So... We are the good guys in SL

https: // i.imgur. com /YokHXGi.png

If someone has image posting privileges, it would be welcome. There are spaces in between them.

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”Dark iron dwarf rogue. A true hero, fighting for Azeroths good and loves helping others.”

Thats kind of how the new intros are:P

Backstabs a void elf

use `` to post links without messing them up. Like

Where the link goes between the marks.

I’m all for the removal of the faction conflict as a gameplay element… But this is just as stupid way at doing it.

But at least not all the writing seems bad. They have managed to make some fun hints in regards to a certain faction that has been decimated multiple times by now.

You will have to take that from Steve Danuser cold hands.
The guy is very “passionate” about Sylvanas.


So it seems we are dieing for the 1000th time ?
But this time is for real … Right :smirk:

Back to topic, remember this ?

We are what the writter’s tells us we are.


To be honest, I do wonder. Usually there’s a shred of truth in the rantings of mad men and one thing I still don’t know for sure, have we ever uncovered the three lies that the Boy King will offer us, with 100% certainty?

Inb4 he’s the bastard of Arthas. For the lulz.

Lmao, at the rate the writing is going it wouldn’t surprise me anymore. That’s been speculated for quite some time actually.

It mean nothing, it would be retconned.

Following the story seems pointless now. Whatever fact the original writers made is getting retconned over and over and it is no longer funny. What a full circus we have now.

Sylvanas shouting for the horde, retconned into something else without any prelouges.

Jaina shouting beware of me and raids Zandalar just to have funny friendship with the horde again.

Old gods unkillable lore for sooo many years, 8.3: Lazer time pew pew pew.

The lore is joke, the writers are clueless and they just dump whatever they read in reddit with most +1.

I would suggest them to not spoil the Story, there has been so many events in Azeroth that was not covered in game but covered in novels/chronicles… etc

Just take some of those and make an expansion. It is better than paying those bad horrible writers.

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Leave it to Activision to Disney-fy the lore. Just like how they forced Jaina to be covered up. Gotta make it PG.


This is why the game blows. It’s as simple as that. The list of games ruined by them is a long one; Bloodlines instantly springs to mind. Blizzard signed their own death warrant when they jumped into bed with those leeches.

Well it’s not like the devs see this as a roleplaying game anymore. They don’t want us to write the story of our characters, they’ve already written the story for us.

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Careful now don’t insult Activision or Popgligor will be offended and shout no it is Blizzard job and tells you to quit the game.

Back to topic: As I just now saw in reddit, the character creation screen text also turned into something less creative as usual.


I really, really couldn’t give a damn. If they ban me for telling the truth, so be it. I don’t bother much with these forums anyway, so bring it. I’m sure after 0.1 seconds I’ll have gotten over it. :yawning_face:

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A fancy new name for them could be Greedyvision. It would fit the entire picture to be honest.

And yea, they’ve ruined about every franchise they got their hands on, including this one. At this point I’m willing to say they’ve become worse than EA which is… quite the achievement in a negative way.

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That makes no sense though. If the story in the game is bad it doesn’t make me want to go and search out the books for more of the same. Now however if the story in the game is good then I will go out and spend more money on buying the spin-off books.

Money as a reason for poor writing in game makes very little sense.

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How do you pay authors with sylvanas fetishes to completely assassinate a character and replace him with a self-insert?

Write books to pay their fee and line your own pockets.

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yes, if you made a character of a race specifically to play as a bad guy, and all of a sudden blizz makes your race into carebears, ignoring what happened up to 5 minute earlier.

btw i may be wrong but i think they changed it already, probably some intern wanted to play a prank on his last day of contract.

One of the things that I hate about BFA is:
If you haven’t read a “Good War”, you don’t understand why Sylvanas is attacking the Night Elves.

In my opinion that should had been in the game since the start, like a cinematic for example.

I remember this cinematic from MoP:

Here the cinematic explains why the Horde player is going to Pandaria with General Nazgrim.
Couldn’t they made a similar thing for the meeting Sylvanas had with Saurfang ?

Sadly true.

They forget how different the Horde races are and that not everyone likes the same thing.



Deal with it… your robot rear-end is toast, Mechaboi

And it has been announced on Twitter that the text is merely a placeholder(!) and that it won’t make it into the final cut.