So no revenge for Night Elves, I guess

Yeah i am pretty sure the debuff didnt cause blindness.

I seem to recall that stormwind was down to drafting farmers. It must be nice to be have an endless amount of replacement troops.
Wish we night elves got that luxery with being the main target of every attack on the alliance and all.

I compleetly agree stormwind being the strongest kingdom with it being the only one not in ruin.

Yes, Stormwind was down to drafting farmers. That doesn’t tell us a lot by itself, since for all we know it could have been the same for the other Alliance nations too, if not much worse. And again it doesn’t change the fact that they were fighting on multiple fronts and were once again the driving force behind the Alliance, drafting farmers or not.

Wish we night elves got that luxery with being the main target of every attack on the alliance and all.

The night elves get the luxury of growing crops in Stormwind. Clearly that is more than they deserve.

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Ow you dont know how lucky you are to have a population to train and equipe into soldiers.
Last i check gnomes, night elves, gillians, dreanei, are all refugee’s of survivors.
Aka low population to begin with.
The lightforged seem missing outside of a few token troops.
And the dwarves are 1 assasination away from a civil war.

Token force’s.
Lets go over the wars so far:
Night elves holding the line until stormwind could stop being lazy and attack the barrens.
Gillias destroyed and worgen fighting a gurrila war with minimal s7 support.
During warlords of dreanor the majority of the alliance force’s where local population.
Same with mist of pandari.
During legion the only stormwind present was greymene hunting sylvanas.
The rest was all locals, dalaran or night elves.
Argus was dreanei for the most part.

I compleet agree that stormwind is the only remaining nation with an standing army.
Given the rest are dont have the population numbers left to trow lives away.
Something andiun seem to love doing.

Lightforged are made from common Draenei. T’paartos had his childhood in Draenor.

Debatable. Otherwise we could argue that 1 assassination would be enough for a alliance civil war aswell (don’t have to be Moira).

Your point?

From my understand of the situation the dwarves are sitting on a powered keg.
Assinate the right dwarf, speak the right lies and we have all 3 clans at war.
Nobody seem to like moira.

I think an alliance civl war would be harder to pull off but possible.
Andiun, greymane, velen, gnomeking, and tyrannde and goat-deer-bear-guy all get along.
I dont know who you could assasinte to start an alliance civil war.

They’re not really missed and that you saw many units of them in Drustvar and in the Horde campaign.

I think that Tyrande or Malfurion would be enough for a escalation. And Dwarfs seems to be on Moiras side since they don’t joined this idiot which wanted to resurrect Ragnaros.

No. “Driving force”, which is literally stated on the official website.

Night elves holding the line until stormwind could stop being lazy and attack the barrens.

Ah yes, of course. Stormwind didn’t attack the Barrens sooner because it was lazy. Not because the Barrens are located literally on the other side of the ocean.

Gillias destroyed and worgen fighting a gurrila war with minimal s7 support.

Considering how the Cataclysm ruined Gilneas’ shoreline, making it very difficult to reach it by sea, and that the only way by land was through Forsaken territory, what were you expecting, exactly?

During warlords of dreanor the majority of the alliance force’s where local population.

Except it’s not. The bulk of the Alliance forces in the Garrison and its outposts as well as in Ashran are Stormwind troops.

Same with mist of pandari.

False again. The bulk of the army fighting in 5.1 and 5.3/5.4 was from Stormwind, as well as in the original intro where it is a Stormwind gunship that first reaches Pandaria.

During legion the only stormwind present was greymene hunting sylvanas.

And obviously the 7th Legion army that was hunting both Sylvanas and fighting those who sought to stop them from reaching the Aegis. Without forgetting about Anduin himself who did visit the Broken Shore once in 7.2. And it’s not like the premise of Legion is that the two factions are unable to deal with the enemy, hence why the class order halls are doing most of the work…

Something andiun seem to love doing.

If that was something he AND HIS ADVISORS loved doing, he would have just helped Tyrandumb in Darkshore.

I think that Tyrande or Malfurion would be enough for a escalation.

Just Tyrande, Malfurion has never shown any disappointment towards Anduin’s strategy. And you do realize that the night elves are basically hostages in Stormwind? That “civil war” would be over before it even began. Anduin wouldn’t even have to fight, he could just blackmail Tyrande back into submission ala “Hush, Tyrande”.


I still see some more potential with Gilneas and his gilnean advisor. Who says that they couldn’t settle somewhere else. Val’sharah seens to have much empty land which could be settled.

Dont know about the horde campaign but i dont recall seeming them in dustvar.
I saw kul’tirans and witch’s.
For that mather i dont remember any alliance race there.

I doubt either the death of tyrande or malfurion would lead to a civil war.
Even if they manage to convince them it was the humans fault some how the horde is still a bigger threat.
Revenge on the humans would have to wait until the horde was dead.

And yet in game they are little more then back up for the others race’s.

How else would you call the lackcluster force they send.
No tanks, no mage’s, very few soldiers ow and the horde was kicking there behind until the alliance player save them.
Really they where a usefull distraction and nothing more.

I dont know.
Meaby a few dozen tanks?
A larger army?
Meaby varian himself.
You know.
An accauly army and not some horrible at there job spies.

Yeah they spend alot of time hanging out in the base.
Meanwhile the local dreanei where waging most of the war.

Are we playing the same game?
I saw local fish people dieing for the alliance.
I saw humans helping the horde kill there warchief.
And i saw 1 human commander in pandaria.

Who are his advisors and why arent they fired yet?

While the alliance doesnt have the same level of plot armor as the horde i do agree that blizzard will never allow stormwind to be destroyed by the night elves.
The horde yes but not the night elves.
Beside a civil war with the alliance would be pointless at this time.
Aslong the horde live the alliance needs eatchother.
Or atleast that is what we are told.

Did you ever played the assaults there? Arom’s stand and the place around turns into a lightforged defend base.

Do you know what? I doubt that it would be the case with Dwarves either. They’re maybe not the best buddies but they accept each other. Let’s nit forget that Moira isn’t just the leader of the dark iron, no, she’s a Bronzebard aswell. Maybe DT II will take over the leadership.

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There assaults there?

I dont think civil war would start easly but lets say that sylvanas has several dwarves who are in moira way assisinated and leave evidence it was her doing.
What do you think will happen?
Assuming they dont find out it is the horde.
Unless i have been misinformed her possition in dwarven sociaty is depended on the council of the 3 hammers cooperation.
If she was suspected of having them killed…

Also wasnt there something about dwarves not sending forces as it would leave them unprepeared shoud one of the either clans take advantage of the situation?
Doesnt sound like people who trust eatchother.

Yeah, who could be responsible for this. Her own uncle or the bro of her uncle :thinking:

Where can I read it and how can it work if 2 clans are actually befriended with each other. Btw. I saw that you like to write her much. Do you have interest to join the american story forum discord?

She woudnt be the first royal to have her family killed off.

I dont know i read it somewhere on the forum some time ago.
I must have been miss informed.

Not really.
I just think moira is one of the few alliance leaders who has the courage to attack hurt people.


How many threads did you opened in this the last month?

No clue.

Because I assumed it by noticing the threads from the last month.

I am mostly just venting my frustration at blizzard defanging of the alliance.
Only reason i even know moira name is because i read she is the only alliance leader left with her claws intact.

From memory(and feel free to correct me as this is all third hand information)
She took control of ironforge, got the dark iron, windhammer and bronzebeard dwarves united again and is currently acting regent of two dwarven clan until her son grows up.
She did more in a single short story then most of the alliance leaders achieved in several expension packs.
You gotta admire skill like that.

I don’t know much about her, just that she was close to be killed by Varian and that they needed a council to acceot Dark Iron Dwarves in their society cause the Wildhammers and Bronzebarts were allied already (mostly against the Dark Iron Dwarves in war but it seems that it became a friendship after all these years).

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Yeah there were no garosh at all. Sylvanas is a bad guy? well atleast some development…yes i am looking at you mechatorque.Irrelevant or not he got 3 CGI cinematics for 1 expansion, something that blizz always were best at doing it.

Fewer mouths to feed and it’s coming from kultiran…that’s rich