So no revenge for Night Elves, I guess

I’m not sure you understand what you are trying to argue here, you asked me for playable races who had ever gotten revenge, I gave you a list. You then decried it, I then pointed out that they were all playable races… Or did you just mean -Alliance- playable races?

How is that going to effect Sylvanas, she pretty famously is persona non grata in Thunder Bluff…

This makes no sense…

Ahhh, I think I see your angle…Yeah, no, we’re done with that sort of partisan nonsense.

Or in the eyes of many Alliance Fans, ‘St Jaina, She who can do no wrong!’

Or play through Howling Fjord, Grizzly Hills, Dragonblight, Icecrown, I mean they are all over the place. That’s like 4 zones heavily Forsaken dominated…

Who knows? When do we get an updated Silvermoon to show how it looks now? or an Updated Exodar to show how it looks now?

The Books do count. They absolutely do. they are canon lore.

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Your question was:

My proposal is to destroy both factions compleetly by the black empire.
That is the only way to save this crap lore now.

I pretty much want the horde to accauly lose a city to the alliance.
Have something they love compleetly destroyed.
Just so they know how it feels.
You could kill pretty much every alliance leader and you will find few people caring.
There brain dead anyway, Killing them is a mercy.

You ask for what i consider equal for the destruction of tharamor.
This is it.

It is pretty much the raid on ogrimar or dazalor from an alliance point of view.

Really as far i can tell only goldie still likes her.

Might have to make a horde charater.

Yet ogrimar was update what 3 times now.
Where it tooks years for them fix the gaint whole in stormwind.
Also didnt the darkspears reclaim there islands?

Sure it is canon.
Just as most orc’s sided with garrosh was canon.
Wait the reconned that.
Like the dreanei where horrible mishaped monsters of outland.
Wait the reconned that too.
Or how it was the demon blood that made orcs evil.
Wait we got an entire expention reconning that.

Yeah when it comes to canon blizzard doesnt have any.
They change it all the time.
Also if they cant be bother to put it in game they shoudnt even consider it canon.
Greedy good for nothing company.

Yeah right thrall saurfang sylvanas. all that blood elf plot development 2 addons dedicated to horde… totaly no love towards them

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Thrall was the only main horde character that ever got plot time dedicated to him. Saurfang was irrelevant until now. Sylvanas is written as evil bad guy to be killed off. Don’t know if we are playing the same game tbh.

She will more likely end up as a hero and the alliance including tyrande will fight by her side

A masterwork.

Don’t even joke abou that!

Well, if it’s just Tyrande and her useless smurfs who have to do it, so be it. We don’t need them in the Alliance anyway. Fewer mouths to feed!

Who need Kul’Tirans. You were only here for your fleet which is now broken.

The Alliance merely tolerates the Kul’Tirans now. They’d be better if they simply kicked them out. Nobody actually needs Kul’Tirans, since Stormwind’s fleet is far superior.

Look i know that daelinna is disilussional about the value humanity but the kul’tiras are as valueable ship builders, wannbie druids and meatsheild to trow against the horde.

The kul’tirans still have value.
Even as cannon fodder.
Beside i am sure they are able to build a new fleet faster then horde.

They are totally pathetic without their fleet. They have no use to the Alliance.

Just like how they dumped the Alliance, the Alliance should find common sense and dump them.

We arent the scourge 2.0
We dont abbandon our allies because they are no longer usefull.
Hail greymanne.

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Perhaps you should.

Factions have no place for the weak and useless.

Well at least you got one of my two names right this time.

I’m not delusional at all. Stormwind alone is stated to be the most powerful force in the Alliance, a statement you can find on this very website, the official one.

Your last point is funny. “Yes, let’s use the most powerful fleet in the world, a legendary fleet, as cannon fodder!”. Ha, no wonder the night elves have fallen so low.

Judging by the fact they can build one ship in one day, yes, they are able to build a new fleet faster than anyone else. But there is no need for it, since the bulk of the fleet is unscathed.

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So why are the nightborne in the horde then?

Because we got over our addiction and are now valuable assets to the Horde’s cause.

Sylvanas likes ancient knowledge and ancient knowledge is what we provide.
“Victory for Sylvanas!”

Hail Greymane!

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Don’t worry everyone will remain where he is as long as everyone have to accept the “alliance is family” treatment.

The reason the kul’tiras are beter allies then the zandalari.

Sure stormwind is the strongest alliance member.
That is why the night elves, worgen, dreanei and every race but human have to fight on every front.
Because humans cant be bothered to send there ow so great armies.

Are you sure the Night Warrior “empowerment” didn’t involve blindness?

Stormwind’s army was the backbone of the army that assaulted Lordaeron. It is the backbone of the army that rebuilt Stromgarde and is fighting to secure Arathi. It is assisting in the defense of Kul Tiras during the Horde incursions, and the 7th Legion, which is affiliated with Stormwind as it acts from there, is the main Alliance force in Kul Tiras. Stormwind forces also aided the Alliance in the Battle of Dazar’alor, and its fleet pursued the Horde to Nazjatar.

The draenei are doing nothing in this expansion. They didn’t bother using the Vindicaar so that Anduin’s army would have reached Kalimdor immediately (an army he sent as soon as he heard of the War of Thorns). The night elves are only waging a guerrilla warfare in Darkshore, which they seem to be winning with the massive aid of the gilneans. Probably because the idiotic Horde overextended its forces. A mistake that Anduin wisely did not make. A mistake that Tyrandumb would have made.

As for the worgen, many of them are humans anyway. I’m not actually sure what the worgen themselves are doing, since the gilneans forces in Darkshore are mostly humans.

Meh, if the night elves not get revenge but the Kul’Tw*ts get their fleet ruined, I’m alright with that.