So no revenge for Night Elves, I guess

Meh, he’s only doing what Daddy Malf does in ‘Terror of Darkshore’. He’s also not Edgy. He isn’t nervous, or anxious at all, he is just bloody furious, why would he be Edgy about the situation? Whati s to be nervous about, the enemy has done their worst?

If it is that, do you honestly see anyone rejoicing about such a possibility on Team Red? Do you honestly think this saturday morning cartoon morality is what we want for our plot?

Oh wow, well, it was a military location, during a time of war, no civilians lived there, what revenge is this precisely? I mean it was a military camp, staffed by soldiers, attacked by enemy soldiers…

I dunno, the Cinematic sealed the deal for me, You’ve got this Troll dude, and they’re pretty unshakeable normally, gone into full on PTSD shock, he’s just babbling, chanting, so terrified of what he saw out there. That’s the Kaldorei, that what they were always supposed to be. That Troll, is suffering from a traumatic episode. The Kaldorei? They -ARE- the traumatic episode…

Have all of mulgore flooded and thunderbluff turned into an island.
Plenty of dead horde. Serveral destroyed minnor towns to meet tharamor loss.

Ignoring the fact alliance charaters are already ruined.
You can have any human leader for this.
Every single on of them is beyond saving and putting them out of my misery is a bonus to the alliance acculy destroying horde stuff.

The alliance and horde did.
They where along for the ride.
Indirect revenge then.

Arthes, ner’zul, bolavar are all the same person.
If the death knight campaign is to go by the lich king controls bolavar.
And technicly: the lich king is responsible for everything that happend to them.
Arthis was just his best general.


Horde rebels with alliance help because blizzard coudnt afford to ignore the alliance anymore.

See above.

Lost that one.

Liberation not revenge.

Just as meaningless as varians threat.

Valkyrs are nobodies any champion effortless destroyers repeatly.
Not even worth a starfire.

What you call revenge i call get out of death free cards.

….right…We’ll leave aside the fact that such makes no geographical sense, presumably an Alliance character would have to be evil, a raid boss, and an Alliance city turned into a Raid. Which one are you proposing?

Yes but which one, you must have one in mind. Bear in mind the raid would be Siege of Stormwind, if that helps?

Actually both the Sin’dorei and Forsaken are pretty massively involved, of the four Factions you can gain rep with in Northrend one is Forsaken only, the other is Blood Elf only. Forsaken have a massive presence in Northrend, and the Sin’dorei are the frickin’ air force in Icecrown.

No, they are the same -function- they are not the same person, they all have their own aims and personalities. Arthas’ was the one people had beef with.

You asked about playable races?

You asked about playable races?

And see above, Playable races, both of them are.

Err…Operation:Gnomeregan and the story ‘Cut Short’ would suggest otherwise. Sicco is long out of the picture…

OH OK, Liberation, destruction of demons, slaying the Eredar, in fact heck, no, that is Revenge, they ticked -all- of the boxes, after thousands of years fofleeing Argus, they finally won.

Except it isn’t? Its a massive -deal-, by smashing one tiny lantern, he has utterly destroyed Sylvanas’ entire personal agenda in the Broken Isles, which may in fact be why she then just leaves the majority of the following fighting to Liadrin.

Err…No they don’t.
-Lesser- Val’kyr maybe. Sylvanas only ever had 9 Greater Val’kyr. The only Greater Val’kyr the Alliance champion ever kills is him and Tyrande slaying the sixth one in Darkshore. Takes 3 to Bring Sylvanas back. She has 3 left. Lesser Val’kyr can raise Forsaken, they cannot bring SYlvanas back from destruction. Next time she dies she will then have 0 Greater Val’kyr. (as 3 die in the process). That’s game over for her. She is suddenly as vulnerable as any living creature with one life, the difference is, she knows what waits for her on the other side, and it ain’t pretty.

Tyrande has made it so that she now has to revisit that fear every…single…day…

That’s pretty good revenge.

As was Taurajo, as were all blood elves who tried to resist arrest during Purge. Don’t go there.

You are talking to a blood elf. You are trying to justify Jaina’s actions during the Purge of Dalaran.

You either hate yourself or you don’t know what to do this afternoon.

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I would try to argue that this part with the purge isn’t even close to the truth, seeing during the Alliance quests but hey, Araphant is writing so he will tell you instead.

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Oh Boy. Here comes a Purge debate. EVERYONE, HIDE!

No, he won’t. RUN EREVIEN! RUN!


Don’t be a coward. Stand your ground man of Gilneas!

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He is very clearly playing a man of Stormwind.

Gilneas, excuse me.


I wanted to argue that Silverwind refuge is in the same situation as Taurajo or blood elves. In all 3 there were civilians involved.

Ehhh, -ish. I mean there were military troops garrisoned there, but also civilians. I mean you actually use the totem on them to lay their spirits to rest. The Military dead have all just gotten on with it, the ones you lay to rest are the civilian dead. Valid military target, Sure, but sending in -Penal- troops probably was a bad way to minimise civilian casualties…I mean sending Penal troops to do -anything- is pretty much a guarantee that War Crimes are gonna happen.

Ho boy.

Yes, all Sellers of Ink are clearly soldiers, as are people trying to withdraw their own funds from the bank, as are the unarmed people the Silver Covenant are hacking about on the streets, the ones who can’t even fight back, but just cower as the ‘Hero’ butchers them. It is a pretty lie, but it is just that. A lie. The Silver Covenant, did, by Jaina’s bidding, murder civilians. You even have Alliance race mobs who are terrified of the violence outside. And no, really, you cannot aggro the Sunreaver civilians, they -will not- fight you, just cower, as the Silver Cov and the Player character if they are of a particularly sadistic bent, hack them apart.

I went there.

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Circumstances are important. While in Taurajo and Dalaran some civilians died, at least those who ordered said acts attempted to minimize civilian casualties (even Jaina, who very clearly warned Aethas to leave the city alongside his sunreavers as they were no longer welcome). Silverwin refuge? I don’t remember the Horde giving the civilians the choice, however small, to flee unscathed.

That would involve there having been civilians there, when you do the quest. There aren’t. Its Sentinels all the way.

Taurajo was legit. The only fishy thing about it was the use of Penal Troops, but as a military target it was legit.

Dalaran was shaky as heck. If Jaina wanted to minimise casualties she had a whole police force that both Silver Cov and Sunreavers would go “Yep, legit, the law is telling me this has to happen, they have the legal power of arrest” I mean they’re even -called- Dalaran Peacekeepers.

Instead, she figuratively sends the IRA into Belfast to deal with arresting Protestant civilians. With no legal power of arrest, what was she thinking?

Sorry I opened a can of Dalaran Purge memories. But it was the same deal with silverwind refuse as Dalaran Purge. The Horde and Alliance versions are different. As Alliance you have quests to rescue some gnomes.

There is no “pure military encampment” in Azeroth.

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True, it was never their intention to burn the Tree. Yet it happened, by Sylvanas’ orders, Warchief of the Horde. It was executed, without question and yet many stood behinf Sylvanas’ conquest until the tables turned and the rebellion started after Baine’s imprisonment. Its bitter pill, but how I see it, her decision painted whole Horde in bad picture.

Well the difference with Teldressil occasion and what you have named is a small one but still there. High Elves or Humans in this case fought for territorial dominantce, for survival. Yet none had an aim to completely target one race and exterminate them. With High Elves they settled in the foreign lands to build a kingdom, for their people. Never ever I read that war started in irder to target civilians and exetrminate Amani. TBH Elves or Humans wouldnt give two craps about Trolls if their kingdoms would prosper.
As for Teldressil, the war was won by Horde. But killing civilians was intentional in order to break Night Elven spirit.

Kaldorei empire did not force trolls to leave their land or being killed on sight. Trolls were made to serve the empire. Like a colony.

I wouldnt call forceful banishment of Highborne a genocide, since they made their way and today they rival in power to their kin.

Hell no, I would stand behind Sin Dorei genocide any day :vulcan_salute:

P.S. no other race except Forsaken had been introduced with a moto of genociding other races in game and seems its still the case.

I daresay it wasn’t, Not only was it attacked out of the blue with any capable ‘military personal’ away, according to the commanding officer it also had a significant civilian population, those things were specificly mentioned, I’argue that it was in essence just a tauren village.
Later on, in the Alliance quests regarding the matter, it even says it was attacked under false information.
Baine said it was a legit military target, sure, but we as Horde players, if you played Pre Cataclysm, know that it didn’t have class trainers, it had profession trainers and quests involved dealing with Quilboar and hostile wildlife - Ergo scouting and Hunter stuff.

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Yeah that Novel was BS and an unneeded retcon. If you know the quests the Alliance forces waited until all guards/hunters were absent. More reasons to make me hate Baine. He doesn’t care about his people.


Jaina floods mungol in an attempt to destroy sylvanas once and for all drowning countless innocence.
The horde and alliance chases her to kul’tiras raid the city and leave zero damage.
After the horde has killed her the horde give’s the barrens or eastern plague lands to the alliance.

Still jaina the insufferable.
Same senario as above.

I have to take your word for it.
The only forsaken pressence i remember:

Ner’zul was turned into the lich king.
As the scourge grew in size so did the power and intelengice of the lich king.
Blizzard making arthas the puppet of warcraft 3 tft defeating ner’zul was a big load of crap but even assuming it is true(just like that god awefull line about how the scourge we where beating down constantly was somehow a threat without the lich king) the lich king is more then they bodies it uses.
Bolvar has lost control.
That much is clear to see if you play the death knight campaign.
But the lich king is smart.
He wont turn the alliance and horde against him again.
Not when he can simply play the long game.
If blizzard was smart(and they arent) the lich king has been using the forsaken as puppets to weaken both.
And before you say free will is imporant to the forsaken:
The death knights where bound to his will yet had different personalities.
For the lich king making it seem like undead has free will is childs play.
Ofcourse knowing blizzard they wont go that route.

Sorry but what are you talking about.

Again what are you talking about.

So the gnomes have gnomergang back and kicked out that boss.
Fantastic when are they going to show it ingame?

Did they?
From what i can tell:
Kil’jeaden died.
Legion survived and is rebuilding.
Sargaras is temperory imprisioned by the titans.
I mean sargaras is like the lich king.
A future villian for when the subs run low again.
From my point of view:
The alliance and horde got a major victory by taking out a major legion world.
Not revenge.
The legion is still around.
There are still eradar cause trouble and saragas still lives.

She is alive.
She has valkyr.
She is mastering necromancy.
Greymane lost his son, his nation and is a worgen.
Sylvanas losing one possible way to gaining more lives isnt revenge.
It is an excuees for him not to kill her.

Val’kyr: Weak spirit woman who raise the undead.
Needed the lich king to be remotely effective.
Champion: Killer of kill’jeaden, the lich king, most of the iron horde, etc.
Val’kyr both lesser and greater are minnions of the lich king.
Sure they “work” for sylvanas now but they are barely worth mention on the power scale.
A power scale that makes the lich king seem weaker every expension pack.

So no killing a lich king minnion isnt remotely revenge for the destruction of 1 zone and the conquest of two others not to mention the insult of how easy the night elf loses.
The books dont count.

What you call revenge i call getting out of jail for free card.
None of the above are dead.
And those that are dead where mere minnions of the real target.

There is no revenge or justice in warcraft.
If there where so many would have been killed for the simple fact that letting them live would be a crime.