So no revenge for Night Elves, I guess

Once sylvanas is gone we will have a third leader less race sinking into a loop cause nobody represents them. Which means blizzard forgets about you. Because this plot is character driven. Orcs and normal trolls already suffered from that fate. Forsaken will too be forgotten.

Blizz already promised to chineese players that she is not going anywhere anytime soon

You want to switch? Make tyrande evil and let her die in a raid fight or cutscene then. I doubt you would like that.

i am going to point on mechatoque now. All these years he was waiting to be taken like one of the bosses

He will come back. There is no way the frozen status remains forever. Props connected to the mechagnomes recruitment later.

He realy reminds me of one dude from warhammer.

Your first problem is posting on a Tauren as a nelf Alliance sympathiser lol

But jokes aside, the Devs didnt say the story is over forever, they said its over for BFA , meaning u can expect update on that after 9.0.

So as the wonderful gentleman correctly put it

So the fact that you are still complaining implies u really miss both above points

first sylvanas has to pay for her crimes since she is already evil. She is worse than Gul’dan. Gul’dan commited crimes but he had somewhat of a reason for them (no good reason but a reason). Sylvanas just does it for the sake of being evil.

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I’ll sacrifice Tyramdumb if it means I get to see Thunder Bluff and SIlvermoon burn.

You adopt three orphan Nelf children, then maybe we won’t burn sw, how about that?

You wouldn’t be able to burn Stormwind anyway.

The 7th Legion is comprised of many races of the Alliance they are not only humans.

Nice head canon, care to site any proof?

Are you sure that your diet is not impairing your judgement?
You need to be reminded that in the previous expansion the humans did nothing, when an existential crisis hits, they take a back seat because they are incapable of handling it. It was the Draenei’s sacrifices that allowed us to be victorious over the Legion. Enjoy the spotlight this expansion while it lasts, you have no fleet,no cavalry, your lands are in turmoil, and you need a lot of food
remind me why are we keeping you in the Alliance?

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I sacrifice all alliance leaders for this.
Really killing them would be a mercy kill.
Meaby then we accauly get leaders who want to fight the horde instead of saving it.
No burning no sacrific tho.
You arent getting them for free.

No, we meed more Anduin and Jaina cause the alliance is famiky and stay together against all mad dictators which the horde have to offer.

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Yes. And the leader of it, Wyrmbane, either acts from Stormwind or from his Stormwind vessel in Boralus.

Nice head canon, care to site any proof?

Considering how the warfront in Darkshore was canonically won by the Alliance after it changed weekly from Horde to Alliance, and that the night elves usually resort to guerrilla warfare (as is literally shown in the loading screen of that warfront), you can easily put two and two together and understand how the situation went down.

You need to be reminded that in the previous expansion the humans did nothing, when an existential crisis hits, they take a back seat because they are incapable of handling it.

False. In TBC the troops protecting the Dark Portal from the Legion were coming from Stormwind. In WotLK it is specifically mentioned how King Varian Wrynn of Stormwind led the Alliance to victory against the Lich King. In Cataclysm it was a Stormwind vessel that pursued Deathwing to the Maelstrom. In MoP Stormwind formed the bulk of the army that attacked Orgrimmar, with Varian being in charge of the Alliance army besieging it. In WoD Stormwind troops had the most presence out of any other race (except the AU draenei, perhaps) in Ashran, the garrison, and its outposts, as well as in Tanaan against Gul’dan. In Legion Stormwind formed the bulk of the army that first invaded the Broken Shore, hence why later on they did not do much besides Anduin visiting the Broken Shore in 7.2. In BfA it can be reasonably inferred that Stormwind will once more play a pivotal role in defeating whoever the next big bad guy is (spoilers: It’s N’Zoth).

you have no fleet,no cavalry, your lands are in turmoil, and you need a lot of food
remind me why are we keeping you in the Alliance?

We still have the bulk of the Kul Tiran fleet, comprised of ships that can be built relatively fast by a single person. We have our lands intact. Last time I checked it was Teldrassil that was burning and Darkshore that was ravaged by war, not Stormwind or Kul Tiras. We do not have cavalry because
 Let me play your game: Show me the source. We need a lot of food just like every living race because, spoilers, every living race needs a lot of food to sustain themselves. You are keeping us in the Alliance because you have no power whatsoever to send us away from the Alliance, seeing how Anduin is High King and has the support of the people and the allied leaders and Tyrandumb is alone.

I just LOVE the irony of night elf fanboys. Humans are everywhere, they vastly overshadow any other Alliance race
 but at the same time humans have never helped fight any major threat and always remained in the sidelines letting their allies fight the wars for them?


I am now convinced you are smoking something man or you have no damn idea of Lore.

Sylvannas was a renowned Ranger General who died defending her city, watched them all die, and was raised and forced to kill her own.

Guldan was just bullied abit by the big kids and he sought to destroy everything.

And in your mind he had more of a reason lol. Do they bully you at school too? Awww

Glad to see things haven’t changed with the waifu squad lol


? She didn’t kill her own, she had to watch them die as a banshee, but when she got her body back she shought revenge against arthas

He was kicked out of his clan because of his disabilities and after the elements abandoned him, the only choice he had left was either the legion or dying.

Uh well Sylvanas went from a rather reasonable character to doing evil things for no reason

and that’s just a yikes


Crossing a line here, for no reason at all. This is distasteful.


Now I know it is hard to keep your infatuation with Sylvanas from influencing your headcanon, but

The reasons you gave were strictly personal and subjective. What would her reasons for Teldrassil be, for example?