So what exactly is going on with Lordaeron?

It’ll be, against the botani, since they work like a hive mind.

“For tens of thousands of years the botani have clashed against the mightiest forces of the world.
The botani have long cultured unique plantlife in their irrigated ponds or tree dwellings, but far more terrifying is their ability to cultivate flora within a living host.
Unwary natives are captured and seeded in an agonizing process that alters their physical makeup and takes complete control over their bodies, turning them into mindless walking saplings.”

“notorious for their ability to infest humanoid races, turning them into shambling slaves.”

I would love for the Forsaken to get Alterac City as a new capital (updated and all), from where they can exert their influence and project their power over Lordaeron.

The Alliance can keep Gilneas, Stromgarde and Aerie Peak, which are slightly cut off from the rest of Lordaeron by either walls or mountains.

The Alliance presence in Southshore, Shadowfang Keep and Fenris Keep could be threatened by the Forsaken military, with the Forsaken surrounding those places with their military but not shooting at them (because of the treaty).

I mean just because Calia Menethil is going to be Queen of Lordaeron, doesn’t mean she would approve of an aggresive Alliance siezing lands of her undead subjects, which is what Turelyon wants, basicly.

They could spin it in such a way that Lord-Commander Turelyon and King Genn Greymane claim they are just recapturing previously lost Alliance/Gilnean/Lordaeron lands. (Especially since the remnants of the Kingdom of Lordaeron located in Hillsbrad Foothills were members of the Grand Alliance until the Forsaken wiped them out during the Blood War).

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Also, do not forget that the orcs were literally created to cause deserfication to oppose the Botani’s presence.

If you allow an orc infestation to run rampant, the only natural outcome is a desert. (We can blame the Titans for that, creating the Breakers).

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World of Warcraft

The Cold War.

Nothing too special.

The Dark Lady's Concern:

The botani in the Everbloom Wilds kill anything foolish enough to wander too close to their blooms and are raising their corpses as mindless soldiers.
This is all too reminiscent of the Scourge… and the Dark Lady has taken notice. She has a special mission for us, commander.
There is a particularly large infested creature that was recently raised. We are to destroy it and retrieve its remains.
I assure you, commander, the Dark Lady has the Horde’s best interests at heart. We must stop these botani immediately.

Not sure about it so far. In Legion she renounced her leadership position. In the pre-BfA book her position is the same. After BfA 8.2.5 quest during blizzcon blizz claimed she won’t. In the Shadowlands pre-patch she declined the idea again. The only change is her having now the opinion “I’ll lead those who would want to follow”.

If she would be a full-time autocrat, with unrestricted control, she would likely demand creating a place where both the undead and the living could stay together.

Calia Menethil:
I thought to be a bridge between the living and the undead. My first attempt ended in sorrow. But I have not given up hope, Lady Sanguinar.

gl hf

Ooooh I quite like this idea. Trying to be detached of players’ emotion and nostalgia, and think in terms of in game politics.

I’m sure by the end of this expansion we’ll either defeat / incapacitate the Jailer somehow, this will definitely have an impact on our world too. Maybe the roaming undead all over the plaguelands will be weakened, a great opportunity for Stratholme to be re-occupied by a faction. Makes sense for the new forsaken, by leaving behind their love of Sylvanas, they’ll forge a new identity by also settling in a new city. The proximity to Silvermoon is a fantastic tactical advantage (hey maybe they’ll finally remove the separate phasing this part of the map has and “connect” it to the rest of the eastern Kingdoms)

Meanwhile down south, Turalyon is sitting on the throne of Stormwind, a much more fanatic and zealous leader. He’s not sitting idle while we’re jamming in the Shadowlands. Turalyon and Genn “SYLVAAAANAAAAS” Greymane will turn their gaze north, maybe reclaim Gilneas? Or perhaps go straight for Capitol City, either way they’re going to put some pressure. On a side note, something is telling me that the next events in this expansion will affect Anduin in a way that will make him come to clash with Turalyon when he’s back (ideologically, spiritually, politically).

Tirisfal Glades could become a tense and contested area. Either way we know that blizzard will do a “symmetrical” move between the factions. If the Horde gets a city back, so does the Alliance and vice versa.

I don’t think Anduin will be same when he comes back - leave alone being in position if King of Stormwind. I think he is being set up for something … more.

I don’t know how much they are following the “future Anduin comic” theme but there will be something similar happening.

I was thinking Stratholme. I imagine they could make something quite nice of that and it’d still be in Lordaeron, which is what most of the Forsaken numbers are from.

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So you want to say that the argent dawn fought for nothing all these years but to give forsaken a new home?

I don’t really mind, tbh. I’m not too invested in the choice of capital for the Forsaken. But I imagine the Argent Dawn probably won’t have a huge problem with it.

Isn’t that the same circumstance regarding the Horde fighting for Mount Hyjal?

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You mean they wouldn’t have a huge problem after working since classic to clean the area?

I think Argent Dawn is independent from the Cenarion Circle aswellpy

Not sure if I understand the retort here.

Point is, that the Horde and the Cenarion Circle had several of its collectives fighting for and defending Mount Hyjal, just for Night elves to currently take it for themselves and take up residence in it.

I ask again, isn’t that the exact same circumstance that would happen with the Argents and Stratholme? Their main hub is Hearthglen.

Well, I’m quite sure that Sylvanas isn’t the leader of the Argent Dawn. I’m also quite sure that forsaken weren’t even allowed to join this organization and that Sylvanas even kidnapped one of their members just to let Nathanos look good. No, I don’t think that it are exactly the same circumstances.

I’d be ok with the scarlet Enclave.
Just fix the place, and call it the Forsaken enclave.
If they mend Epl, like they mended Wpl.

Or Stratholme, fix that and make it a port city with an actual harbor.
In any case, they need to cleanse Epl, regardless.

Because the Perpetual mustrad gas tint, in that zone, needs removing asap.

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I’m not 100% sure about the Argent Dawn, but the forsaken can at least join the Argent Crusade.

Oh yeah, that could work, too.

Why would this be relevant?

There are several Horde segments that aren’t part of the Cenarion Circle, and still fought to preserve Hyjal. Repeatedly.
And still, they are accepting the NE claim over said land.

With the Argents it would happen exactly the same.
They don’t mind the Undead all that much given they have the likes of Leonid Bartholomew amongst their ranks.

Do not see the issue. Nor the difference with the Horde faction giving up on Hyjal in order to allow NEs to have a home.

Ps: the short story points at Nathanos cousin being a rogue agent that tilted more towards the Scarlet mindset. He was hunting undead and Forsaken at a time when even the Argents acknowledged the nuance that differentiates Scourge Undead from the rest.

Only rebuttal I can find is that Mount Hyjal has always had strong connection with Night Elves and in WoW it became more of a Druidic hub, where all races were welcome who accepted who practiced the nature - Night Elves were the hosts.

Each time it has fallen under threat help came from the fact of imminent threat and not anything else in particular - even stretching as far as Firelands invasion was solely handled by druids only. The land doesnt even have Horde presence as such.

As of AD having their crusade against undead in the zone to reclaim the land their frustration handing over the reings from one to another might be justified.

But I do think the location is just too good to be ignored.

Leonid Bartholomew don’t represent the forsaken as group. Heck, he didn’t even worked for Sylvanas!

Well I can’t remember that Night Elves ever forsake the zone and let’s not forget that the help was required to kill the same enemy, Ragnaros. Anyway the AD fought several years to reclaim a zone from the scourge and I’m sure that they would dislike to lose it to a race with a quite similar track record as the scourge, except when they’re ready to fully embrace Calia Menethil.

Hamuul addressed the tree as “theirs”. Two thirds of the forces that defended the land back in the Third War, were either humans or Orcs.
Thrall was pivotal in defending said land back in Cataclysm.

From a purely “fought for it” angle, the Horde has fought and died for said land nearly as much as the Night elves.

But he is still undead. And accepted amongst their ranks.
Which is enough to dispel any notion about prejudices against the undead if they were to try and claim said land.

Also, given the Forsaken origins, many would probably be simply returning to their former homes.

Neither did the Forsaken with the Plaguelands.

And I would’ve doubted the Horde giving up on a land they had fought for, one that contained the true World Tree, and give it to a race that had abused nature a few years prior to selfishly grant themselves immortality while also having it backfire to the point it allowed a giant gateway for a Nightmare apocalypse.

And yet, they’ve retreated from it.

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