Literally said in the first line that I know other races have been homeless from the start. There is a reason why I don’t play Gnome or Worgen.
No we are not, because you didn’t actually give any proof to draw these conclusions. How the f- do you want to get inductive if you have nothing to use for that?
You are shifting your initial claim now. You said you saw people with Tauren avatars whining about the state of the Tauren “constantly”. So go on, do your homework like a grown man.
It’s probably pointless, your right, but it assume that means have still hope in the story
I only got that you confiuse heavy accent with illetiracy. Looks like Dorfs are barely literate too, I have trouble to understand what they say too at times.
Gnomeregan is massive underground labirynth. It’s much harder to reclaim such a big dungeon, Echo Isles aren’t even half of it’s size, and that is just glorified training grounds, there is barely anything there. The only update that we have is that they supposely made out of it “Horde’s biggest port” maybe one day I’ll see it - on artwork or something.
Are you really saying that I should be happy to see a waste of character that they built for the role of Warchief since Cataclysm to see MoP rehash? Hahaha…
Truly amazing involvement to watch your leader so screwed up that you completely give up on him.
Oh so apparently defeating firelord, reclaiming and restoring Hyjal - their holy place, rekindlement with their kin in Val’sharah, restoration of Tear of Elune and utter defeat of Nightmare, heavy involvement in saving Suramar ANd defeat of the Legion in Tomb of Sargeras is apparently “giving context to historical events a la legion, or being fodder for another race to kick around/ help out”. Jokes on you man.
Is Hyjal and Va’sharah nothing to you? Or you will handwave it becuase you don’t like it?
Teldrassil has like 30 years it’s not “ancestral land” in the friggin nelf introduction you get told that this is very recent creation and out of selfish desires.
Hyjal is far more important.
Suramar will never be a capitol, it’s a questing zone which is still accessible for Horde and Alliance alike. NOTHING stops you from going there, and I personally don’t care for Niteborn, nor that city. But Nelves long abandonend such a life, they have completely different aesthetics than those mana addicts.
Yeah, I loved rehashed Zul’Aman and Zul’Gurub with antagonisation of noble Zandalari. I loved Hakkar’s return despite dealing with him in Vanilla. And totally I enjoyed Darkspears turning back on the rest of the troll kind instead of finding a way to make new unions.
Yes, how DARE they make valid points on how they’re misreated, how DARE they talk about their plight, and how DARE they try to take back the hold of their homelands.
indeed LOL.
There is more to an race than capitol. Echo Isles isn’t capitol either. You leave it at level 5 and never return, unless you do BfA Vol’Jin questline. And I personally like gnomes they’re extremely mishandled when they’re a reason why Alliance has proper technology to begin with.
Personally for me, the biggest issue is not the loss of Teldrassil or anything, it is the lack of story coming from it. So far the burning was used to enhance the story of one Orc and make me feel sad. Any progression for the NE race is put on hold. That simply feels like very bad writing. If you make such an impactful event for a race, plan time in your addon for a story how this race goes forward with it. Do not create a never ending warfront.
While I agree there is more to a race, I still stand by my previous statement, it’s just an important factor for me to get invested. To know that the character I play have a solid belonging in the world. It’s a subjective thing and I simply gave my take on it.
you pretend it doesn’t happen. i’ll page you when it does.
the shift occured a while back because the original respondent is talking about the “entire playerbase”, which is stupid. i’m talking about tauren players whining about baine, which the original respondent was doing in his reply (ping!) and happens elsewhere constantly. like i said, i’ll let you know when it does.
we’ll ignore the dude i was replying to for these purposes because that’s a gimme.
i’m not going to trawl through all the horde whineposts on this forum to find evidence of something i know is occuring. wether you believe me or not makes no odds to me - you will by the time we’ve finished here
But if it is constantly happening then you shouldn’t need to trawl through. Should be right there in front of you like the many nelf versions.
i equate living in hollowed-out logs without any obvious signs of a culture beyond hunter-gathering with illiteracy. because, y’know… it is.
you’re missing the point.
the trolls had a scenario entirely dedicated to them and their struggles in azeroth, one that ended with them reclaiming their homelands. someone at blizz sat down and wrote this out, then they coded it, and even put in unique cool rewards for people who participated.
this is just one of many instances of the darkspears showing their agency at the forefront of the WoW story, yet troll players complain they never get any time in the spotlight. then they come into threads like this one and bleb about night elf player complaints on the grounds that the trolls have never had any time in the spotlight.
vol’jin’s trajectory made more sense than anything in war of thorns. his death was pretty poor, i’ll grant you that, but how many times has he been referenced since in mentions by other characters? he even came back as a ghost fgs
know who came back as a ghost from the burning of teldrassil? delaryn summermoon
canonically the nelves were part of these events - which makes sense, i mean they’re one of the game’s core races, right? - but they weren’t solely responsible for any of them. they had to go cap in hand to adventurers for help in every event
also saving suramar was a mistake as it turns out.
hyjal is half on fire to this day and val’sharah is still overrun by Naga. this is what you consider “reclaimed”?
remind me never to hire you to help renovate my house lol
teldrassil is where most of the nelves lived, considering hyjal is, y’know, still on fire and all
so’s hyjal and val’sharah though.
how does this work? we accept that the narrative has moved on and zones have been “reclaimed” when it helps you make a point but pretend they haven’t when it helps me make one?
wether you like it or not is immaterial. did it make sense from a narrative perspective?
if so it’s a better love story than war of thorns.
it is right there. i still have to scroll through the forums for it though and i’m not going to do that when i can bank on it continuing to happen and point it out when it does. far easier on me that way.
Thankfully these forums have a search function to do your work for you.
Typing in Baine and searching these forums, last time someone with a tauren avatar even remotely mentioned him in a negative light was 19 days ago and that wasn’t even complaining about him.
Then 21 days then 29 days. 3 times in an entire month of story forum activity.
Now let’s do the same for the term Night Elves and only use Night Elf avatars for fairness.
Yesterday, two days ago, five days ago twice, six days ago, 10 days ago, 11 days ago, 12 days ago twice, 15 days ago, 17 days ago twice.
There was one 26 days ago but it’s much like the first Baine one, it’s kind of eh. So taking away those two we have a nice total of 2:12 in the last 30 days alone.
Oh yes, very comparable.
In case you want to check yourself, here is the format for you to use in the search bar : )
https:/ /
Yes, you are going to search the forums for triggered Tauren because you made the claim that they are constantly whining. And suspending your arguments for the future is not acceptable.
Either go learn basic logic like everyone on the world or go fetch me that proof.
Nelfies are illiterate they live on a tree after all. Bunch of monkeys.
Sorry but you’re the one who is hilariously wrong. Darkspear ancestral home is Strangletorm they didn’t reclaim anything all this big world revamp and on entire azeroth they gained whole 1 outpost - Bambala and it doesn’t even have an inn.
Echo isles was in fact mirrored by gnomes with Gnomeregan event - and alliance got exact same type of reward for participation. The event just like Revolution is no longer accessible in game. The end result is also the same -both trolls and gnomes got their own begginner leveling zone something that all other races had to begin with because unlike the rest trolls started as homeless despite the fact that they are the settlers type -heck they were not even meant to be playable to begin with! So amazing after like 6 years trolls and gnomes cough up with the rest of the races and got their own started unique experience which lasts for 5 levels and never return to that place unless you’re a roleplayer that enjoys empty interiors.
I don’t get the point you’re making. Why are you comparing him to Delaryn? Delaryn isn’t racial leader and wasn’t set up to be faction leader. Vol’jin questline was annoying because it reminded how shoddily crafted was entire premise and how they were backtracking on their Legion decisions. Well it’s too late the damage was done that ship sailed away and he is no longer part of the Horde -just a plot device for another big baddie.
How do you feel about Magni? Do you feel emotionally attached to him when he became crystal guy? Bronzebeard narrative is completely gone.
Amazingly. Player has to do content and not let NPCs do it for him who would’ve guess. But that doesn’t change the fact that they were one of the key factors of it. Not to mention unique questline for one of their lead characters - Illydan.
He even got hand drawn animations and other extras.
Firelord was defeated and it’s not half of the zone but 1/3 which should be even smaller by now.
Val’sharah isn’t overrun by nagas you’re talking about Azsuna.
Hyjal is perfectly habitable. Majority of the zone looks fine.
No, my point was that they did reclaimed and recovered few things because you claimed that they were only loosing and never got anything, which is total bollocks. WoT was badly written I agree with the critique but nelves received plenty of cosmetic rewards for their loss together with forsaken. Ask Worgen if they got anything cool for their loss, or if tauren got something for loosing Cairne friggin offscreen or Darkspears for losing the ONLY relevant character and being left completely clueless about their affairs for entire expansion span but here people are moaning that on first patch they didn’t get enough attention! How come they didn’t get their revenge NOW?!
Not really, more like firelands with druids of the flame story equivalent. Or dark ranger night elves.
night elves chose to live in trees and mud huts. trolls were forced to do so.
darkspear homelands are darkspear isles since they were exiled - if they were trying to retake STV you’d have a point. but they’re not. so you don’t.
but again, you’re missing the point. this time i’m not going to reiterate it for you.
idd - except one succeeded and one didn’t.
we’ve been over this.
it’s pretty explicit; vol’jin’s trajectory in the plot made sense given what we knew about him.
elderly shadowhunter with deep connection to spirits and a history of thwarting baddie plans goes to battle with demons. elderly shadowhunter gets mortally wounded (partly due to interference with a steel chair) and dies - but ofc he’s a shadowhunter so he’s got that spiritual mojo telling him to name sylvanas as his successor. the sylvanas thing is strange - something acknowledged in universe - but everything else makes sense.
unless you want to tell me an old man is supposed to battle with demons and emerge unscathed when there’s an active plot to make sure he dies. that wouldn’t make sense, what with him being an elderly member of a race that is specifically mortal (unless they’re directly connected to a loa).
it’s like you’re wilfully misinterpreting what i’m saying.
point isn’t that players have to do content. players had to do echo isles as well. point is the playable portion is almost always about the wider narrative as opposed to troll islands which was 100% about trolls getting pushed by blizz.
again. because trolls get loads of pushes.
“only 1/3 of it is on fire and full of flamewalkers and burning spiders why are you complaining just live in the bit that’s not on fire”
they showed up in a few zones connected to the wider narrative. you’re not recovering val’sharah for the night elves - you’re recovering it for the war against the legion.
echo isles? all for the trolls. then vol’jin keeps appearing in NPC conversations even after he’s dead. but no, the trolls are the bastard child zzzzzz
They got their revenge.
So they devolved themselves on their own wish, trolls as you said were forced to fight for another day.
But that doesn’t mean they were illiterate, they have tablets to record their history.
Well then don’t use faulty description such as “ancestral home”.
And you’re the one who refuses to look at stuff as it actually is.
Gnomes took a portion of Gnomeregan back, in the end it’s comparable gain as Gnomeregan is much bigger and much more complex.
My goodness, you’re so wrong on so many levels here. But that is not surpriging if you know nothing about Vol’Jin at all.
Such as - He was younger than Thrall. He barely reached 17 when he took over reigns of his tribe.
Well Yes Duh! There is plenty of wrongs in this bloody scenario:
But I’m not gonna write it all over - everything is covered here:
I wrote it before quitting the game. My only whine thread.
And btw speaking about elderly, how come age is not alreaddy affecting the walking fossils such as Tyranda and Malfurion? Weren’t they supposed to finally age after events in Wc3?
Trolls still had assistance of the Horde, And in Hyjal you only saw Night elves and Tauren. Are you seriously gonna moan that Tauren stole night elf thunder here?
The “forever sidekick” race?
Have you even seen the zone? Majority looks very good. You didn’t make an issue that “reclaimed ancestral Darkspear home” Has 2 islands assaulted by Nagas, - AGAIN.
Since majority of the Zone is occupied by nelves, where you help them cleanse this place and have rekindlement with those that lived on the very important place - as this is the birthplace of Mally and Illy you’d guess it’s important. But apparently it’s not. Mindbogging!
Well yes they are, and you’re again failng to see the bigger picture, We had to witness plenty of downfalls for other trolls, and look how many prominent characters they developed over the years?! Just one! It was Vol’Jin and they killed him in Legion in the most ridiculous way they could think off!
Against his character he picked Sylvanas and he returns as completely clueless being. He doesn’t know what is going on, he doesn’t know what happened, and NOT even one he addressed his tribesmen. A guy that was stressing so much in his own very book that they’re without cheiftain and they might be in trouble.
Vol’Jin was literally everything Darkspears had. All other people were NPCs with 2 lines of description. Rokhan “the WC3 guy” only in BfA was actually being taken care off and they put effort to give him personality and aim.
Night elves didn’t lose any of their important lore figures.
Tyranda, Mally, 2 Shadowsongs, heck even Illy returned being all good.
wasn’t faulty.
hence him being all old and grey during the horde bonus scenario in TFT
they were immortal and are stated to live for thousands of years even without immortality
horde adventurers helped, but the echo isles scenario was by and for the trolls.
i thought it was just night elves in hyjal? that’s what you said. “night elves recovered hyjal which is their holy land” or whatever. now there’s taurens as well?
maybe - and i’m just suggesting this - the reclamation of hyjal is more about druids in general than night elves in particular. unlike echo isles which was all about killing zalazane and getting the trolls a homeland.
yeah, that’s what i said. the rest of it is on fire and full of flamewalkers.
don’t just repeat what i’ve said and pretend you’re disagreeing with me lol
nelf druids
i think you’re conflating druids with night elves. which is understandable, but not quite correct.
this brings us back to our original point
night elf players have had to witness plenty of downfalls as well, but with far fewer successes than the trolls have had. while vol’jin was side-eyeing garrosh and retaking echo isles, night elves were killing fandral staghelm (their vanilla racial co-leader) in the firelands. yet for some reason when night elf players complain about this they’re “whiners” while troll players are totally justified.
don’t make no sense
hence him being all old and grey during the horde bonus scenario in TFT
Oh for pete sake… Yes they used a placeholder, basic b*tch witch doctor model as opposed to his own model, because that’s about how much they cared about making Darkspear trolls distinct in WC3, whereas the Night Elves had their very own campaign and three name characters with distinct models…
All these “pushes” you point to for the Darkspears has been Blizzard belatedly having them catch up with the more established races.
The fact is that in regards to their starting point, the Night Elves and the Darkspear Trolls were in exactly opposite places to each other, and while I will grant you that since then the Night Elves have gotten a raw deal, that doesn’t change the fact that the Darkspears were on the back foot looong before Cataclysm and Mist of Pandaria tried to redress the balance…
I’ll not begrudge Night Elf fans being pissed at the moment, frankly I see little reason for almost any fan of any particular race or character to not be pissed about the writing at the moment, but they are absolutely in no position to diminish Darkspear players/fans concerns and say that they somehow have it better…
If nothing else the Night Elves are as close as equal, per the narrative, to the Darkspear Trolls at the moment as you can get… but having enjoyed up until now the privileges of having their own faction city, two faction leaders with long and storied involvement in the lore and holding dominion over at least two zones in Kalimdor I could see why they’d be blinkered by this…
In conclusion, I’d like to say that I hate this kind of crapslinging, these spiteful, petty “you’ve got it better so boohoo” conversations, and I’m only indulging in it right now as to put things into perspective.
To be perfectly clear: I don’t want any race to be worse off than the other in terms of narrative significance and writing quality. We’d be in a better position to ask better of the devs (pretending for a moment that they’d care enough to listen) if we weren’t bickering and telling each other that they don’t have valid concerns when, frankly, everyone does…
That would mean people have to stop “RPing” as their characters in the forum. This will never happen.
Lol, fair point. I come from the generation of “keep IC and OOC separate”, so I try to do that but I must admit I let myself get baited a bit too much sometimes.