Well I did -not- see that claim coming, no sirree….
As for ‘The Night Elves are a dying race’ So what? If you ain’t Orc or Human, Forsaken or Dwarf everything is a dying race it seems. The Kaldorei can take their place in the ‘Most of our race were wiped out and we’re on the brink of destruction’ club.
People expect immediate revenge these days, if Horde sacks a city on Monday, Alliance expect revenge by Friday. DO you have any idea how repetitively dull such a thing would be? Real Vengeance needs to stew and simmer, How long did it take Sylvanas and the Forsaken to get vengeance on Arthas, how long did it take the Blood Elves vengeance on the human Prince that committed Genocide on their people? -Three- Expansions.
That’s vengeance, that’s massing years of hatred.
How rubbish a story would it have been if out of some desire to make the game different for those with no patience that We all went “Ooh, Arthas is a meanie, lets all kick his head in right now” the very instant he got to Northrend? That would have been awful. Instead we had Vanilla, the world is reeling from his actions, the Forsaken are now a thing, the Blood Elves have totally withdrawn from everyone and shut Quel’thalas as they desperately try to save what is left of their people. No one is getting any revenge on Arthas, because we’re too busy with recriminations and fighting each other…
Burning Crusade, again, we are dealing with the fall out from Arthas’ actions, No Arthas means no death of Anasterian, which means they would never have needed to call themselves Blood Elves, meaning no Kael’thas and his evil chums. TBC is directly a result of Arthas’ initial invasion of Quel’thalas, which even predates the game! We’re still dealing with a long term revenge arc here, as we tidy up the pieces he left behind.
Wrath of the Lich King, Finally, the enemy is brought to bay, and at great cost, in the very end, he is defeated. What an epic story that is.
Or, if you like your metaphor’s more Pop-Culture.
Star Wars: Darth Vader destroys Alderaan. To keep things fair, The Rebels destroy the Death star, and everyone on it, including Darth Vader. The end.
Or,Darth Vader kills Obi Wan Kenobi, to keep things fair, Luke Skywalker shoots the distracted Vader, who dies. The End.
Or you could have a story of initial fightback, then absolutely everything goes against the good guys. I mean jeez, Empire Strikes Back is bleak. Han Solo in Carbonite, Luke Skywalker has just been maimed and learned some unfortunate home truths, Princess Leia is a slave to a vile slug, C3P0 has a restraining bolt fitted and is effectively therefore a slave.
I mean -everything- is bleak and horrible for the Rebels. What do the Rebel Alliance get? Nothing, except stomped on again and again by the Empire.
Did people whinge and rage because George Lucas didn’t immediately go “But hey, in the next film it will be alright, but for that film, that’s your lot, no further progression”.
This is the Kaldorei’s ‘Empire Strikes Back’ moment. Don’t cheapen it by requesting a quick vengeance fix…
Leaving aside the semantics that it is, completely different, remember, this was not the Horde’s plan. Genocide was not on the menu until Sylvanas throws a wobbly. The plan was to occupy Darnassus, and not -harm- its civilian populace, who were going to be hostages. Killing them would have defeated the whole point. You can even see this in the game, when Sylvanas goes “Burn it!” even her boytoy Nathanos has a “Er, What?” moment, so she shouts again “BURN IT!” It clearly was not the plan. so the most accurate way of describing it is that -Sylvanas- committed, or ordered Genocide. As far as Jonny Orc is concerned, they were going to invade and settle. -Even Tyrande- knew that was the Horde intention, as she says to the player character, that they should head to darnassus, to at least make the occupation ‘tolerable’.
Not really? The High Elves pretty much attempted the same on the Amani. In fact they did the -exact- same as Humanities attempt. Ah, you thought I meant the Orcs? No, I meant the Sentient and Sapient species whose lands the Humans invaded and built the Kingdom of Stormwind upon, the ones that the humans just killed outright, seizing their land, and continue to hunt them to this day. I meant the Gnolls. Or does Genocide only count when the race in question is Alliance/pretty-ish. Is that why no one kicks off about the Dwarves and Gnomes committing genocide against the natives of Dun Morogh, even to the bold extent that one quest has specifically the player character killing Frostmane children. Children. Guess its only Genocide when the Horde do it to the poor old Alliance though, eh?
Flippant answer? Anyone not quick enough to get out of the way of their expansion. Serious answer, the Trolls who just happened to be in the way of the Kaldorei Empire. Genocide can also include the forcible transfer of population, such as Garrosh was accused of in War Crimes, and the Trail of Tears in our real world (Which actually has a lot in common with the Kaldorei’s exile of the Quel’dorei)
I don’t know if it is symptomatic of the “Gimme Now!” mentality, but heck, you have no idea what is coming down the pipe, just that there will be no vengeance this expansion.
Kaldorei: “THe Horde destroyed our city, killed nine out of ten of our civilians(though not our armies) and Blizzard aren’t even giving us revenge the same expansion! Horde Bias! This takes too long!”
Sin’dorei: “Hold my beer”