there are different fantasy books out there.
As much as Golden is not that great cop at writing (actually, that isn’t fair of me, but I will come to that later so as not to break my flow), she at least is able to throw some grim shiz into her stories, yet in a fantasy setting, so that we can process them yet still see the parallels should we choose to. I mean look at War Crimes.
You have some absolutely grim stuff there, and interestingly, as the novel shows, it isn’t just Garrosh on trial, I mean physically he is, but psychologically a lot of those people in there have to examine themselves, There are very few of the Leaders in that story whose hands are clean, and the story guns for that motif, totally.
This said the ending of War Crimes needs taking out back and shooting. It is like she was writing to a midnight deadline on a caffeine overdose. Started so well, carried on compellingly, but the end was a maniac’s fever dream.
I was bullied at school. Now nobody would dare.
But comments like that are absolutely unnecessary. If you want to be taken seriously restrain from comments like that. In the end it’s just a fictional character no reason to be this protective over it.
My condolenses.
Don’t be. I grown fangs because of it. You either make it or break it.
Hear hear.
Smh, when forum arguments start throwing personal insults is more shameful than even my indecisive nature to keep class changing.
Yes. We noticed. You have like 6 fangs attached to your hood. Now all you need is to put fangs on top of those fangs and you’ll be set to go.
what happened to yer shaman and druid? D:
still there, just not doing much.
Ye but have you name changed them?
Oh, yes! to keep my original name.
Only shaman is in the same-name void because of the odd accent i put in. And druid has turned into a normal troll for reasons I use for events, character and something else to play!
You could now try to use the mogs I prepared!